Fighting Disease Flashcards
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Keyword</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Definition</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Infection</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>When the pathogen or bacteria enters the body.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Pathogen</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Are microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Viruses</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Viruses are many times smaller than bacteria. A virus gets inside a cell once there it makes copies.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Antibodies</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Destroy the pathogens by englufing them.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Antitoxins</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Counteract the toxins from the Pathogen</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>White blood cells</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Engulf pathogens. Produce antibodies to destroy pathogens. Produce antitoxins to counteract the toxins from the pathogen.</p>
<p>Bacteria are microscopic organisms. They come in many shapes and sizes. Bacteria multiply rapidly. Once in the body they release toxins.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Immunity</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Once pathogens enter the bodythe immune system destroys them. Then the body becomes immune.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Antigens</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Are the viruses which flow in the bloodstream.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>Conusumption</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>The pathogens consume the pathogens.</p>
<p>Naturally Immune</p>
<p>When a person is already immune to the virus and wont get ill.</p>