Field experiments Flashcards
Field experiments
Exogeneous intervention, controlled by the researcher
Random assignment by the researcher to treatment and control group
The researcher controls the intervention but not the environment
Occurs when subjects who were assigned to receive the treatment go untreated or when subjects assigned to the control group are treated inadvertently.
Two-sided non-compliance
Noncompliance in both groups, i.e. that both some in the treatment group do not get get the treatment; but also that some in the control group receives the treatment.
One-sided non-compliance
Only noncompliance for one of the assigned groups, typically that the individuals in the treatment do not get treated
Untreated subjects regardless of whether they are assigned to treatment or control
Receive treatment when assigned to the treatment group and do not receive it when assigned control.
Encouragement design
A design that invites subjects in the assigned treatment group to participate in a program offered by the researchers.
Non-interference assumption
The potential outcome for each individual are unaffected by the assignment of any other individual
Exclusion restriction
A subjects treatment assignment does not matter once we account for whether a subject is actually treated
Subjects modifying their behavior as a result that they know they are being studied