ff Flashcards
According to Piaget, what is a scheme?
A pattern of action or mental structure used in acquiring or organizing knowledge.
Ethology suggests that behavior is a result of:
innate behaviors
What is the most important reason for having ethical guidelines for how research should be conducted in psychology?
Because these guidelines protect the welfare of the research participants.
Erickson’s psychosocial theory emphasizes _______ more than Freudian theory
Lifespan development
The information processing perspective uses the _______ as a metaphor for explaining how peoples memory and problem solving work:
Observing individuals in a way to see which exhibit they choose to visit most and at which they spend the most time:
Naturalistic observation.
Currently, the accepted view of development is that it is:
An ongoing process through adulthood.
According to Urie Bronfenbrenner, an ecological system theorist:
Two-way interactions between a child and his/her parents influence development.
Scope of the biological perspective:
Refers to development connected with hormones, heredity, and reproduction.
What is true about Piaget’s theory of development?
Piaget underestimated the ages at which children are capable of doing certain things.
Conception has occurred when:
The chromosomes combine to form 23 new pairs with a unique set of genetic instructions.
What do genes do?
Regulate the development of traits.
Carriers of certain genetic characteristics can pass that characteristic on only if:
The other parent has a recessive gene for the same characteristic.
A normal human contains ________ chromosomes organized into ________ pairs:
46; 23
During menstruation:
The unfertilized egg is discharged.
Environmental hazards:
Lead to mental retardation, but rarely physical deformations.
What factor determines the sex of the child?
The sex chromosome received by the father.
Sickle-cell anemia is caused by:
A recessive gene.
“Infertility” is applied typically after:
One year of failed attempts.
Transmitted through breast milk or during a vaginal delivery more than during pregnancy.
A woman is considered ready to deliver:
When the cervix is effaced and dilated 10 cm.
An argument that some make in favor of using midwives instead of traditional medicine:
Modern medicine is less personal of an experience.
Why would a woman have an episiotomy during childbirth?
To widen the vaginal opening.
The term neonate refers to:
The infant during the first month after birth.
A baby is considered premature:
If birth occurs at or before 37 weeks of gestation.
Which of the following children is most likely to show the greatest cognitive deficits and developmental delays?
A child weighing less than 3.3 pounds.
Does early maternal contact soon after birth influence bonding?
Researchers now view the hours after birth as just one element in a complex bonding process.
Newborns show preference for which of the following:
Sounds of speech they have heard before and their mothers voice.
About 10 days after giving birth, the mother felt somewhat depressed, after a few weeks she felt like her old self again:
She most likely had the baby blues.
Does a baby room with bright colors and animals effect the development of the baby?
The baby won’t notice the animals because she can only see objects about a foot away from her face.
The most dramatic gains in height and weight occur:
During prenatal development.
Why is the head disproportionately large during infancy and childhood?
Because the brain is essential for all other growth.
Kiley, a 5-month old infant, refuses to ear and has not gained any weight in 2 months:
May suffer from failure to thrive syndrome.
James is 2 months old. According to the principle of cephalocaudal development, which can he do well?
Hold his head up.
A child is holding a toy clumsily, using only his fingers and palm:
Ulnar grip.
The greatest gains in visual acuity occur:
From birth to about 6 months of age.
Johnny is 4 months old and his older brother Gus is playing with him. Gus holds up a bright red ball for Johnny to look at, but after a couple of minutes Johnny stops looking and looks away when Gus attempts to capture his attention again with the ball:
Habituated to the ball.
Dylan picks up an object he has never seen before and immediately puts it in his mouth:
Sensorimotor stage.
D.C. has learned that his ball is called a toy, when he sees a round light bulb he calls it a “toy”:
Why might newborns possess an imitation reflex?
It contributes to caregiver- infant bonding. It also helps ensure the survival of the newborn. It may also be due to “mirror neurons” in the human brain.
