Female Reproductive System Flashcards
What are the 4 elements of the female reproductive system and their components?
Primary reproductive organ:
- ovaries
Accessory ducts:
- uterine tubes
- uterus
- vagina
External genitalia:
- mons pubis
- labia
- clitoris
- structures of vestibule
Mammary Glands
What are the 3 functions of the ovaries?
- primary reproductive organs
- produce female gametes (ova)
- synthesize female sex hormones (oestrogens & progesterone)
What are the 2 female sex hormones?
oestrogene & progesterone
Where are the ovaries located?
- in a shallow fossa in an angle between the external and internal iliac vessels
Describe the anatomy of the ovaries (overview, layers, ligaments, vessels)
- paired almond shaped glands (3x2cm)
- hilum on medial aspect of ovary (port for vessels & nerves)
Layers (superficial to deep)
- germinal epithelium (outer layer of tunica albuginea, cuboidal cells continuous with peritoneum)
- tunica albuginea (thin fibrous capsule surrounding ovary)
- cortex (external component of ovary, contains ovarian follicles & somatic cells)
- medulla (inner component of ovary, contains vessels & nerves)
- Ovarian (medial attachment to uterus)
- Suspensory (lateral attachment to pelvic wall, conveys neurovascular structures)
- Mesovarium (suspends ovary between ovarian & suspensory ligaments; also forms part of broad ligament of uterus)
- ovarian arteries
- ovarian venous plexus into ovarian vein
- ovarian nervous plexus (CNX Vagus, SNS T9-11 & visceral afferents at T10)
- lumbar lymph nodes
At what spinal level does visceral afferent sensation from the ovaries enter the spinall cord?
What are the 4 layers of the ovary?
(from superficial to deep)
- Germinal epithelium
- external aspect of tunica albuginea
- cuboidal cells
- continuous with peritoneum - Tunica albuginea
- thin fibrous capsule of ovary - Cortex
- external component of ovary
- houses ovarian follicles & somatic cells - Medulla
- internal component of ovary
- contains large vessels & nerves
What is oogenesis?
the selection of a dominant follicle from the cortex of the ovary (from primary follicle to secondary follicle to a tertiary / vesicular follicle)
What are the 3 ligaments of the ovary?
- medial attachment to uterus
- lateral attachment to pelvic wall
- conveys neurovascular structure
- suspends ovary between ovarian and suspensory ligaments
- forms part of broad ligament of uterus
Describe the anatomy of the uterine tubes / Fallopian tubes (structure, function, location & components)
- paired 10cm muscular tubes
- run between ovaries and uterus
- receives oocyte from ovaries
- site of fertilization
- nourishes fertilized ovum
- transports fertilized ovum to uterus
- extend laterally from uterine horns
- open into peritoneal cavity near ovaries
- in upper free margin of broad ligament
- proximal 1cm embedded in uterine wall
- infundibulum (tunnel)
- expanded trumpet shaped opeing of tubes
- has projections called fimbriea
- opens into ampulla - Ampulla (flask)
- widest & longest part of tube
- site of fertilzation
- opens into isthmus - Isthmus (narrow passage)
- leading to uterus
- opens into uterine segment - Uterine
- short segment passing through uterine wall into uterine cavity
What re the 3 layers of the uterine tubes?
- Serosa
- tough external layer - Muscularis:
- longitudinal & circular layers of smooth mm
- peristalsis moves ovum through tubes - Mucosa:
- inner layer
- ciliated epithelial cells help propel the ovum
- non ciliated epithelial cells produce secretions that nourish the ovum and provide a medium for travel
Describe the anatomy of the uterus (function, structure, location & components)
- flattened pear shaped organ located posterior t o bladder
- 8 x 5 cm
- womb (site for reception & nutrition of fertilized ovum)
- anterior to rectum & posterior & superior to bladder
- fundus
- body with cornu and isthmus
- cervix (neck)
Describe the 3 components of the uterus:
- superior component
- superior to entry of uterine tubes
- contains cornu and isthmus
- cornu (horns): where uterine tubes enter
- ishtmus: inferior 1-2 cm of body; continuous with cervix
- neck of uterus
- connects uterus to cervix
- has supravaginal and vaginal compoments
What is the cervix?
- the inferior neck of the uterus
- a cylinder shaped neck of tissue that connects the uterus to the vagina
What are the internal and external orifices of the female reproductive system?
Internal orifice:
- between cervical canal and uterus
External orifice:
- lower opening of vagina
(circular in women without children; transverse split after childbirth)