Fetal and Neonatal Physiology Lecture (Dr. Lopez) Flashcards
Prenatal Development
• Day 1 is LAST Normal Menstrual Period (LMP)
– FERTILIZATION AGE (embryonic age or fetal age):
• Day 1 is Fertilization!!!!!!
• Fertilization Age + 2 weeks = Gestational Age
Growth occurs by Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy
- The growth of an Organ occurs as a result of an INCREASE in Cell Number (Hyperplasia), an INCREASE in Cell Size (Hypertrophy), or BOTH
- 3 Sequential Phases of Growth:
1) Pure Hyperplasia
2) Hyperplasia & CONMITANT Hypertrophy
3) Hypertrophy alone
• The time courses of the three phases of growth are ORGAN SPECIFIC
– Placenta goes through all 3 phases of Growth, but these phases are COMPRESSED because the Placental Life Span is relatively short
a) HYPERTROPHY is the primary form of PLACENTAL Growth!!!!!!!!!
– Growth of the FETUS occurs almost entirely by HYPERPLASIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Stimuli that either Increase or Decrease Cell Number, cell size, or both may accelerate or retard the growth of the whole fetus or of individual organs
Growth and Functional Development of the Fetus
• LENGTH: Increases almost in proportion to age:
– 2-3 weeks POST Fertilization: Fetus is Microscopic in size
– 12 weeks: 10 cm long
– 20 weeks: 25 cm long
– Term (40 weeks): 53 cm (21 in)
• WEIGHT: Increases almost in proportion to the cube of the age of the fetus – Reaches 1 lb at 5.5 months – 7 months: 3 lbs – 8 month: 4.5 lbs – Term: 7 lbs (average)
Increases in Placental Mass Parallel periods of Rapid Fetal Growth
• The PLACENTA plays several important roles in fetal Growth & Development
– Transport & storage functions
– Involved in synthesis of:
a) STEROIDS (e.g. estrogen & progesterone)
b) PROTEIN HORMONES [e.g. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) & Human Chorionic Somatomammotropins (hCSs)]
• FETAL GROWTH closely correlates with PLACENTAL WEIGHT
– Maternal blood flow to the Uterus & Fetal Blood Flow to the Placenta INCREASE in parallel with the INCREASE in Placental MASS
– Placental Growth INCREASES linearly until ∼4 weeks BEFORE BIRTH!!!!!!
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
• Is an ABNORMALITY of Fetal Growth & Development
• The Growth-RESTRICTED Fetus is at substantial risk of Morbidity and Mortality; specific risks include:
– Birth Asphyxia, Neonatal Hypoglycemia, Hypocalcemia, Meconium Aspiration, Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn, Pulmonary Hemorrhage, Delayed Neurologic Development, Hypothermia, among others
• May occur as a RESULT of DECREASED PLACENTAL RESERVE caused by any insult
– Mothers who smoke during pregnancy tend to have SMALL PLACENTAS & are at HIGH risk of Delivering a LOW BIRTH WEIGHT Baby
Glucocorticoids, Insulin, GH, IGFs, and Thyroid Hormones STIMUALTE Fetal Growth
A) The fetus uses GLUCOSE as its Major ENERGY Source
– The exchange of Glucose across the placenta CONTROLS fetal blood glucose levels
– The Fetus normally has little need for Gluconeogenesis, & the levels of Gluconeogenic enzymes in the FETAL Lier are LOW
B) GLUCOCORTICOIDS: promote the STORAGE of Glucose as Glycogen in the Fetal Liver
– This process INCREASES Greatly during the FINAL MONTH of Gestation in preparation for the Increased GLYCOLYTIC Activity REQUIRED During & Immediately AFTER Delivery
C) INSULIN (near term): contributes to the Storage of Glucose as Glycogen, as well as to the UPTAKE & UTILIZATION of Amino Acids, & Lipogenesis
– Near Term, Fetal Glucose Metabolism becomes SENSITIVE to INSULIN
– MATERNAL Insulin CANNOT CROSS the Placenta!!!!!!
