Fighting Disease 19th/20th Cen Flashcards
1800’s Main Beliefs of Disease
Supernatural- unpopular
Microscopes- Developed
18th Cen- Small Pox- Common/Lethal
Inoculation- Prevented
England- Lady Mary Wortly Montague- Turkey
Pus- Scab= Immunity (No Expla)
Edward Jenner- Vaccination
EJ- Vaccination= Safer Doc- Gloucestershire Dairy Maids caught CP= Immune to SP Royal Society= Experiment= Connection James Phillip injected with SP+CP= Survived
EJ Impact
Methods- Successful–> Affected peoples Lives
1798- Published
1802- 30K
1807- Money
1857- Compulsory
Significant- Injecting one disease prevent another
EJ Debate
Doctors Inoculated- Lost Business Not Respected- No Evidence -Royal Soc- Not Publish Religious- Animal disease Not Gov Role
57- Pasteur (France)- Wine Processors- Alcohol= Sour Microscope-Germs- Sour (Milk & Beer) Pasteurization- Killed Germs (Heat) Germs caused problems- Link 61- Published 64-Proved
Studied/Read Pasteur work 72- Dye- Identify Germ Identified Germs for 72- Anthrax 82- Tuberculosis 83- Cholera
Developments in Drug/Vaccine
Past- Accidental Experiment- Chicken Cholera Kochs Method- Injected Chickens- Died Germs- Exposed to air Chickens Survived 81- Anthrax Vaccine 82- Human Rabies
Koch & Erlich- Magic Bullets
Magic Bullet- Killed Germs
1909- Paul Ehlrich- Chemical Compound- killed Germs
1911- Magic Bullets
Gerhard Domagk- Blood Poisoning
Stage 1
1928- Treatment of Infection
Holiday- Penicillin grew- Mold Killed Germs
Antideptic+ Wrote Findings
Stage 2
Howard Florey + Ernst Chain
Mold- Antibiotic
Worked on AMIMALS + HUMAN Trail
Stage 3
Mass Produced
1942- Fleming + Meningitis
Hospitals 1800/1900
1800: Die
Cramped/No Air
Nurses- Not Trained
Few Toilets
1900- Floerance Nightingale
Methods Across UK
Floerance + Seacole
Improved Hospital Care
Seacole- Prejudice
Mary Seacole 1805-1881
Background- Kingston, Jamaica. Dad- Scottish. Mother- Free Slave—> Boarding House
Trained- Mother
Experience- 1850 Cholera, Kingston
Mary Seacole P2
Ended up In Crimea- Cholera, London, Refused, Traveled
What She Did - British Hotel/ Treated on Field
Returned: Bankrupt/ The Times & Punch- Raised
Other- Treated gun shot wounds. Autopsy- Panama
Floerance Nightingale 1820- 1910
Background- Rich Family–> Opposed Nursing
Trained- Germany
Experience: Superintendent
Ended Up: The Times
Floerance Nightingale P2
What she did- Docs Opposed–> Clean (Scuatri)
Death Rates- Decreased
Returned: Notes on Nursing. St Thom Hos- School
Order of Merit- 1907
Other: Accept Miasma, Not Germ Theory
Battle Against Infectious/Non Infectious
20th Cen- Non Infc- Killers
Lifestyle- Cause
Early Diagnosis
Palliative Care