Fibrosing Lung Disease Flashcards
What is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
A type of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia.
Inflammatory cells infiltrate and pulmonary fibrosis of unknown cause.
What does idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis usually cause.
It is the commonest cause of interstitial lung disease.
What is another name for pulmonary fibrosis of unknown cause.
Cryptogenic fibrosis alveolitis.
What are the symptoms of IPF. (5)
Dry cough. Exertional dyspnoea. Malaise. Weight loss. Arthralgia.
What are the clinical signs of IPF. (3)
Finger clubbing.
Fine end inspiratory crepitations.
What are the complications of IPF. (2)
Respiratory failure.
Increased risk of lung cancer.
What is the prognosis for patients with IPF.
.50% 5 year survival rate. (range 1-20).
What is interstitial lung disease.
A generic term used to describe a number of conditions that primarily affect the lung parenchyma in a diffuse manner
What characterises interstitial lung disease. (2)
Chronic inflammation.
Progressive interstitial fibrosis.
What are the clinical features of interstitial lung disease. (5)
Dyspnoea on exertion. Non-productive paroxysmal cough. Abnormal breath sounds. Abnormal CXR or high resolution CT. Restrictive pulmonary spirometry with decreased DLCO.
What are the pathological features of interstitial lung disease. (3)
Fibrosis and remodelling of the interstitium.
Chronic inflammation.
Hyperplasia of type 2 epithelial cells or type 2 pneumocytes.
What are the three broad classifications of interstitial lung disease. (3)
Those with a known cause.
Those associated with systemic disorders.
What are some causes of interstitial lung disease (known cause). (5)
Occupational/environment (asbestosis, beryllosis, silicosis). Drugs (amiodarone, sulfasalazine). Hypersensitivity reactions (EAA). Infections (TB, fungi, viral). GORD.
What are some causes of interstitial lung disease (systemic disorders). (4)
Rheumatoid arthritis.
What are some idiopathic causes of interstitial lung disease. (3)
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.
Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia.