FGR and GDR 1949-1963 Flashcards
What was the Bonn Republic’s Constitution?
Rights- human rights couldn’t be suspended
President- ceremonial, 5 years and only re-elected once, chosen by mix of Lander and Bundestag, less power than in Weimar
Parliament- Bundestag and Bundesrat. Chancellor in charge of and chosen by Bundestag, Chancellor only bought down by ‘constructive vote of no confidence’.
Electoral System- pluralism protected unlike in Weimar, no referendums as the Nazis had used, mix of PR and first past the post, parties with less than 5% of vote banned
Supreme Court and democratic rights- agency to investigate anti-democratic activity, Constitution court
Extremism- banned Socialist Reich Party and Communist party in 1956
What problems did Adenauer face?
Recession 1949-1950, unemployment and prices rose
Housing and influx of refugees
Occupation Statute still in place
What were Adenauer’s aims?
Western Integration- protection from communist from the West, overcome occupation statute
Reunification- wouldn’t concede to communist terms, Magnet Theory
Economic Policy- create stability via free market with social regulation. Boom of Korean war.
Social- better living standards, industrial peace, unity and stop communist threat
Outline the 1957 elections
CDU total majority
Higher turnout of 87%
Les splinter groups and more support for larger democratic parties
How serious a threat was the SPD to the CDU
1) Kept Marxist ideology of nationalisation and a worker’s party. Argued against ‘social market’ and promise of better living standards as well as policy with the West.
2) 1952 Schumacher replaced with Ollenhauer. People saw benefits of CDU and feared communism so liked Western integration.
3) Lost at 1957 election and 1959 Brandt launched liberal economic plan and saw need for reintegration and militarization. Embraced middle classes.
What was the concept of the ‘social market’ economy
3rd way between unrestrained capitalism and over-regulated socialism. Ensure political and economic freedom but ability to intervene to defend interests.
What were the effects of the social market policy?
1949-1952 Initial recession: higher prices but not wages, more imports, not enough demand for growth and high unemployment = pressure to change policy
1952 Boom
Economic growth: average of 8% annual growth until 1965
GNP: by 1960 had doubled, more coal mined, motorization and VW
Balance of trade: turned positive by 1952 due to exports. 3rd biggest economy and good reputation eg ‘Made in Germany’
Unemployment: full employment until 1970s and supported 3 million refugees from GDR
Agriculture: proportion of workforce halved but production rose by 25%
What reasons apart from the social market policy contributed to the Economic miracle?
World Trade: USA reducing tariffs 1954, Korean War, Marshall Plan and OEEC opening up European markets and reintegration
Refugees: skilled, motivated workers
Industrial Peace: 1951 Co-determination law and 1952 Worker’s Constitution Law = sense of responsibility and less strikes
Consumption demand: housing and programs to buy property, rise in demand for consumer goods
Financial Stability: 1957 Bundesbank was independent and watched over currency to prevent inflation
Govt expenditure: no army until 1955 = more to spend on social policy
Social Change: paying Isreal
1951 speech did not accept guilt but moral responsibility to pay. Reparations finalized in 1952 and set within Germany’s means.
Social Change: Integration of Trade Unions
16 trade unions seen as one under German Federation of Trade Unions with co-ordinated activities so stronger negotiating powers.
Didn’t revolutionize economy but peace via Co-determination Law of 1951 giving worker’s representatives on boards and extended by Constitutions Law of 1952 setting up workers councils.
Less strikes and improving relations between trade Unions and government.
Social Change: Welfare State
Unemployment benefit, accident insurance, sickness insurance, pensions in 1957, public assistance, family welfare.
1950s state supported building new houses in the form of social housing.
Social Change: education
Lack of change under allies
1949 responsibility went to Lander and no change as:
lack of schools, shortage of resources and good teachers.
Abolition of fees 1958, Dusseldorf agreement 1955
Limited change as:
hid problems with economy, conservative opinions, suspicions due to GDR reform, Lander couldn’t agree
Social Change: Women
1949 Basic law giving equal rights. 1957 they could work without husband’s permission. Gadgets etc made it easier to be in home and work but:
still 40% pay gap, not many female students at uni, emphasis on 3 Ks.
What kind of society had the FGR become?
Consumerist: 1950s rise in living conditions, 40 hr working week, higher pay so more families owned technology but complacent and smug?
Without me mentality: not interested in international politics eg people didn’t want militarization but did trust Adenauer
Coca-cola: influence of US in late 1950s. Associated with rebellion etc by older generation
Modern industrial: social mobility, less agricultural work, but similar distribution of wealth
How did the FGR integrate economically with the West?
Petersburg Agreement 1949- join international Ruhr Council
European Council 1950- set European standards in Europe
ECSC 1951- supranational organization to oversee French and German steel and coal production and FGR treated as equal partner in the Ruhr
EEC- customs measures to harmonize transportation systems, economic policy and allow mobility of labor and countries had a very close union.
OEEC 1948- administer Marshall Plan and work on recovery
How did the FGR integrate with the West politically?
Negotiated the Paris Treaties in 1954 agreed
-FGR a sovereign state but still Western troops present
- West European Union included FGR and let them have an army but their was resistance from SPD and CDU to militarization
NATO in 1949
Saar plebiscite led to it joining FGR in 1957
1963: French-German treaty