Which kind of attachment is used to describe babies who seem confused and may move toward the mother while looking away from her?
Sroufe found that insecure attachment at the age of 1 year predicts psychological disorders at the age of:
According to Ainsworth, the clear-cut attachment phase occurs at about what age?
6-7 months.
Which of the following views of attachment proposes that there is a critical period for developing attachment?
The natives of one Guatemalan village keep their children in a windowless hit and play with them only rarely until they can walk. By what age do the children act as alert and active as children who have been reared normally?
By the time a child is 2 years of age, 9/10 parents have:
Engaged in some sort of psychological or emotional abuse.
All of the following are symptoms of autism spectrum disorders EXCEPT:
Developing fear of strangers.
What does research evidence show about autism?
Autism runs in the family to some degree.
If someone asked you whether or not day care was a good idea for her 3-year-old, which of the following answers would be based on research evidence?
Some children in day care learn to be more cooperative than they were, become somewhat more aggressive than they were, and children in high-quality day care seem to fare better in some ways than children in poor-quality day care.`
Brunhilda’s son is 8 months old and has suddenly begun to cry hysterically and cling to her when strangers come over in the supermarket to say how cute he is. Knowing you are a psychology student, she asks you what you think. Which of the following would reflect what you learned reading this chapter?
Her son is behaving normally.
In terms of height and weight gains during early childhood:
Boys and girls become more slender and lose some baby fat.
What is it meant by “brain plasticity”?
the brain can sometimes compensate for injuries.
Throughout early childhood:
Motor skills are very similar between boys and girls.
Nhu and Joseph are wrestling:
Rough-and-tumble play.
Which of the following is important regarding nutrition during early childhood?
A well-balanced diet with plenty of healthy snacks and limited sweets and soft drinks. This can last a lifetime if introduced early enough.
All people love dolls because Caitlyn loves dolls:
Conservation requires understanding that:
Properties of objects remain the same, even if you change their shape or arrangement.
Marco built a tower of blocks:
The zone of proximal development.
Inner speech is:
The ultimate binding of language and thought.
Ana speaks to her pet in a high voice, but speaks to her friends in an adult tone:
A self-reliant child is most likely to have been raised by:
Authoritative parents.
Providing children with knowledge that enables them to generate desirable behavior patterns is called:
An inductive method.
Another term for parallel, associative, and cooperative play is:
Bridgette and Ben have created a game in which they race their bikes through an obstacle course. Piaget describes this play as:
Formal games.
A child who cannot take someone else’s perspective:
Would be considered egocentric, is probably more aggressive than his/her peers, and assumes everyone views the same way they do.
Research on very young preschoolers shows that the stronger children’s self-concept:
The more possessive of objects they tend to be.
What perspective of moral development refers to empathy based method for teaching children about the effects of their behavior?
Aggressive children appear to be:
Less able to take the perspective of others.
Children’s fears during early childhood focus less on:
Loud noises and strangers.
Which of the following is an accurate definition of gender stability?
Recognizing that people retain their gender for a lifetime.
The ability to ignore distractions increases most dramatically between
6 and 9 years of age.
Children are said to be intellectually disabled when they obtain IQ scores of no more than:
The group most likely to show similarity in IQ score is:
Identical twins reared apart.
Which of the following theorists considers bodily-kinesthetic ability to be intelligence?
Childhood obesity is caused by:
A combination of heredity and environmental factors.
The best way to keep information in working memory is by:
At the preconventional level of moral development, children judge what is right and wrong on the basis of:
Obedience and the prospect of punishment.
The most common treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is the use of:
Over the past 20 years, the prevalence of obesity among children has
Which of the following statements about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not supported by scientific research?
ADHD is caused by chemical food additives.
What happens to children’s self-esteem in middle childhood?q\
it declines
What kind of parenting contributes to high self-esteem in a child?
How do 10 to 12-year-olds evaluate their parents in middle childhood as compared to how they evaluated them in early childhood?
