Fick equation Flashcards
What is the Fick Equation for VO2?
VO2 = Q x a-v O2 diff
● VO2 = oxygen consumption
● Q = Cardiac Output
● a-v O2 diff = Arterio-Venous O2 difference
What is VO2max?
The highest rate that oxygen can be taken into the body, transported, and utilized to perform work. Also called Aerobic Power
What are the two ways VO2max can be expressed?
● Absolute = L/min or ml/min
● Relative = mL/kg/min
What does a high absolute VO2max indicate?
A large “engine” or high capacity for oxygen consumption
What does a high relative VO2max indicate?
How well someone can move their own body mass
What are the criteria for determining if VO2max has been achieved during testing?
- Achievement of >90% of age-predicted maximum HR.
● RER > 1.1
● Blood [lactate] > 10 mmol
● Note: Volitional fatigue is not evidence that VO2max was achieved
What is the difference between “maximal” and “maximum” VO2?
Maximum VO2 refers to the absolute highest rate of oxygen consumption an individual can achieve. If, during a VO2max test, the individual does not exhibit certain physiological indicators that confirm a true maximum was reached, the achieved value should be referred to as maximal VO2 or VO2peak
What are the characteristics of VO2max/peak?
● Higher in men than women due to larger heart, increased blood volume, and increased muscle mass.
● Varies by exercise mode: Highest on Treadmill > Bike > Rowing > Swimming > Arm Crank
● Decreases ~10% per decade after ~age 30 due to decreases in max heart rate, SV, oxidative capacity & general deconditioning.
● Influenced by heredity and training (50-80% genetics, ~20-50% training).
● Affected by environment: altitude, pollution, diet (glycogen depletion, dehydration) can decrease VO2max
Does VO2max respond to training?
Yes, but not every increase is attributed to training. Genetic predisposition plays a role
How does cardiac output change with training?
Cardiac output increases with training, primarily attributed to improvements in stroke volume (SV)
What are the two ways heart size can increase with training (cardiac hypertrophy)?
● Greater wall thickness (interseptum, ventricular wall)
● Larger internal cavity size (end-diastolic volume) - can hold more blood and take advantage of the Frank-Starling mechanism
How does heart rate change with training?
Resting HR decreases. Max HR either goes up slightly or down slightly
What hematological adaptations occur with training?
● Plasma volume increases due to increased ADH, aldosterone, and plasma proteins, causing more fluid retention in the blood.
● Red blood cell volume increases, but hematocrit decreases because plasma volume increases more.
● Blood viscosity decreases, improving circulation and enhancing oxygen delivery.
● Changes in plasma volume are highly correlated with changes in SV and VO2max
How does training affect vasodilation?
Training improves vasodilation, which increases blood flow to muscles
What are the adaptations in muscle that occur with training?
● Capillarization: increased number of capillaries around each muscle fiber
● Decreased diffusion distance from capillaries to intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria
● Increased myoglobin concentration
● Increased oxidative capacity of muscle
●All contribute to an increased a-v O2 diff
What cardiovascular changes are observed at rest after training?
● Cardiac hypertrophy (increased cavity size of ventricle via “volume overload” and possibly increased wall thickness via “pressure overload”)
● Decreased resting HR
● Increased SV
● Increased total blood volume (~0.5 to 1.0 liters) and [Hb]
●Increased capillary density & oxidative capacity of muscle
● Decreased systolic BP (maybe)
What cardiovascular changes occur during submaximal exercise after training?
● Increased SV at any given PO
● Decreased HR
● Cardiac output slightly decreased or no change
● Increased a-v O2 diff
● BPsys also lower (maybe)
● No change or slight decrease in muscle blood flow per kg of active muscle because of increased O2 extraction per unit of blood flow, increased mechanical and metabolic efficiency, and improvements in thermoregulation that can reduce blood flow demands.
What cardiovascular changes occur during maximal exercise after training?
● Increased Qmax, primarily due to an increased SVmax
● Increased max muscle blood flow due to increased Q & blood volume and increased vasodilation (decreased TPR)
● Increased a-v O2 difference (greater O2 extraction)
● Max BPsys stays the same or increases
● HRmax stays the same or slightly decreases < 5 b/min
● Result: Increase in VO2max</sub
What is the primary limiter of VO2max in sedentary individuals?
Stroke volume
Do elite aerobic endurance athletes need a high cardiac output and VO2max?
Yes, they need a high cardiac output and VO2max, especially a high VO2 at the anaerobic threshold
What can blood doping do?
● Increases hematocrit (~60%), hemoglobin content (~19 g/100 ml), and blood volume, resulting in increased O2 carrying capacity and delivery of blood (increased cardiac output).
● Increases VO2max between 4-13% and improves endurance performance times by 3-34%.
What is Erythropoietin (EPO)?
● A hormone produced endogenously by the kidneys that causes increased RBC production in the spleen and marrow of the long bones
● Administration of commercially produced EPO can result in a higher total amount of RBCs and therefore higher [Hb] (~12% increase in [Hb] in ~6 weeks has been reported & lasts ~several weeks)
What are the complications of blood doping?
● Hematocrits >60% can increase the likelihood of stroke, heart attack, pulmonary edema and death.
● Liver dysfunction has been reported if iron supplements are combined with EPO.
● There have been several athlete deaths, especially in Europe, as a direct result of blood doping in endurance athletes due to heart attack or stroke
Can the respiratory system limit VO2max?
Not under normal conditions. However, the PO2 of arterial blood leaving the lung has been shown to decrease during maximal exercise in some individuals, decreasing the % of Hb saturated with O2 leaving the lungs. This is termed arterial hypoxemia (EIAH) and is more prominent in highly active women
What is arterial hypoxemia (EIAH)?
● A decrease in O2 saturation of 4% from rest or a decrease to <90% in the blood leaving the lung.
● Results in less O2 delivered to working muscle
What are the possible causes of arterial hypoxemia during exercise?
● Capillary transit time may be too quick for full blood oxygenation due to high cardiac output and blood flow through the pulmonary capillaries (a type of “ventilation-perfusion mismatch”).
● There may be anatomical blood vessel (intrapulmonary) shunts (anastomosis) that bypass alveolar capillaries and result in deoxygenated blood being returned to the heart/body.
● Alveolar bleeding, edema and tissue damage can interfere with diffusion (diffusion limitation), decreasing SaO2.
● Expiratory flow limitation (EFL): a mechanical limitation to increasing ventilation that prolongs expiratory time and increases work of breathing
● Exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) or asthma (EIA): a narrowing of bronchi due to smooth muscle contraction that can be induced by exercise, heavy breathing, and cold, dry and/or polluted air. Defined by some as a 10% lower FEV1.0 after short-term, intense exercise (~6-8 minutes at up to 90% of HRmax) compared to rest. EIB/EIA is more prevalent in winter compared to summer Olympic sports. Note: does not necessarily mean you have asthma
What is exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH)?
Occurs when the high blood pressure in the pulmonary capillaries due to the high cardiac output results in such a high blood flow that pulmonary capillaries can rupture, producing bleeding in the alveoli that can be exhaled. This has been observed in thoroughbred racehorses. Some elite endurance athletes have also reported “tasting blood” or having an “iron taste” after intense exercise, which could be due to a similar phenomenon