File 3 - Dependent prepositions Flashcards
tenerle miedo a
afraid of
adj + prep
/əˈfreɪd ɒv/
I’m afraid of spiders.
enfadado con, enojado con
angry with
adj + prep
/ˈæŋɡri wɪð/
Are you still angry with me?
pedirle disculpas a, disculparse con
apologize to
verb + prep
/əˈpɒlədʒaɪz tu/
You should apologize to your sister for breaking her hairdryer.
discutir con
argue with
verb + prep
/ˈɑːɡjuː wɪð/
I always argue with my parents about when I have to be home at night.
llegar a (lugar)
arrive at
verb + prep
/əˈraɪv æt/
We arrive at Heathrow at 10.30 a.m.
llegar a (ciudad)
arrive in
verb + prep
/əˈraɪv ɪn/
What time do you arrive in London?
ask for
verb + prep
/ɑːsk fɔː/
I want to ask for some help with my homework.
pertenecer a
belong to
verb + prep
/bɪˈlɒŋ tu/
Who does this jacket belong to?
escoger entre
choose between
verb + prep
/tʃuːz bɪˈtwiːn/
You have to choose between these two dresses.
cerca de
close to
adj + prep
/kləʊs tu/
I’m very close to my mum and we speak on the phone every day.
depender de
depend on
verb + prep
/dɪˈpend ɒn/
I might go to university next year – it will depend on my exam results.
diferente de
different from
adj + prep
/ˈdɪfrənt frɒm/
This house is very different from your last one.
soñar con
dream about
verb + prep
/driːm əˈbaʊt/
Do you often dream about work?
entusiasmado con
excited about
adj + prep
/ɪkˈsaɪtɪd əˈbaʊt/
Are you excited about your holiday?
famoso por
famous for
adj + prep
/ˈfeɪməs fɔː/
What’s your hometown famous for?
harto de
fed up of
adj + prep
/fed ʌp ɒv/
I’m fed up of tidying away your clothes all the time.
aficionado a
fond of
adj + prep
/fɒnd ɒv/
I’m really fond of my niece – she’s so sweet.
asustado de
frightened of
adj + prep
/ˈfraɪtnd ɒv/
Are you frightened of heights?
bueno en
good at
adj + prep
/ɡʊd æt/
I’m really good at maths but I’m useless at history.
bueno para
good for
adj + prep
/ɡʊd fɔː/
Doing some exercise every day is good for you.
interesado en
interested in
adj + prep
/ˈɪntrəstɪd ɪn/
I’m really interested in history.
aficionado a
keen on
adj + prep
/kiːn ɒn/
I’m keen on football so I watch it most weekends.
condescendiente con, amable con
kind to
adj + prep
/kaɪnd tu/
Please be kind to your little brother.
reirse de
laugh at
verb + prep
/lɑːf æt/
Don’t laugh at me when I’m talking.
anhelar, ansiar, tener muchas ganas de, estar deseando
look forward to
verb + prep
/lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tu/
I look forward to seeing you next week.
casado con
married to
verb + prep
/ˈmærid tu/
How long have you been married to your wife?
pay for
verb + prep
/peɪ fɔː/
How much did you pay for that car?
contento con, satisfecho con
pleased about
adj + prep
/pliːzd əˈbaʊt/
Are you pleased about the new tax system?
orgulloso de
proud of
adj + prep
/praʊd ɒv/
I’m really proud of my nephew as he’s now a doctor.
recordarme que
remind me to
verb + prep
/rɪˈmaɪnd mi tu/
Can you remind me to call your grandma tomorrow?
maleducado con
rude to
verb + prep
/ruːd tu/
Don’t be rude to your father!
asustado de
scared of
adj + prep
/skeəd ɒv/
I’m scared of the dark.
gastar dinero en
spend money on
verb + prep
/spend ˈmʌni ɒn/
I like to spend money on good quality food.
cansado de
tired of
adj + prep
/ˈtaɪəd ɒv/
I’m tired of working – I need to have a rest.
preocupado por
worried about
adj + prep
/ˈwʌrid əˈbaʊt/
I’m worried about Jody – she seems really depressed.
mejor en
better at
adj + prep
/ˈbɛtə(r) ˈæt/