More harshly.
What is the likelihood that the children of lesbian or gay parents will have a lesbian or gay sexual orientation?
About the same as children raised by heterosexual parents.
According to the text, the research about whether parents in conflict should remain together for the sake of the children shows that:
It depends on how the parents behave in front of and toward their children.
According to evolutionary theory, stepparents may be less devoted to rearing stepchildren because:
People often behave as if they want their own genes to flourish in the next generation.
All of the following are helpful ideas about talking to children about divorce EXCEPT:
Waiting until the last minute.
Does maternal employment increase the likelihood that children will become delinquent?
Yes, but only if maternal employment is connected with lack of supervision.
Between the ages of 7 and 12, children see friends as:
Doing things for one another, with a focus on self-interest.
Which of the following is accurate about bullies?
They are more likely to have conduct disorders.
All of the following are risk factors for adolescents dropping out of school EXCEPT:
Living in a rural area.
Adolescents who have reached Piaget’s stage for formal operations differ from children who are still at Piaget’s stage of concrete operations in that they are capable of:
Hypothetical thinking.
In terms of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, Stage 6 moral reasoning is least likely to be based on:
Seeking revenge for insults.
We would probably find that, as a group, adolescent females tend to be somewhat better than boys in:
Government statistics show that firearms account for about _____% of adolescent suicides.
According to the text, perfectionistic and obsessionistic traits play a role in:
eating disorders
Gynecomastia stems from the small amount of female sex hormones secreted by the:
Of the following, the least likely cause of death for an adolescent is:
Which of the following is true about early and late maturing adolescents?
Early maturing girls become conspicuous with their height and development of their breasts.
Many adolescents believe that their parents and other adults-even other adolescents-could never understand what they are feeling or the depth of their passions. This way of thinking reflects:
the personal fable
An individual’s identity is dependent upon the development of interpersonal relationships. What would Erickson assume about this person?
That this person is a female.
Paula has always wanted to be a doctor. It’s what her mother and grandmother both are. She’s never considered anything else, this is an example of:
Rejecting the dominant culture’s values for those of the minority group:
May limit opportunities for advancement in the larger society.
Which of the following is true about adolescence?
Adolescents develop a less idealized view of their parents, most conflicts between adolescents and parents are not severe, and most adolescents feel close to and get along with their parents.
What accounts for the reduction in adolescent self-esteem between middle childhood and ages 12 to 13?
The cognitive maturity, which allows one to be aware of discrepancies between ones real and ideal self.
Which of the following are peers most likely to influence:
Taste of music and clothing.
In comparison to adolescents who do not communicate well with their parents, those who do:
Are more likely to have fewer sexual partners, are more likely to use contraceptives, and are more likely to delay the onset of sexual activity.
Which is true about teen pregnancy?
Rates in the U.S. have been declining for the past decade.
Which is true regarding the relationship between poverty, broken families, and juvenile delinquency?
Poverty and broken families are risk factors for juvenile delinquency.
How many adolescents have attempted suicide at least once?
1 in 10
Which of the following is true regarding sensory abilities during early adulthood:
Hearing of high pitches tends to decline in the late 20’s/early 30’s.
Juan is a tennis player (sprinter), Miguel is a golfer (marathoner/archer):
Miguel’s athletic skills will peak in his late 20’s or early 30’s.
Healthy behaviors:
Are lacking for many during early adulthood.
Research on the transmission of HIV/AIDs has shown:
The primary transmission mode is male-female sex.
Which of the following is true about stress?
Younger adults are more likely to respond to stress in unhealthy ways compared with older adults.
Is most common among women ages 16-24.
Cognitive decline during adulthood typically:
Affects fluid intelligence more than crystallized intelligence.
Piaget proposed a stage of cognitive development referred to as post formal in which:
There is recognition that each person’s experiences differ which results in unique ways of thinking.
Thoughts of young adults:
Are less egocentric than those of adolescents.
