Antepartum Flashcards
first tri psychosocial response
concerns for self
mixed feelings - ambivalence
confirming preg
second tri psychosocial response
fantasize about baby
body image
third tri psychosocial response
Rubins task of preg
acceptance of child by others
attachment to child
HCG increases at the beginning of preg (fert.) t or f
true - peaks at 4 weeks
hormone of preg
estrogen and progesterone at high levels at end of preg t or f
changes in the uterus during preg
changes in the cervix during preg
formation of mucus plug
signs of preg (goodell, chadwick, hegar)
increase in pulse rate during 2nd trimester is normal t or f
cardio changes in preg
bld vol. increase 30-45%
anemia due to = lg. increase in plasma vol (40-60%) but sm increase in rbc (20-30%)
bld component chgs in preg
increased wbc during preg/labor hyper coagulation (blood clots)
vena cava syndrome is
pressure from uterus on vena cava redux in bld flow to moms heart
skin chg in preg
linea nigra (line down stomach) chloasma (darkened pig. of face)
gravida is
of preg
para is
of births 20 weeks or more
extended para (TPAL)
living children
determining due date
edc- estimated date of confinement
edd - estimated date of delivery
naegles rule
subtract 3 mos from last menstrual period, add 7 days, adjust for year
1st prenatal visit
current preg (lmp, signs/symptoms) obstetrical hx (prev. deliveries) gynecological hx (surgeries?) med hx (family hx. pre-existing) demographics (age)
maternal testing initial visit
cbc, vs, ht/wt Rh screen group B strep Hep b genetic testing STDs (hiv)
tests/screenings 1st trimester
bld work
urine test (every visit)
test/screen weeks 24-28
glucose challenge
test/screen weeks 18-22
u/s - level 2
test/screen weeks 28-29
Rh fxr testing
non-stress test
test/screen weeks 35-37
group b strep
prenatal visit schedule
every 4 weeks until 28wks
every 2 weeks until 36 wks
every week until delivery
fetal growth assessment
uterine size estimated by: bimanual size in 1st trimester
fundal height in 2 & 3 trimester
mcdonalds measurement of fundal height
fundal ht = gestational age +/- 3cm
20 wks - umbilicus
36 wks higher than 40 wks
pt education
avoid teratogens
3rd trimester testing
non-stress test
contraction stress test
biophysical profile
biophysical profile
acute & chronic markers
acute markers for biophysical profile
fetal tone/movements/breathing/heart reactivity
chronic markers for biophysical profile
amniotic fluid vol
scoring of biophysical profile
2=present 0=not present 8-10 reassuring 6-10 equivocal <4 not reassuring