The female reproductive cycle (FRC) is composed of the
ovarian cycle, during which ovulation occurs, and the
menstrual cycle, during which menstruation occurs .
Effects of female hormones
After menarche, a woman undergoes a cyclic pattern of ?
for a period of ?
This cyclic pattern is disrupted only by ?
A1/ovulation and menstruation
A2/30 to 40 years.
major target organs for female hormones?
The ovary, vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes
The ovaries produce ?
Ovarian hormones include the?
A1/mature gametes and secrete hormones .
A2/estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone .
The ovary is sensitive to ?
The uterus is sensitive to ?
A1/follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
A2/estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogens control the ?
development of the female secondary sex characteristics
Estrogens assist in the ?
cause the endometrial mucosa to ?
The amount of estrogens is greatest during the ?
A1/maturation of the ovarian follicles
A2/proliferate following menstruation.
A3/proliferative (follicular or estrogenic) phase of the menstrual cycle.
Estrogens cause the uterus to ?
because of increased ?
The endometrial mucosa is in a ready state as a result of ?
A1/increase in size and weight
A2/glycogen, amino acids, electrolytes, and water. Blood supply is expanded as well.
A3/estrogenic influence.
Estrogens inhibit ?
FSH production and stimulate LH production.
Progesterone is secreted by ?
is found in greatest amounts during the ?
1/the corpus luteum
2/secretory (luteal or progestational) phase of the menstrual cycle.
Progesterone It decreases ?
caused by ?
thereby preparing the uterus for?
This hormone is often called the ?
1/uterine motility and contractility
3/implantation after the ovum is fertilized.
4/hormone of pregnancy because its effects on the uterus
allow pregnancy to be maintained
Under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal epithelium ?
and the cervix secretes ?
2/thick, viscous mucus.