File 6 Vocabulary Flashcards
is a subfield of linguistics that studies linguistic meaning and how expressions convey meanings.
Mental representations of their meaning.
Proper names present the simplest case.
a meaning relationship between words where the reference of some word X is included in the reference of some other word Y. X is then said to be a hyponym of Y, and conversely, Y is said to be a hypernym of X.
A meaning relationship between words where their reference is exactly the same. For example, couch and sofa are synonyms.
a meaning relationship between words where their meanings are in some sense opposite.
words that are antonyms and denote opposite ends of a scale. AKA gradable pairs and as scalar antonyms.
The sense expressed by a sentence. Characteristically, propositions can be true or false. Have truth values.
truth value
either true or false. The reference of a sentence.
Principle of compositionality
the notion that the meaning of a phrasal expression is predictable from the meanings of the expressions it contains and how they were syntactically combined.
the meaning of a phrasal expression that is predictable from the meanings of smaller expression it contains and how they are syntactically combined.
a multi-word lexical expression whose meaning is not compositional.
Intersective adjectives
an adjective whose reference is determined independently from the reference of the noun that it modifies.
Relative intersection
types of relationship between adjective and noun reference where the reference of the adjective is determined relative to the noun reference.
Subsective adjectives
an adjective whose reference is included in the set of things that the noun it modifies refers to.