The textbooks recommend which of the following strategies for benefitting from diversity in ones college:
Embrace opportunities to learn about other cultures and viewpoints.
Diana has finished college and is beginning a new job in a city far from her parents home. She is continuing a process of ______ & ______:
Individuation; Separation.
Separation of the young from the family home:
Occurs at different times and in different circumstances for many.
What makes someone attractive?
In one culture, one may be considered less attractive in a different culture.
Reciprocity in relationships:
Occurs when two members of a couple reinforce each other’s attraction through mutual compliments.
Farrah and Michael have has a relationship for 5 years. Initially extremely passionate:
Consummate relationship.
People who are single in their 20’s:
Are most likely to be postponing marriage today more than a generation or two ago.
Those who cohabit:
Have less traditional views of marriage than others.
During the first year of a child’s life:
Marital satisfaction declines.
Which of the following is about dial-earner families:
Mothers are more likely to drop out of their jobs than fathers.
What is true about the costs of divorce?
Divorced people have higher rates of illness than married people.
During middle adulthood:
Interindividual variability is the rule.
Reaction time for middle adults:
Increases because of a loss of neurons involved in sensing signals.
Which of the following is true regarding physical development during middle adulthood?
It declines gradually for most people who exercise and eat well.
Shemeeka finds that as she gets older, she recalls most of her medical training and has built upon it in her medical practice, but cannot remember the Italian she learned when she was a student abroad. This shows _____ of her cognitive development:
Dan is a manger of an information technology company. He has two finalists for a job opening, one is 45 and the other is 23. He should know the following before he makes his final decision about whom to hire:
Middle-aged adults have more experience and practical knowledge than younger adults.
Stanley and his wife never had children and now that he is in his early 50’s, he feels something is missing from his life. According to Erickson’s theory of development, he:
became stagnant.
Cassandra got divorced, lost her job, and has to move into a new apartment in a run-down section of town. She believes that these set backs are temporary. She is likely:
To manage her stress better than someone who believes this situation would not change.
Which of the following is true regarding the “sandwich generation”?
Middle-aged children often have the burden of caring for young children and aging parents.
When adolescents are “launched” from their home:
Parents still may influence their children’s choices or at least register their views on them.
Research on friends during middle adulthood has shown:
Social isolation is connected with poorer health.
Life expectancy in the U.S. has dropped in the last few decades. The main reason given for this drop has to do with:
Poor health behaviors.
Elder bias is apparent with:
Older adults are less likely to be diagnosed and treated for illnesses than younger adults.
Sexual satisfaction in late adulthood:
Is possible when expectations are modified.
is most often caused by Alzheimer’s disease.
Older adults do nearly as well on tasks that require:
Implicit memory.
Life reviews:
Vary significantly from person to person.
In late adulthood, self-esteem may be lower than in middle adulthood because:
Older people may suffer a lot of losses in their lives during middle adulthood.
In older adults, depression:
Is often undiagnosed and untreated.
Which of the following is most likely to remain in their home?
Which of the following is most likely to remain in their home? Maria, who is 75 and had her mortgage paid off for twenty years.
Research on religion in later adulthood has shown:
Religion is associated with greater life satisfaction.
With the 1877 publication of Biographical Sketch of an Infant, __________ established a scientific basis for studying children.
Charles Darwin
The purpose of having random assignment in an experiment is to
make sure that no pre-existing differences among groups caused the change in the experimental group’s behavior.
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory suggests that
a child’s interactions with adults organize the child’s learning experiences.
Cynthia’s mother gives her an apple each day and tells her that apples are “fruit.” However one day, Cynthia’s mother gives her an orange. She tells Cynthia this is also “fruit.” What happens to Cynthia’s scheme of “fruit?”
She incorporates the information so that her scheme now includes apples and oranges.
Omar can tie his shoes, but only with his mother’s help. This suggests that tying shoes:
is within Omar’s zone of proximal development.