Female Reproductive & Anatomy Flashcards
How does estrogen act on the mammary gland?
They promote breast development by stimulating ductal and stromal growth and accumulation of adipose tissue.
How does progesterone act on mammary glands?
It promotes lobular proliferation
What attaches the superior (tubal) pole of the ovaries to the pelvic wall?
The suspensory ligament, which carries the ovarian vessels and nerves.
What attaches the Inferior (uterine) pole of the ovaries to the pelvic wall?
The ovarian ligament, which is a remnant of the gubernaculum.
The ovarian ligament is a remnant of ?
The gubernaculum.
What covers the ovaries?
Germinal epithelium. The surface of the ovary is covered by a single layer of cuboidal and in some parts almost squamous cells.
What are the changes in the number of oocytes from fetal development to birth?
Since 5th mont of fetal life, apoptosis of cells surrounding the oocyte happens. Atresia reduces the number of primary oocytes in a logarithmic fashion.
Where are the primordial follicles found?
They firs appear in the ovaries during the 3rd month of fetal development. In the mature ovary they are found in the stroma of the cortex just beneath the tunica albuguinea.
Where do we find Balbiani body?
In the cytoplasm of the oocyte. (ooplasm)
How does the follicle becomes a primary follicle?
The oocyte enlarges, and the surrounding flattened follicle cells proliferate and become cuboidal. Then the follicle cells becomes cuboidal, and this is when it is identify as a primary follicle.
The zona pellucida contains 3 zones, one of them is really important.. why is that?
The zona pelluzida contains zp-1,2,3. Zp-3 is the most important because it functions as the spermatozoa-binding receptor and inducer of the acrosome reaction.
It is believed Zp-2 acts as a secondary spermetazoa binding protein.
How does the membrane granulosa (stratum granulosum) develops?
Follicle cells undergo stratification to form the granulose layer of the primary follicle.
What is the preferred site for a surgical incision during a delivery by cesarean section?
The isthmus of the uterus.
where does the arterial supply of the uterus arise from?
The arterial supply of the uterus is the uterine arteries, which arise from the internal iliac artery.
What is the venous drainage of the uterus?
The internal iliac veins.
What ligament is responsible for the anterverted postion of the uterus?
Uterosacral ligament.
What happens in a cystocele, and what helps prevent it?
Cystocele is a herniation of the urinary bladder into the anterior wall of the vagina.
The pubocervical ligament, which extends anteriorly from the cervix to the pubic symphysis, helps prevent it.
What supports the uterine tubes?
The mesosalpinx
The broad ligament is divided into 4 regions which are?
1- The Mesosalpinx: supports the uterine tubes.
2-The Mesovarium: supports the ovray.
3-The mesometrium: supports the uterus.
4-The suspensory ligament of the ovary
Why do women have contact with the ambience?
B/c fallopian tubes open to ambient.
How does endometrial adenocarcinoma happens?
It is the most common gynecologic cancer in women and is linked to prolonged estrogen stimulation of the endometrium.
What’s endometriosis?
It is the presence of endometrial glandular tissue in abnormal locations outside the uterus.
The gonadal ridge appear medial to what? and is covered by what?
The gonadal ridge appears medial to the mesonephros and is covered mesothelium.
What forms the primary cords? what week?
By the 6th week the coelomic mesothelium proliferates and growths into underlying mesenchyme to form the Primary cords.
What happens to Cortex and medulla of the genital ridge in females and males?
In the indifferent gonad, for female the medulla will regresses, and for male the cortex regresses.
What happens on prostatic utricle?
Persistent remnant of paramesonephric duct.
What happens on Gartner’s cyst?
Persistent remnant of mesoneprhic duct.
Embryo: What forms the broad ligament?
The paramesonephric duct carries with them a layer of mesenchyme which stretches across the pelvis and forms the brod ligament.
What lift the utero-vaginal canal? Where doe it arise from
A pair of endodermal outgrowths - Sinuvaginal bulbs- arise from the Urogenital sinus.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia can occur due to what deficiency? (CAH)
21-Hydroxylase deficiency.
ACTH stimulates uptake of cholesterol and synthesis of pregnenolone. Steroid precursors up to and including progesterone, 17-hydroxypregnenolone, and especially 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) accumulate in the adrenal cortex and in circulating blood. Blood levels of 17OHP can reach 10-1000 times the normal concentration.
A 4- month infant is admitted to the clinic because urine can be observed passing through an opening on the ventral surface of the penis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is Epispadius?
Failure on the dorsal surface of the urethra.