D) GH (postnatally): acts by binding to GH Receptors, primarily in the Liver, & triggering the production of SOMATOMEDIN or IGF-1
- May have only a MINIMAL Effect on Fetal Growth
- Fetal Liver has relatively FEW GH RECEPTORS
E) IGF-1 & IGF-2: are Mitogenic peptides; EXTREMELY important for Fetal Growth
- IGF-1 & IGF-2 are present in the fetal circulation from the end of the 1st TRIMESTER, their levels INCREASE thereafter in BOTH Mother & Fetus
- Birth WEIGHT correlates POSITIVELY with IGF Levels
F) THYROID HORMONES: obligatory for Normal Growth & Development
- Before the 2nd Trimester, most of T4 in the Fetus is MATERNAL
- FETAL PRODUCTION of TSH & the Thyroid Hormone T4 begin to INCREASE in the 2nd trimester, concurrent with Development of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary portal system
- HYPOTHYROIDISM has ADVERSE effects on Fetal Growth (e.g. reduction in the SIZE of organs like the Heart, Kidney, Liver, Muscle, & Spleen)
Development of the Organ Systems: HEART
• Heart begins BEATING during the 4th WEEK AFTER Fertilization
– Initially contracting at 65 beats per min (bpm)!!!!
Development of the Organ Systems: Formation of BLOOD CELLS
- 3rd WEEK: Nucleated RBCs formed in Yolk Sac & Mesothelium of PLACENTA
- 4th – 5th WEEKS: NON-NUCLEATED RBCs form by FETAL MESENCHYMAL & ENDOTHELIAL cells of the Fetal Blood Vessels
- At 6 WEEKS: LIVER forms Blood Cells
- At 12 WEEKS (3rd month) : SPLEEN & LYMPHOID Tissue begin forming RBCs
• From the 3rd MONTH ON: BONE MARROW becomes the Principal Source of RBCs
– Also PRODUCES MOST of the White Blood Cells
– Other structures LOSE ABILITY to form Blood Cells, except for continued Lymphocyte & Plasma Cell production in LYMPHOID TISSUE
• The fraction of total ERYTHROCYTES that are RETICULOCYTES (Immature, Non-Nucleated erythrocytes with residual Polyribosomes) is HIGH in the Young Fetus, but it DECREASE to ONLY ∼5% at term
– In the adult, the TETICULOCYTE count is Normally less than 1%!!!!!!!!!
• The LIFE SPAN of FETAL ERYTHROCYTES depends on the AGE of the FETUS!!!!!!!!!
– In a term fetus, it is ∼80 days (Two Thirds that in an adult)
– The Life Span of Erythrocytes of LESS Mature Fetuses is MUCH SHORTER
Hemoglobin (Hb)
- Hb begins to be FORMED in the 3rd WEEK after fertilization
- Hb CONTENT of the Fetal Blood rises to ∼15 g/dL by MIDGESTATION (= to the level in normal men)
- Hb Concentration of Fetal Blood at term is HIGHER than the Hb CONCENTRATION of Maternal Blood, which may be only ∼12 g/dL
- Fetal Hg has HIGHER AFFINITY for O2: can carry 20-30% MORE O2 than Maternal Hg!!!!!
Development of the Organ Systems: Nervous System
• Most of the REFLEXES of the Fetus involving the Spinal Cord & Brain Stem are present by the 3rd - 4th MONTHS After Pregnancy!!!!!!!!
• Cerebral Cortex DEVELOPMENT continues AFTER BIRTH
– MYELINIZATION of some major tracts of the Brain becomes COMPLETE only after about 1 year of POSTNATAL Life
Development of Organ Systems: GI Tract
• INGESTION of Amniotic fluid begins in the 2nd TRIMESTER!!!!
• During the last 2 – 3 MONTHS GI function approaches that of the Normal Neonate
– Small quantities of Meconium are continually FORMED in the GI tract & EXCRETED from the Anus into the Amniotic Fluid
a) MECONIUM: composed of swallowed AMNIOTIC FLUID & partly of Mucus, Epithelial Cells, & other residues of excretory products from the GI tract & glands
Fetal Metabolism
• Accumulation of significant amounts of CALCIUM & PHOSPHATE during period of OSSIFICATION
• IRON Accumulates RAPIDLY starting at 12 WEEK of GESTATION
– About One Third of the IRON in a fully developed fetus is STORED in the LIVER
– Enough IRON is Stored & can be used for several months AFTER BIRTH
a) Used for formation of additional Hb!!!!
Development of Organ Systems: Kidneys
• Urine EXCRETIONS begins in 2nd TRIMESTER!!!!!!!!
– Fetal urine accounts for ~ 70-80% of the Amniotic Fluid
• The Renal Control Systems for the REGULATION of Extracellular Volume, Electrolyte Balance, & acid-base Balance are almost NON-EXISTANT until LATE Fetal Life
– Full development OCCURS few months AFTER BIRTH!!!!!!!!
