Embryology of Genital System Lecture (Dr. Cole) Flashcards
- Incomplete fusion go Urethral Folds
- Gen tube forms a UR Septum Urethral Meatus on Penis Dorsum
- UG Sinus OPENS on top of Penis can occur with: EXSTROPHY of BLADDER (Exposed to Outside Primative Streak Mesoderm normally migrates around CLOACAL MEMBRANE to for ANTERIOR BODY WALL)
Uterine Abnormalities
1) Uteris Arcuatis:
- Indented Fundus
2) Atresia of Cervix:
- Closed Cervix
3) Atresia of Vagina:
- Closed Vagina, open part too
4) Persistant Septum:
a) Ut Bicornis: 2 Uteri, 1 Vagina
b) Ut Didelphys: 2 Uteri, 2 Vagina
c) Ut Bicornate Unicollis: One rudimentary Horn Abdominal Pain in FIRST Menses
- Distally, Parameso Duct DEFECT
- Mesoneph likely DEFECTIVE too, so NO KIDNEY
- Rud Horn needs to be DRAINED
Development of the Genital System
- The Genotype of the Embryo (46, XX or 46, XY) is established at Fertilization
- Weeks 1 to 6 the Embryo remains in UNDIFFERENTIATED STATE
- Week 7: Phenotypic SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION Begins
- Week 12: Male and Female EXTERNAL GENITALIA can be recognized
- Week 20: Phenotypic DIFFERENTIATION Complete
Primordial Germ Cells
- Primordial Germ Cells from ENDODERM OF YOLK SAC invade the Dorsal Mesentery and MIGRATE to UROGENITAL RIDGES
- Migration guided by C-KIT Receptor and STEM CELL Factor (C-Kit Ligand) expressed on PGCs
- Failure of these cells to REACH Genital Ridges leads to GONADAL DYSGENESIS
Gonadal Dysgenesis: Nonfunctional Gonads
- Several forms
- “PURE GONADAL DYSGENESIS” (PGD) has a normal set of Sex Chromosomes (Ex 46, XX or 46, XY), as opposed to those whose Gonadal Dysgenesis results from MISSING ALL or part of the Second Sex Chromosome
- Latter group includes those with TURNER SYNDROME (Ex 45, X) and mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis and a mixture of Cell Lines, some contains a Y Chromosome (Ex 46, XY/ 45, X)
- SWYER SYNDROME is referred to as PGD, 46, XY and XX GONADAL DYSGENESIS as PGD, 46, XX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Patients with PGD have a NORMAL Karyotype but may have DEFECTS of a Specific Gene on a Chromosome
Primary Sex Cords
- Primary Sex Cords are aggregates of Supporting Cells (Hormone Secreting Cells). Gonad now has an OUTER CORTEX and an INNER MEDULLA
Development of Genital Ducts
- Two pairs of Ducts are present in BOTH sexes
- Both pairs are present during the Indifferent Stage
- In the MALE, the MESONEPHRIC DUCTS play the MOST Important Role
Fetal Sex
- Encoded on the Sex-Determing Region of the Y Chromosome (SRY)
- Synthesis of SRY Protein (TESTIS-Determining Factor, TDF) trigger MALE Development
- If NOT EXPRESSED (Absent or Defective), FEMALE path is Followed
- Female: BASIC (Default) Development Pathway
Male Development
1) Activation of SRY Gene (Sex Regulating Region of the Y)
—— TDF (Testes Determining Factor) = SRY Protien ——->
2) Differentiation of Biopotential Gonad into Testis
—— ( SOX9 (Testes Differentiation of SF1!!!!!!) —————>
3) SERTOLI Cell Differentiation
4) Müllerian INHIBITORY SUBSTACE aka Anti- Müllerian Hormone or Müllerian Inhibitory Factor
5) Regression of Paramesopnephric (Müllerian) Ducts
*****SOX9: Transcriptional Regulator for TESTES Differentiation
****SF1: A Critical Regulator of Reproduction, regulating the Transcription of Key Genes involved in SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT and Reproduction
Campomelic Dysplasia
- Rare AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT Congenital Short Limber DWARFISM characterized by Congenital bowing of LONG BONES associated with Skeletal and Extra Skeletal features like HYPOPLASTIC Lungs, Malformation of Cervical Spine, Heart, and Kidneys
- Characteristic feature is MALE to FEMALE SEX REVERSAL!!!!!!!
- It is caused by MUTATIONS in the SRY related Gene SOX9!!!!!!
- It has Almost FATAL Outcome
Male Hormone Production
1) Activation of SRY Gene (Sex Regulating Region of the Y)
—— (TDF ( Testis Determing Factor) = SRY Protien) —–>
2) Differentiation of Biopotential Gonad into Testis
——- (SOX9 (testes differentiation via SF1)) ——>
3) INTERSTITIAL (LEYDIG) Cell Differentiation
4) Steroid Synthesis
5) Testosterone
——— (5 Alpha Reductase) ————->
- Testosterone is converted to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by 5 Alpha Reductase 2 action!!!!!
- DHT influences DIFFERENTIATION of External Genitalia and Development of the Prostate
5 Alpha Reductase
2 Isoenzymes:
1) 5 Alpha Reductase i: Made in the LIVER and SKIN
2) 5 Alpha Reductase II: Made by parts of the Male Reproductive Tract (Epididymis, Seminal Vesicle, Prostate….)
**Second Enzyme is DEFICIENT in 5 ARD (–> INTERSEXUALITY)
Indifferent Embryo developments
1) Paramesonephric Ducts:
- Regress
2) Mesonephric Ducts:
- Ductus Deferens, Epididymis
3) Urogenital Sinus:
- CLOSES: Urethra and Prostate
4) Genital Tubercle:
- Penis
5) Labioscrotal Swellings:
- CLOSURE: Scrotum
1) Paramesonephric Ducts:
- Oviducts, Uterus, and Upper Vagina
2) Mesonephric Ducts:
- Regress
3) Urogenital Sinus:
- REMAINS OPEN: Lower Vagina and Vestibule
4) Genital Tubercle:
- Clitoris
5) Labioscrotal Swellings:
Development of the Ovaries
- Primary (Medullary) cords degenerate by 10th Week
- Cortical (Secondary) Cords develop and are invaded by Primordial Germ Cells
- Cords form groups of Primordial Follicles (Oogonium + Follicular Cells)
- All Oogonia are formed PRENATALLY
Female Mesonephric Ducts
- In the Female, the Mesonephric Ducts denigrate except for the EPOOPHORON and the PAROOPHORON found in the Mesentery of the Ovary
*** Portions of the Duct may exist as GARTNER’S DUCT!!!!!
Female Transcription Signals
1) WTN4 (Also regulates other gene that CONTROL Ovarian Development)
- ——————–>
2) Upregulates DAX1
- ——————–>
3) Inhibits SOX9 and AMH Expression