fetal thorax Flashcards
herniation of the abdominal viscera into the fetal chest is a result of a congenital defect called?
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
what side does a congenital diaphragmatic herniation occur on? & is it usually anterior or posterior?
left ; posterior
what are the 2 forms of diaphragmatic herniation?
bochdalek hernia
morgagni’s hernia
morgagni’s hernia is the most common presentation
false; very rare in occurance
what is the sonographic appearance of a diaphragmatic herniation?
- displaced heart (to the right)
- cystic mass (stomach) in thorax if left sided
- absence of intraabdominal stomach
- hypoechoic or cystic structures representing bowel in chest
- liver may herniate if a right-sided herniation is present
what other abnormalities are associated with diaphragmatic herniation?
• pulmonary hypoplasia (lungs unable to inflate)
• other congenital abnormalitites
- chromosomal
- cranial/spinal cord & cardiac abnormalities
what is fetal hydrothorax?
an accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity
what is fetal hydrothorax also known as?
pleural effusion
what other abnormalities are commonly associated with fetal hydrothorax?
- hydrops fetalis (immune & nonimmune)
- congestive heart failure
- chromosomal abnormalities
- chylothorax (accumulation of lymph fluid)
- compression of lung tissue may cause pulmonary hypoplasia
what is the sonographic appearance of fetal hydrothorax?
- anechoic areas in one or both sides of the chest
- slight to moderate amounts of fluid will conform to the contours of the chest cavity
- severe effusions may compress lungs, displace the heart, & occupy the entire chest cavity
what does CAM stand for?
cystic adenomatoid malformation
CAM is a malignant tumor of the lung
false; benign
what is CAM?
multicystic mass w/in the lung consiting of primitive lung tissue & abnormal bronchial & bronchiolar like structures that is usually unilateral & affects a single lobe.
there are 3 different classifications for diagnosing CAM. how is it determined?
size & if it’s a single or multiple cysts
a 26wk fetus presents with a singular cystic mass present in the right lung that is 5cm. what classification of CAM would this be?
Type 1