Development of the Organ System: Respiratory System
• Respiration CANNOT occurs DURING Fetal Life because there is NO AIR to breath in the Amniotic Cavity
• During the last 3 to 4 months of pregnancy, the Respiratory Movements of the fetus are mainly INHIBITED, & the LUNGS remain almost COMPLETELY DEFLATED
– Inhibition of the respiration PREVENTS FILLING of the Lungs with Fluid & Debris from the MECONIUM
– Small Amounts of FLUID are SECRETED into the Lungs by the ALVEOLAR EPITHELIUM up UNTIL Birth
Breathing at Birth
- Breathing INITIATES WITHIN Seconds of BIRTH
1) ASPHYXIATION during Birth
2) SUDDEN DROP in Ambient Temperature and Cooling of Skin - DELAYED BREATHING AT BIRTH:
a) Use of GENRAL ANESTHESIA during Delivery
c) Head trauma of Infant DURING BIRTH (Causes a DEPRESSED Respiratory Center) - CAUSES OF HYPOXIA DURING Deliver:
a) Compressing of UMBILICAL CORD
b) Premature SUPARATIONG of Placenta
d) Excessive ANESTHESIA of the Mother (Depressed Maternal BLEEDING)
a) Duration between CESSATION of Breathing and Death
1) Adults: 4 min
2) Neonates: 8 to 10 min
Breathing at Birth
– Due to surface tension of the Amniotic Fluid filling them
• More than 25 mmHg NEGATIVE INSPIRATORY PRESSURE is needed to OVERCOME Surface Tension & OPEN the Alveoli for the 1st time
– 1st INSPIRATIONS of the Normal Neonate are capable of creating as much as 60 mm Hg NEGATIVE PRESSURE in the INTRAPLEURAL SPACE
– 1st Inspiratory Movements brings in nearly 40 ml air
- DEFLATION also requires STRONG POSITIVE PRESSURE in order to Overcome the Viscous Resistance of fluid in BRONCHIOLES
- LESS EFFORT Needed AFTER 1st Breath!!!
- Breathing DOES NOT become Completely Normal until about 40 min AFTER BIRTH!!!!!!
Surfactant Decreases Surface Tension in the Alveoli
• SECRETED by TYPE II Alveolar Epithelial Cells (10% of the Surface Area of the Alveoli)
- Main constituent is PHOSPHOLIPID (Phosphatidylcholine)
- Dissolved non-uniformly in the Alveolar Fluid
• Once alveoli are open, it is harder to close them
while exhaling
- Pressure needed to COLLAPSE the ALVEOLI with SURFACTANT is nearly 4-5 times GREATER than that WITHOUT Surfactant
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
- Common in Premature Infants & infants born to DIABETIC Mothers
- FAILURE to SECRETE ADEQUATE amounts of SURFACTANT resulting in Collapsed Alveoli & Development of PULMONARY EDEMA!!!!
Development & Maturation of the Cardiovascular System
- The Fetal Heart DOES NOT PUMP much Blood through either the LUNGS or the LIVER!!!!!
- However, the Fetal Heart needs to PUMP LARGE Quantities of Blood THROUGH the PLACENTA!!!!
- Special Anatomical Arrangements cause the fetal heart to FUNCTION Differently than the Neonate Heart
Development & Maturation of the Cardiovascular System CONT
• The fetal circulation has FOUR unique SHUNTS:
1) The Placenta
2) The Ductus Venous
3) The Foramen Ovale
4) The Ductus Arteriosus
- Shunts are pathways that allow blood to BYPASS the future Postnatal route
- The key principle governing the unique pattern of Blood Flow in the Fetus is the presence of these 4 Shunts
• The MASSIVE Blood Flow to the Placenta SHUNTS Blood AWAY from the LOWER TRUNK & LOWERS the effective Blood Flow to all Abdominal Viscera, including the Kidneys
- The Umbilical Arteries branch repeatedly under the Amnion & form DENSE CAPILLARY NETWORKS within the TERMINAL VILLI
- The Umbilical Vein returns OXYGENATED Blood (which has aPO2 of30–35mmHg) BACK to the Fetus from the Placenta
• This blood enters the DUCTUS VENOSUS
Ductus Venosus
- Second shunt that BYPASSES the LIVER, which is largely nonfunctional
- Allows blood from the Umbilical Vein to ENTER the INFERIOR VENA CAVA directly
Foramen Ovale
• Third major shunt through which Blood enters the RIGHT ATRIUM & then CROSSES the FORAMEN OVALE to Enter the LEFT ANTRUM
– FORAMEN OVALE: Oval Hole in the SEPTUM Dividing the ATRIA, located in the Posterior aspect of the Right Atrium
