fiber Flashcards
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
Similar to loose tube, this type of cable has ribbons that are contained in buffer tubes
Ribbon Stranded
A card made up of material similar to photographic film that changes colors when exposed to light
Photosensitive Card
The wavelength range of visible light
390nm to 780nm
Optical Cable Entry Facility
What is the formula to convert dB to mW?
mW = 10(dB/10)
The two means of splicing fiber optic cable
Fusion SplicingMechanical Splicing
Angle Polish Connector
Monitoring Center for high-speed data and telephony. Technical customer service calls are escalated here for investigation and network troubleshooting
Network Operation Center (NOC)
Generated during the node certification showing the fiber performance when first activated. It is a document used to compare old test results to new test results
Node Birth Certificate.
The diameter of the glass cladding
125 microns
A device that scores then breaks the optical fiber to prepare it for splicing
Radiated light created in the same direction at the same time
Coherent Light
Where the connector end of the pigtail is connected to the laser. Provides a neat and orderly method of managing the patch cords.
Patch Panel
The two ways a fusion splicer lines up the fiber ends in order to get the best possible splice.
Local Injection and Detection (LID)Profile Alignment
Standard Connector
Silicon photodiodes are sensitive to light in the range of
400 to 1000nm
What is Comcast’s maximum allowed loss through a fusion splice?
The ideal optical power level at a receiver input is
The ratio of the velocity of light of two mediums of optical glass
Refractive Index
Ultra Polish Connector
Most light generated by lasers for telecommunications exist in this light band
Infrared band
Theoretically, how many wavelengths can be carried on a single fiber using DWDM?
2 to 128
A device used to test for dicontinuities (impedance mismatches) on coaxial cables
Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR)
Used to detect light from an optical fiber and convert the light to an electrical source
A jumper cable for optical connectors
This laser generates only one wavelength at it’s output
Distributive Feedback Laser (DFB)
The ratio of the velocity of light of two mediums of optical glass
Refractive Index
Enables different wavelengths to be carried on a single optical fiber
WDM (Wave Division Multiplexing)
List the 5 laser classes
Class 1Class 2/2AClass 3AClass 3BClass 4
Typical loss (in dB) of a fiber connector
A device used to wrap and store excess fiber optic cable in an aerial location
Two types of fiber amplifiers
EDFA (Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier)YEDFA (Ytterbium Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier)
Formula to convert mW to dBm
dBm = 10log(mW)
An electronic or optical process that combines several individual signals or wavelengths into a single carrier or path.
Type of cable consisting of larger buffer tubes with the fibers inside, surrounded by fiberglass water block tape, armor, two steel strengthmembers and a jacket
a trillion Hertz or 1,000 gighertz
Similar to loose tube, this type of cable consists of buffer tubes surrounded by a fiberglass wrap and two steel strength members on each side molded into the jacket.
Flex Tube
The most basic laser and consists of two pieces of semiconductor material with an active layer between them
Fabry-Perot Laser
Central data point communicating with endpoints of a network. All data communications must flow through the central point.
Test equipment used to visually see the losses, breaks and distance measurements in an optical fiber
OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer)
Fiber loss is expressed in this manner
dB/km (decibels per kilometer)
A network of devices connected together in a circular communication link
A board for making optical connections consisting of sleeves used to line up two connectors
Patch Panel
Used to measure transmitter outputs and receiver inputs
Optical Power Meter
Allows multiple wavelengths above and below a center wavelength to be carried on a single optical fiber
DWDM (Dense Wave Division Multiplexing)
Outputof a YEDFA
How far back should the fibers be stripped?
1-1/2 to 2 inches
Typical loss (in dB) of a mechanical splice
Allows only a single mode of light to propagate through the fiber core
Single Mode Fiber
Light that is reflected back to the source and contributes to the optical fiber loss
Backscattered Light
A special optical fiber connector used in gigabit Ethernet Devices that uses fibers in pairs with LC and/or SC.
