From a list, identify the four weapon safety rules by number and without error
a. Rule #1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
b. Rule #2. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
c. Rule #3. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
d. Rule #4. Keep the weapon on safe until you intend to fire.
e. Rule #5. (Unofficial). Know your target, and what lies beyond it and in-between.
Identify the basic characteristics of the M16A4 without error
ACRONYM "LMGAS" Lightweight Magazine-fed Gas-operated Air-cooled Shoulder-fired weapon It fires a 5.56mm projectile, fired in automatic three round burst or semi-automatic single shots
List the eight actions of M16A4 cycle of operation in sequence and without omission
- feeding
- chambering
- locking
- firing
- unlocking
- extracting
- ejecting
- cocking
Weapons Conditions 1-4?
Condition 1: Safety on, Magazine inserted , round in chamber, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed
Condition 2: Not applicable to the service rifle.
Condition 3: Safety on, Magazine inserted, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed.
Condition 4: Safety on, magazine removed, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed.
m16a4 cyclic rate of fire?
approximately 700-900 rounds per minute
Rate of fire: semi, burst, and sustained rate of fire?
semi- 45 rounds per minute
burst- 90 rounds per minute
sustained rate of fire-12 to 15 rounds per minute.
Ranges: Maximum range and maximum effective range?
maximum range: 3600 meters
maximum effective range: 1.)550 meter(individual/point targets)
2.) 800 meters (area targets)