• Blood with HIGHEST O2 Content (P O2 ≅ 27 mm Hg) enters the Left Ventricle from the INFERIOR VENA CAVA, to supply Carotid & Brain
– RIGHT-TO-LEFT SHUNT: Of the 69% of the COMBINED CARDIAC OUTPUT (CCO) that enters the RIGHT ATRIUM through the INFERIOR VENA CAVA, ∼27% shunts through the Foramen Ovale DIRECTLY into the Left Atrium
• The Rest of the CCO that enters the Right Atrium from the INFERIOR VENA CAVA does NOT Shunt through the Foramen Ovale
– This relatively WELL -Oxygenated Blood JOINS the relatively Poorly Oxygenated CCO that ENTERS the Right Atrium from the SUPERIOR VENA CAVA & the CORONARY VESSELS
– None of the Incoming Blood from the SUPERIOR VENA CAVA or Coronary Vessels SHUNTS through the Foramen Ovale; it goes through the TRICUSPID VALVE to the RIGHT VENTRICLE
– The PO2 in the fetal RIGHT VENTRICLE is somewhat LOWER than that in the Left Ventricle
– The blood from the Right Ventricle then ENTERS the Trunk of the PULMONARY ARTERY
Ductus Arteriosus
• Fourth major shunt, also a RIGHT TO LEFT SHUNT, that directs blood from the PULMONARY ARTERY to the AORTA
• Contains substantial SMOOTH MUSCLE in its Vessel Wall
– The patency of this vessel is due to ACTIVE RELAXATION of this Smooth Muscle, mediated by PROSTAGLANDINS (PGE 2 )
Changes in Fetal Circulation
– LOSS of the blood flow from the Placenta causes 2X INCREASE in Systemic Vascular Resistance at BIRTH
b) Increases Pressures in the LEFT VENTRICLE & LEFT ATRIUM
• Vasodilatation takes place when AERATION of the Lungs Eliminates the HYPOXIA of the Lungs from the Fetal Life
• The Resistance to Blood Flow through the lungs is REDUCED, which Reduces the Pulmonary Arterial Pressure, Right Ventricular Pressure, and Right Atrial Pressure
Changes in Fetal Circulation
– REVERSAL of the Pressure Gradient across the ATRIAL SEPTUM, pushes the Foramen Ovale’s “VALVE”— situated on the Left side of the Septum—against the Opening of the Foramen Ovale
• Due to:
– INCREASED Venous Return to the Left Atrium & ELEVATED Left Atrial Pressure
– DECREASE in Right Atrial Pressure
- As the Flap of the Foramen Ovale pushes against the Septum,BLOOD FLOW from Left to Right Atrium is PREVENTED!!!!!
- Eventually, this FLAP SEAL SHUT!!!!!!
Closure established SEPARATE Right and left Circulatory Systems**
Changes in Fetal Circulation
– As Aortic Pressure EXCEEDS the Pressure of the Pulmonary Artery, blood flow through the Ductus Arteriosus REVERSES (now from the aorta into the pulmonary artery)
– Well-Oxygenated Aortic Blood now flows through the Ductus Arteriosus
a) High PO2 causes VASOCONSTRICTION, which functionally CLOSES the DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS within a few hours
b) FALLING PROSTAGLANDIN levels also contribute to the Rapid Closure
c) Within 1 – 8 days, the CONTRITION is usually sufficient to STOP ALL BLOOD FLOW through the Ductus
d) During the next 1 to 4 months, the Ductus Arteriousus becomes anatomically OCCLUDED
Closure established SEPARATE Right and left Circulatory Systems**
Patente Ductus Arteriosus
- Heart Problem that occurs soon AFTER BIRTH in some babies
- Ductus Arteriosus remains OPEN (PATENT)
• Opening allows OXYGEN-RICH Blood from the Aorta to MIX with Oxygen-POOR Blood from the Pulmonary Artery
– This can put STRAIN on the Heart & Increase Blood Pressure in the Lung Arteries
Changes in Circulation
– Immediately AFTER Birth, Blood Flow through the Umbilical Vein CEASES, but most of the portal blood still flows through the Ductus Venous
– Within 1–3 hr the Muscle Wall of the Ductus Venosus CONTRACTS Strongly & CLOSES
– Portal Venous Pressure RISES, Forcing Venous Blood flow THROUGH the Liver Sinuses
Other special features of the Neonate Physiology
1) Heart rate: 100 – 150 beats per min (bpm)
– Heart rate is HIGHER in the PREMATURE NEONATE
2) Blood Pressure: During the first day after birth 70/50; after few months INCREASES to 90/60; adult pressure is attained during Adolescence, 115/70!!!!!!