The three types of optical power meters
Silicon (Si)Germanium (GE)Indium-Gallium-Arsenide (InGaAs)
A connection point in a cable system where a fiber enters a neighborhood and the optical signal is converted to an electrical signal
How many feet is equal to 1km
3300 ft
Is a water-resistant enclosure that is intended for storing trays of optical fiber splices between incoming outside plant fiber cables and the inside fiber cables going to the fiber patch panels.
OCEF (Optical Cable Entry Facility)
This cable configuration is the same as unitube, except fibers are arranged side by side
Ferruled Connector
Attenuation of the wavelength 1310nm per kilometer
.35 dB/km
Method of joining two optical fibers of the same type using an electrical arc to form a precision splice
Fusion Splice
Ytterbium Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
The twelve fiber and buffer tube colors in order:
- Blue
- Orange
- Green
- Brown
- Slate
- White
- Red
- Black
- Yellow
- Violet
- Rose
- Aqua
The three most important procedures to insure a good splice
Proper CleaningProper CleaveControlled Break
This is the sum of all the losses associated with a fiber link between the optical fiber transmitter and the optical fiber receiver
Loss Budget
5 types of fiber connections
FC (Ferruled Connector)SC (Standard Connector)UPC (Ultra Polish Connector)APC (Angle Polish Connector)LCSC
Output gain of an EDFA
Over 40dB Possible
Used to visually see the losses, breaks and distance measurements in an optical fiber link
OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer)
One billion cycles per second or 1 billion Hertz
In DWDM, the wavelengths are this far apart
0.8nm or 100GHz
Attenuation of the wavelength 1550nm per kilometer
.25 dB/km
Color-Coded tubes that house and protect the optical fibers within a fiber optic cable.
Buffer Tubes
A method used to lock and mark one end of a line in order to allow someone to safely work on the other end
Lockout Tag-out
Typical loss (in dB) of a fusion splice
The distance that cannot be seen by the OTDR because the initial pulse doesn’t create enough backscattered light and “hides” the first several hundred feet of cable.
Dead Zone
The preferred method of fiber optic splicing
Fusion Splicing
This type of fiber optic cable consists of a single strength member in the center surrounded by color-coded buffer tubers, which contain fibers that are also color-coded.
Loose Tube
A temporary joining of two optical fibers of the same type using a plastic form to hold and lock fibers together.
Mechanical Splice
The gel from buffer tubes should be cleaned with what?
Isopropyl Alcohol that is at least 90% pure
To prevent stress on the fiber, cable manufacturers put about 1% more fiber in the cable than the length of the cable itself, to allow for some stretch. What is this called?
Lay Loss Factor
Used to locate faults in jumpers and pigtails
Visible fault locator
A Photodiode used to detect light from an optical fiber and converts the light to an electrical source
PIN Diode
When was the Optical Fiber laser invented
in 1958 at Bell Labs
Relative intensity Noise
The interface between the Headend (Hub) and the RF Plant.
Optical fiber with erbium, a rare earth material, added to the glass during the manufacturing process, to give fiber useful properties when properly lased
Attachesoptical fiber from the device to an optical connector
The difference between transmitted and received power resulting from the loss through equipment, lines, or other transmission devices; usually expressed in decibels
The diameter of the fiber optic coating
250 microns
Allows many modes of light to propagate through the core.
Multi-Mode Fiber
Name the 5 most common fiber optic cable arrangements
Loose TubeFlex TubeUnitubeRibbonRibbon Stranded
A cabinet or rack that houses the splices of the outside plant fiber to the inside headend, node or OTN fiber.
Splice Panel
The diameter range of the fiber optic core
8 to 10 micron
Extra fiber connected to the OTDR to make up for the dead zone.
Launch Cable
What does LASER stand for?
Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Optical splitter loss is based on _________
Advantage of InGaAs over Gedetectors.
InGaAs are less noisy and allow measurements down to -65dBm.
Fibers are contained in a plastic tube much larger than the optical fibers. The fibers can move freely within the tube.
Loose Tube
A photo diode used to detect light from an optical fiber and convert the light to an electrical source
PIN Diode