File 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
The study of the minimal units of language.
Articulatory phonetics
Subfield of phonetics concerned with the production of speech sounds.
Acoustic phonetics
Subfield of phonetics that is concerned with the physical characteristics of the sounds of speech.
Auditory phonetics
Subfield of phonetics concerned with the perception of speech sounds.
Impressionistic phonetic transcription
A method of writing down speech sounds with the intent of capturing how they are pronounced.
Speech sounds produced with a constriction somewhere in the vocal tract that impedes airflow.
The space between the vocal folds.
Vowel space
Range of possible vowel sounds of a language from the high front vowel to the high back vowel.
The small fleshy mass that hangs down at the back of the throat; used to produce uvular consonants.
The part of the oral tract above the larynx but behind the uvula. (throat)
The individual units of the speech stream; segments can be further subdivided into consonants and vowels.
A phonetic characteristic of speech sounds, such as length, intonation, tone, or stress, that “rides on top of” segmental features.
A property of syllables; a stressed syllable is more prominent than an unstressed one, due to having greater loudness, longer duration, different pitch, or full vowels.
Resonant frequency that amplifies some groups of harmonics above others; appears as a dark band on a spectrogram.
A puff of air that follows the release of a consonant when there is delay in the onset of voicing.