Fever, Urine/Bowel Flashcards
Pus or many WBCs in urine
Bed-wetting AFTER normal age (6yo)
Detrusor muscles
Muscles lining the bladder
How aging affects urination
Kidneys can’t concentrate urine (nocturia).
Wk bladder muscles (UTIs from urine stasis).
What conditions can alter urination?
Kidney stones
High BP
Diseases causing wk (Parkinson’s, arthritis)
Sources of heat production
1 source: metabolism
Muscle movements.
Hormones: catecholamines epi & norepi, thyroid hormones
Without fever
Fevers: sustained, intermittent, remittent, relapsing/recurrent
S: minimal variations
I: temp returns to normal at least once every 24hrs
Remittent: abnormal temp that fluctuates a few degrees
R/R: temp returns to normal for 1+ days, and then fever reoccurs
Pyretic amounts for kids
Ibuprofen: 10mg/K
Tylenol/acetaminophen: 15mg/K
Normal & Fever temp C/F
37 C
98.6 F
38 C
100.4 F
Heat exhaustion vs heatstroke
Exhaustion: body overheats
Heatstroke: body can’t regulate temp. Can rise to 106F in 10 min.
Malignant hyperthermia
Rxn to anesthetics. Life-threatening: fever,spasms, tachycardia
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Rxn to anti-psychotics. Life-threatening fever
Temp change during post-ovulation
Increases 0.5-1 C
Endogenous vs exogenous pyrogens
Endo: cytokines in response to virus/bacteria. Act on the hypothalamus.
Exp: viruses/bacteria 🦠
Effects of high body temps
Water/Na+ loss.
Hypotension & tachycardia.
ALOC & seizures.
Low CO due to vasodilation: cardiovascular collapse, cerebral edema, CNS degeneration, renal necrosis
What age to do rectal temps?
3 months or younger
How to lower body temp?
Cold packs to groin
Cool/wet towels to skin
Cool IV fluids
Anal fissure
Small tearing in the lining of the anus.
Paralytic illeus
Peristalsis temporarily stops (such as after anesthesia).
Valsalva maneuver
Can return HR to normal during tachycardia & can assess problems with the ANS.
Equalize your ears while bearing down for 10-15 sec
Which organ absorbs the most water from intake?
Large intestine
What percentage of food is excreted within 24hrs?
Mass peristalsis sweeps
1-4 times/day
Cause the urge to defecate
How often do bowel contractions occur?
Every 3-12 min
What causes the defecation reflex?
Distention of the rectum
Risk factors for constipation
Female & pregnancy
Chronic conditions
CNS disease/sedentary
Is constipation a normal part of aging?
Infant stool characteristics when breastfed vs formula-fed
More frequent
Golden/yellow (vs brown/yellow)
Loose (vs paste)
Less odor
What commonly contaminates stool samples?
Clay/white stool can indicate
Absence of bile
Constipating vs laxative food
C: cheese, meat, eggs, pasta
L: plants, bran, chocolate, alcohol, coffee
What is most common cause of chronic constipation?
Laxative overuse
Surgery to cut of parts of the bowel
What doe enemas do?
Irritates mucosa to cause peristalsis (not for paralytic illeus) & can give some meds
What is a potential complication of digital stool removal?
Can stimulate the vagus nerve: low HR, dizzy, pass-out
What position is for enemas/suppositories?
Sims position
What 2 conditions contraindicate rectal interventions?
Thrombo & leukocytopenia
How often to replace ostomy bag?
Every 3-7 days
What does a pale or dark stoma indicate?
Pale: anemia
Dark: ischemia
Colostomy diet
Low-fiber for the first 6-8wks
At least 2.5L water
Avoid foods that cause gas & cause blockage (nuts, corn, popcorn)
Add foods to thicken stool