feminists - new Flashcards
3 points about feminism
- aim to bring equality between sexes
- sees it as male dominated
- theory of womens subordination and political movement
what wave of feminism had influence on sociology
second - went global in 60s
2 main feminists
wollstonecraft - vindication of the rights of women (women are deserving of rights - so true!!)
emmaline pankhurst - political vote - suffragette
what is liberal feminism concerned with (3)
- reformism - progress towards equal rights can be achieved through gradual reform
- no need for a revolution
- gender equality acheived through reform - they document a lot of gender inequality and discrimination to lobby change
what issues do lib fems have with society
- cultural change (‘women are emotional’ stereotypes etc as it is a barrier to equality)
- sex and gender (gender is social construct and can be seen through diff in cultures and times - eg, proper role for woman)
what liberal feminist talks about sex and gender - explain their point
Ann Oakley
- example of female bus drivers - now much more common and accepted
- to change these gender steroetypes must change societys socialisation patterns
- promote role models and female teachers in male subjects etc
what is a func view lib fems critique
parsons instrumental and expressive theory
evaluation of lib feminism
- over optimistic as they ignore possibility of deep seated structures causing oppression such as capitalism or patriarchy
- naive to think changes in law and attitude are enough - need revolutionary changes
what theory is criticised for not explaining structure of gender inequlity
lib fems
3 claims of rad fem
- patrairchy is universal (due to dependance women have on men because they have to bear + care for infants)
- patriarchy is primary form of inequality and oppression and key divison - men+ enemy
- all men oppress women and all benefit - eg, womens unpaid domestic labour
why is patriarchy personal according to rad fems
in private speher of family
- domestic labour and sexual relationships
- power dynamics - eg, sexual violence
rad fem on womens sexulaity
men force women into unsatisafying compulsary heterosexuality to satisfy male desires - claiming it is biological
3 strategies to get rid of womens oppression according to rad fems
seperatism - living apart from men so relationships cannot be dominated by them
- consciousness raising - sharing problems in women only groups to rasie understanding and enocurage collective action (slut walk marches)
- political lesbianism ‘sleeping with the enemy’
eval of rad fem
- marx say class is main factor not patraicrhy - ignores class diff of women
- doesnt explain why female subordination is diff in each society
- unlikley solutions - sexual attraction makes seperatism unlikley
marx feminist overview (3)
- rooted in capitalism
- men may benefit but main beneficiary is capitalism
- Ainsley - cheap labour, absorb anger, receive army, reproduce it through socialisation
Barrett on the ideology of familism
ideology plays a role in women oppression:
- ideology of familism to explain why women live in nuclear family and marry + sexual division of labour
- ideology that the family is the only way women can be fulfilled
main argument: must not only overthrow capitalism but this ideology
criticisms of marxist feminists
- fails to explain the cause of inequality in non capitalist societies
- unpaid domestic labour may benefit capitalism but why is it women that perform
- not enough emphasis and responsibility on men
difference between Marx fem and dual system fems
Marx - capitalism is the system and patriarchy the side effect
dual system - both separate but intertwined system - patriarchal capitalism
example for dual feminism
domestic work limits a woman’s position and availability for work but the lack of opportunities drives many women into marriage and economic dependance
- so the two systems reinforce each other
why is difference feminism different to the others
does not assume shared experience / situation of women
- much more intersectional and not focused on white western mc women
- eg, family isn’t always a source of oppression, as black women are oppressed through racism, the family can support them and is a source of resistance