Fi Flashcards
patient presents with a single nodule in the right breast that is round, well delineated, soft, very mobile, and non-tender.. The nodule does not change over the course of the menstrual cycle.
- fibroadenoma
- well deliniated and mobile= not cancer
- no changes over course of month = not fibrocystic
60 yo patient presents witha single lesion in the left breast. the lesion is stellate, hard, and not clearly delineated from surrounding tissues. it feels like the lesion is fived to the skin and is non-tender. the lesion does not change with the menstrual cycle.
- hard lesion**
- does not change with the menstrual cycle = not cyclic
this is cancer
patient presents with multiple breast nodules that are found bilaterally and are round soft well delineated, mobile, and tender. it is more painful just prior to menses.
- cyclical therefore fibrocystic
- decrease caffiene
Effacement is a process that involves the:
gestational trophoblastic neoplasm is another name for:
molar pregnancy
whether or not the amniotic sac has ruptured can sometimes be determined by measuring the pH of the escaped fluid. Amniotic fluid typically has a pH of:
if the cervix is not fully dilated and the labor prolonged, the infant might then develop a circular swelling on the top of hte skull, crossing the midline, a condition known as:
caput succedaneum
pseudocyesis is a
false pregnancy
in an attempt to induce or accelerate the labor, physicians sometimes puncture the amniotic sac. This procedure is called:
a “total placenta previa” would be a condition where the:
cervi is blocked by the placenta
asymmetrical enlargement and softening at the implantation site of the uterus is known as:
piskacek’s sign
average total maternal weight gain (including fetus) in normal singleton pregnancy is ____ lbs
erythromycin is used by some hospitals for:
preventing blindness in newborns with chlamydial infected mothers
an ectopic pregnacy is an implantation outside the uterine cavity. where do the majority of ectopic pregnancies occur?
ampulla of fallopian tubes
at the end of the first stage of labor, the cervix is dilated to ____ cm:
patient presents with vaginal bleeding in the 3rd month of pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarum, and abdominal pain. patient has uterine enlargemnt, but no doppler detectable fetal heart sounds. ultrasound reveals “snowstorm” appearance. what is the most likely diagnosis?
molar pregnancy
PAP smear classification “IV” is :
carcinoma in situ
the number of pregnancies for a particular patient that have ended at gestational age(s) less than 20 weeks is the definition of :
one of the many probable signs of pregnancy, “chadwick’s sign”, is characterized by:
bluish discoloration of vagina and cervix
herniations into the vaginal canal are more common in older women and would include all of the following except:
the 6-8 week time period following parturition durring which the reproductive tract returns to its normal, nonpregnant state (ie involution of the uterus) is called:
what percentage of fetuses arrives at the introitus with a vertex presentation?
a molar pregnancy has a significant probability of initiating a malignancy known as ________.
newborns in most hospital settings are routinely given vitamin K for the purpose of preventing:
clotting difficulties
typical birth protocol in most american hospitals would include all of the following except:
cut cord 30 minutes after parturition
the interval between the onset of labor and full vervical dilation is called Stage ____ of labor.
which of the following statements regarding the umbilical cord is incorrect:
cord must be cut within 3 minutes, even with normal uncomplicated births
episiotomy, if it is utilized during a child birth, is performed:
when the perineum is fully stretched and birth imminent
if amniotic fluid is colored the most likely contaminant is:
the delivery of the fetal head by extending it upward and forward through the vulva, between contractions, by pressing wiht the tips of the fingers upon the perineum is known as _______.
ritgen’s maneuver
which of the following is not a positive manifestatoin of pregnancy?
chadwick’s sign
ballottement could be defined as:
examiner lightly taps uterus, feels movement of fetus
the estimated incidence of spontaneous abortion in the US is ____
dystocia is a term used to describe _______
difficult labor
during the birth process, the infant skull often undergoes an “alteration in the relation of hte fetal cranial bones, even resulting in partial bone overlap. this temporary deformation is known as:
the first perception of fetal movement is known as:
darkening of the skin over the bridge of the nose, cheeks, and forehead of a pregnant woman is known as:
typical lochia would include all of the following except:
in a multiparous woman, the external os of the cervix is:
a horizontal slit
of all the factors that increase the risk of fetal death; _______ is the greatest risk of those listed below.
abruptio placentae
occurrence is 1 per 50,000 births. complete invasion of hte placenta through the thickness of the uterine muscle. the best describes:
placenta percreta
a 25 yo female patient presents with abnormal vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, amenorrhea and shoulder pain. which of the following is the most likely possibility?
ectopic pregnancy
procidentia is a term describing
severe uterine prolapse
spontaneous placenta delivery most often occurs about _____ after the birth.
30 minutes
anthropologists who have studied breast feeding patterns in primates and other mammals have concluded that humans might theoretically breastfeed their children from _____ years of age.
a seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp often seen in babies is more commonly known as:
cradle cap
during a typical hospital birth it is within normal limits for the mother to lose between _____ cups of blood.
as the infant exits the vaginal canal it is often covered with a whitish, slippery oily substance. this is known as __________.
vernix caseosa
a 63 year old female patient presents with a breast nodule in the left breast. the nodule can be described as irregular or stellate, hard, not clearly delineated, fixed to underlying tissues, and non-tender. based on the brief history, the most likely condition would be:
breast cancer
a 27 year old female patient presents with multiple breast noduels that are found bilaterally and are round, soft, well delineated, mobile, and tinder. this problem is usually more painful just prior to menses. based on this brief history, the most likely condition would be:
fibrocystic disease
looping of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus occurs in about _____% of pregnancies
in a woman with a normal 28 day cycle, the highest LH levels would most likely occur on day ______.
the estrogen that plays the larges role during pregnancy is:
the stickiness/stretchiness of the cervical mucus prior to ovulation
pregnancy induced hypertension
bloody show
is thick vaginal discharge that contains mucus and blood from the cervix. It usually occurs in late pregnancy, as the body prepares for labor.
- high BP
- seizures
- protein in urine
- aka hematocolpos, is a condition where menstruation occurs but is not visible due to an obstruction of the
- vaginal septum or hymen prevents outflow of uterine lining
-anti-contraction medications or labor suppressants
exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles
nagele’s rule. what is it used for and what is the formula?
- way to calculate due date
- 1 yr-3mo+7 days since womens last menstrual period
5 signs and symptoms that might appear in a case of ectopic pregnancy would be?
1) vaginal bleeding
2) abdominal cramping
3) pain in shoulder
4) nausea and vomitting
5) dizziness
sperm can generally survive a maximum of ____ days in the fertile-quality cervical fluid that women produce around the time of ovulation.