Field Techniques Flashcards
State some examples of hazards in fieldwork.
- adverse weather conditions
- difficult terrain
- problems associated with isolation
- contact with harmful organisms
What is risk?
Risk is the likelihood of harm arising from exposure to a hazard.
State some control measures involved in fieldwork.
- appropriate equipment
- appropriate clothing and footwear
- means of communication
What must sampling be?
- appropriate for species being sampled
- done in a manner that minimises impact on wild species and habitats
State four sampling techniques.
- point count
- transect
- remote detection
- scat smapling
What is a point count?
A point count involves the observer recording all individuals seen from a fixed point count location.
When are quadrats or transects used?
When sampling sessile or slow-moving organisms.
When are capture techniques such as traps and nets used?
For mobile species
What can be used to sample elusive species?
Camera traps or scat sampling.
State some of the resources that can be used in the identification of organisms.
- classification guides
- biological keys
- analysis of DNA or proteins
What two things can organisms be classified by?
Taxonomy and phylogenetics.
What is meant by taxonomy?
Taxonomy involves the identification and naming of organisms and their classification into groups based on shared characteristics. Classic taxonomy classification is based on morphology.
Explain what is meant by phylogenetics.
Phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary history and relationships amoung individuals or groups of organisms. Phylogenetics uses heritable traits such as morphology, DNA sequences and protein structure to make interferences about an organism’s evolutionary history and create a phylogeny or phylogenetic tree.
What are nematodes?
Round worms which are very diverse and many are parasitic.
What are Arthropods?
Jointed legged invertebrates with segmented bodies and typically with paired appendages.
What are chordates?
Sea squirts and invertebrates.
What are model organisms?
Organisms that are either easily studied or have been well studied.
What does the presence, absence or abundance of indicator species provide information about?
Environmental qualities, such as the presence of a pollutant.
What technique is used to estimate population size and what is the formula for it?
Mark and recapture technique
N = MC/R
State what each part of the formula N = MC/R are.
- M = number of individuals originally captured and marked
- C = size of the second sample
- R = number of marked individuals in second sample
- N = total population
What does the mark and recapture technique assume?
That all individuals have an equal chance of capture, that there is not immigration or emigration, and that individuals that are marked and released can mix fully and randomly with the total population.
State some methods of marking animals.
- banding
- tagging
- surgical implantation
- painting
- hair clipping
What is meant by latency when studing animal behaviour?
The time between the stimulus occuring and the response behaviour.
What is meant by frequncy in animal behaviour?
Frequency is the number of times a behaviour occurs within the observation period.
What is meant by duration in studying animal behaviour?
The length of time each behaviour occurs during the observation period.
What is the name for the list of species-specific behaviours shown by species in a wild conetxt?
An ethogram.
How can a time budget in the studying of animal behaviours be calculated?
By recording the duration of each behaviour and using the total observation time to figure out what proportions each behaviour was spent on (ie. time budget).
What is anthropomorphism and why should it be avoided?
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics or behaviour and emotions to an animals behaviour. It is important to avoid anthropomorphism when analysing behaviour because it can lead to invalid conclusions.