Feminist Ideology Flashcards
The 5 feminist thinkers and their ideology
- Simone de Beauvoir (liberal feminist)
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman (socialist feminist)
- Shelia Rowbotham (socialist feminist)
- Kate Millet (radical feminist)
- bell hooks (postmodern feminist)
Simone de Beauvoir ideology
Liberal feminism
Charlotte Perkins Gilman ideology
Socialist feminism
Sheila Rowbotham
Socialist feminism
Kate Millet
Radical feminism
bell hooks
Postmodern feminism
What word did Simone de Beauvoir use to describe being a woman?
How did Simone de Beauvoir compare men and women as sexes?
Men are the “first sex” and women are the “second sex”
To Simone de Beauvoir, what are female characteristics?
Female characteristics are a, “myth invented by men to confine women to their oppressed state”
Charlotte Perkins Gilman compared marriage to what?
She compared marriage to prostitution claiming it was a, “bargain for life we think good”
Simone de Beauvoir “one is not born” quote
“one is not born, but rather becomes a woman”
Simone de Beauvoir quote on the men in the economy having it better than women which enforces the patriarchy
“Men’s economic privilege […] encourage women to ardently want to please men”
Charlotte Perkins Gilman thinks there is no what?
“there is no female mind”
Charlotte Perkins Gilman about a man’s honour
“a man’s honor always seems to want to kill a woman to satisfy it”
Sheila Rowbotham quote about women at home and work
Women are treated “like cattle” both at home and at the workplace
Sheila Rowbotham revolution quote
“revolution within a revolution”
Kate Millet on the image of women
“the image of women that we know is an image created by men”
Kate Millet on the personal is the political
“when one group rules another the relationship between them is political
Kate Millet’s ultimate goal of feminism
The complete destruction of traditional marriage and the nuclear family is the “revolutionary or utopian” goal of feminism
bell hooks quote on the leaders of feminism
Feminism is controlled by “elitist, racist, white women”
bell hooks quote on black men
Black men want their “proper place as the patriarch in the home”
bell hooks feminism’s past selfishness
“many women have appropriated feminism to serve their own ends, especially those white women”
bell hooks on the economy
“Addressing the economic plight of women may ultimately be the feminist platform that draws a collective response”