Fetal Development Flashcards
Weeks 9-12
Eyes closed Head is half the length of fetus Spontaneous, involuntary movements Suck, swallow Kidneys produce urine; excrete it into amniotic fluid
Week 16
Lanugo covers body; helps vernix to adhere to skin
Meconium develops from swallowing of amniotic fluid
Week 20
Vernix covers skin to protect it from amniotic fluid
Brown fat develops to keep baby warm after birth
Week 24
Increased fetal viability
Lungs produce surfactant - making it easier for baby to breath after birth
Week 28
Eyes reopen
Sufficient alveoli
Week 38
Testes descend/clitoris covered by labia
Lanugo on shoulder/upper back only
Lanugo and vernix begins to disappear
Sub-Q fat increases
Week 40
Full term
Body fills most of uterus
Amniotic fluid volume decreases
Pregnancy marks the beginning of conception, t or f
Conception includes
gamete formation, ovulation, fertilization, implantation in the uterus
Prenatal development has how many periods?
Period I is classified___
Period II is classified___
Period II developments
Basic structures of all body organs
Cellular differentiation
Vulnerability to teratogens
Period III is classified
Period III developments
Major systems in basic form
Growth/refinement of structure/function of all organ systems
Factors influencing embryonic/fetal development
Exposure to teratogens
Risk fxrs(infections, per-existing conditions, nutrition, gestational disorders, family hx)
2 components of the placenta
maternal side - rough
fetal side - smooth
2 major functions of the placenta
Amniotic fluid initially forms by
diffusion of maternal blood
amniotic fluid volume/amount increase/change weekly/constantly t or f
how much amniotic fluid at 40 weeks
7-800 mls
amniotic fluid abnormalities
oligohydramnios (too little)
hydramnios or polyhydramnios (too much)
Umbilical cord is made up of what
2 arteries
1 vein
Whartons jelly
Umbilical cord abnormalities
nuchal cord = cord around the neck
battledore placenta = cord is attached to one end of placenta
velamentous cord insertion = cord attached to veins
mono-zygotic twins
identical twins
Di-zygotic twins
separate eggs released at the same time = fraternal
fetal circulation transient structures
ductus arteriosus - connects aorta & pulmonary artery - protects lungs against overload; allows rt. ventricle to strengthen
ductus venosus (shortcut) = blood vessel connecting umbilical vein to IVC (inferior vena cava) (bypasses liver)
foramen ovale - connects rt & lt atria - shunts oxygenated blood from the right to left atrium
within 30 min. of birth what happens in the heart
ductus arteriosus & foramen ovale close and shut off due to increased pressure on lt side of heart & a decrease on the rt. causing blood to know go to the lungs
more highly oxygenated blood is delivered to brain/heart true or false
fertilization vs gestational
gestational is 2 weeks more than fertilization since it calculated due date from first day of last menstrual period, not conception
full term is
36-40 weeks fertilization
38-42 weeks gestational