3) Respiratory rate: ~40 breaths/min!!!!!!!
4) Metabolism: 2X adult!!!!!
5) KIDNEYS are IMMATURE; High Fluid Turnover (rate of fluid intake and fluid excretion relative to Weight is 7X GREATER than in the adult ); Rapid Acid Formation; can only CONCENTRATE Urine to only 1.5X Osmolality of Plasma whereas the Adult can concentrate the urine to 3 – 4X times the Plasma Osmolality
Other special features of the Neonate Physiology CONT
6) Body Surface Area is LARGE in relation to Body Mass: BODY TEMPERATURE FALLS EASILY (even MORE in the Premature Neonate)
7) LIVER: POOR Conjugation of BILIRUBIN, DEFICIENCY in forming Plasma Proteins & coagulation factors, DEFICIENT Gluconeogenesis (blood glucose levels the 1st day could be as low as 30 – 40 mg/dl of plasma)
– During this Hme, infant use its stored fats & proteins fro metabolism unHl mother milk can be provided
8) The amount of Hb F in blood varies in term infants from 53 – 95% of TOTAL HEMOGLOBIN; the Fetal Hemoglobin Concentration in blood DECREASES AFTER BIRTH by approximately 3% per week & is generally less than 2 – 3% of the Total Hemoglobin by 6 months of age; NORMAL ADULT levels of Hb A2 are ACHIEVED by FOUR MONTHS of age!!!!
9) Changes in RBC COUNT & SERUM BILIRUBIN in the first 16 weeks of life: Physical ANEMIA at 6 – 12 weeks of life & Physiological HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA during the first 2 weeks of life!!!!!
Nutritional Needs of Neonates
1) Need for CALCIUM & VITAMIN D: Because Neonate is in a stage of rapid OSSIFICATION of its Bones at Birth, a ready supply of Calcium throughout infancy is NECESSARY
• Ordinarily the adequate amount can be SUPPLIED by the USUAL DIET of MILK
• Absorption of Calcium by the GI tract is POOR in the ABSENCE of Vitamin D
• RICKETS can develop in Infants who have Vitamin D deficiency
2) Necessity for IRON in the diet: Infant’s Liver has STORED enough iron to keep forming blood for 4 – 6 months AFTER Birth (provided that the mother has had adequate amounts of Iron in her diet during Pregnancy). If the Mother had IRON INSUFFICIENCY in her diet, severe ANEMIA is LIKELY to occur in the Infant AFTER 3 months of life!!!!!!!!!
• Early feeding with egg yolk, or ADMINISTRATION of Iron in some other form by the Second or Third month of life
3) Need for VITAMIN C: Vitamin C is not stored in SIGNIFICANT quantities in the FETAL TISSUES; adequate amounts can be PROVIDED by the Mother’s Breast milk, if she is not vitamin C deficient; in some instances Infants with vitamin C DEFICIENCY NEEDS prescribed SUPPLEMENTS
Immunity of Neonates
1) Neonate INHERITS a great degree of immunity from the Mother; neonate DOES NOT form ANTIBODIES of its own to a significant extent
2) By the end of 1st month, there is a DECREASE in the Baby’s GAMMA GLOBULINS (contain the anybodies)
3) Baby own Immune System begins to form ANTIBODIES & Gamma Globulin Concentrations returns to normal by AGE of 12 – 20 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!
4) Antibodies INHERITED from the MOTHER PROTECT the Infant for about 6 MONTHS against Major Diseases
• However INHERITED Antibodies against WHOOPING COUGH are normally INSUFFICIENT to PROTECT Neonate; Infant requires IMMUNIZATION against Whooping Cough within the 1st MONTH or so of life!!!!!!!!
• Immunization against most Other Diseases usually NOT NECESSARY BEFORE 6 months!!!!
Special Problems of Prematurity
1) All the problems of neonatal life are severally exacerbated in prematurity
2) IMMATURE Development of the premature infant
– Respiration is usually UNDERDEVELOPED in the Premature Infant
– GI Function: POOR Ingestion & Absorption of food
– Immaturity of Liver, Kidneys, blood forming mechanism of
the Bone Marrow
– DEPRESSED formation of Gamma Globulin by the LYMPHOID SYSTEM