fi Flashcards
A mother brings her child in due to the child continually pulling on his ears, crying, swollen gums and drooling. He has just begun to have teeth come in. What is his age based upon meeting normal developmental milestones?
5-7 months
The babysitter is supposed to give a bottle to the baby as per the parents’ instructions. However, she realizes it is already 30 minutes past the time to feed the baby. The baby is crying and fussy while the bottle is being warmed. The babysitter is holding the child in her arms and cuddling. She caresses the baby’s face with her finger from the mouth to the ear. The baby turns her head, opens her mouth and starts a sucking motion. The baby begins to cry harder. What reflex is the baby displaying?
A mother has recently given birth and has the first well baby visit at the pediatrician’s. The baby is 8 days old. She is concerned as a new mother about the child developing appropriately. Her child is not able to hold his head up off the ground.
This is a normal presentation for an 8 day old baby
A child is 8 months old. He presents as an amiable child with a calm and happy temperament. He is not able to roll over yet and has trouble sleeping for long stretches of time. Is this child meeting normal developmental milestones for his age?
Presentation is atypical and not meeting age appropriate developmental milestones
A child is able to say 2 word sentences. She is able to eat well with a spoon. Should this child be expected to be able to be fully toilet trained at this point in time with the normal developmental milestones they are already exhibiting?
The child would not be expected to be fully toilet trained yet due to the normal
milestones the child is displaying so far
A 15 month old child is in your office for their first visit. The child appears irritable and does not interact well with the other children. The child pulls toys away from other children and pushes the other children. The child is crawling but has not attempted to walk or pull himself up to stand. The mother reports that the child has not yet begun to attempt movement other than crawling.
This does not meet normal developmental milestones based upon the child’s age
A child repeatedly falls over when propped up to sit by themselves. The child needs a lot of propped pillows to allow the child to sit up utilizing support. If this child were meeting normal developmental milestones for his age group, how old would this child be?
1-3 months
A mother tells you that a child likes to draw and already seems to have a clear preference for his use of his right hand for all drawing and writing the child attempts. If this child were meeting normal developmental milestones for his age group, how old would this child be?
4 years
The infant can raise their head and chest from the prone position?
1-3 months
The crude pincer grasp appears at this age?
7-9 months
Infant says first recognizable word?
10-12 months
When should you see object permanence by?
7-9 months
An infant should have a neat and well defined pincer grasp around?
10-12 months
Teeth may begin to appear by what age?
4-6 months
A parent complains that her child always has a vacant look in his eyes. He does not tend to smile and tends to not look into people’s eyes. He has significant delay in language. He meets the criteria of Autism at the age of 4. According to research and class discussion, the child most likely showed signs of _____(15) _______ and ___(16)_______ which are early indicators of this disorder.
15} Lack of eye to eye gaze
16} Head swelling
An Infant is in the presence of a sudden loud noise. The infant has a reflexive response and throws his arms outward, arches his back and brings his arms back in toward his body. The infant is exhibiting the ___________ reflex.
In Piaget’s stage of concrete operations, the child acquires an understanding of the principle of:
During which stage of cognitive development do children acquire object permanence?
The rooting reflex occurs when a:
Newborn’s cheek is touched
Harlow’s studies of attachment in monkeys showed that:
A cloth mother produced the greatest attachment response
In preconventional morality, the person:
Obeys to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards
As a child observes, liquid is transferred from a tall, thin tube into a short, wide jar. The child is asked if there is now less liquid in order to determine if she has mastered:
The concept of conservation
In a movie, a young girl finds that a gaggle of geese follow her wherever she goes because she was the first “object” they saw after they were born. This is an example of:
10 month old kellyisoutwithherfatherwhenafriendapproaches.Thefriendisexcitedtomeetthe
Achildbeingtoilettrainedby24monthsiswithinthenormaldevelopmentalmilestones expectedforthatage
Achildisabletospeakseveraltwo-wordsentences.Shebeginstoputacoupleofwordstogetherto makeasentence.Sheisnotoldenoughforpreschool.
2 years old
Achildbeginskindergarten.Heisexcitedaboutstartingschoolandbeingwithotherchildrenallday long.Heissoexcitedthathehasrunonsentences.Hehasalargevocabulary.
5 years old
Thischildlovespicturebooksbecausehecanpushthebuttonsandmaketheanimalssharesounds. Heisatastagewherehelovestoaskwhythisandhowthat.Hismothercomplainsthathealwayswants toaskaquestion.Hecanmakeasentencewithapproximately5to20wordspersentence.
4 years old
4 years old
3 years old
5 years old
Normalvs.Abnormal ?
A3yearoldchildhasafivewordvocabulary.Hedoesnotappearresponsivetopeople’svoicesbut tendstoorienttowardshighpitchnoises.Heavoidseyecontactandtendstohavedifficultywithsolitary play.Normalvs.Abnormal ?
supported. Shestillhaspoorcoordination.Shecanpickherheadupoffthegroundwhenlayingonher
stomach. Normalvs.Abnormal ?
Aparentstatestheywanttobringtheirchildinforcare.Thechildisnow4weeksold.Thechildis turningtheirheadsidetoside,iseatingonaregularscheduleandhasaregulareliminationschedule
Normalvs.Abnormal ?
hertobeabletogetintothisparticulardaycarebecauseitisnextdoortothemother’splaceofwork.The childseemstobemeetingallexpecteddevelopmentalmilestonessuchaskickingaball,turningpagesof abookandgoingupanddownstairsalone.
Normalvs.Abnormal ?
vocabularyofabout500words.Shecontinuallyasksquestionssuchas,“What’sthat?” Normalvs.Abnormal ?
A1yearoldisfearfulofstrangersandmaybestartledbysomethingunexpected. Normalvs.Abnormal ?
Victorhasobservedhisfather’sbehaviorthroughouthischildhood.Eventhoughhe didnotlikehisfather’sbehaviors,hehasbegunusingsubstancestodealwithanything stressfulinhislife.Victorhascontinuedthesamepatternashisfatherandhasnow begunusingrecreationalsubstancesjusttorelaxafteralongday.