Female Repro 1 Flashcards
Which disease?
- Infection of the female pelvic organs
- Begins in vulva and ascends upwards
- Follows the extension of a variety of microorganisms (usually acquired through sexual contact)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
In PID, the ascent of infection may resulte in what 3 things?
- Acute Salpingitis
- Pyosalpinx
- Tuboovarian abscess
What is the principal single organism causing PID?
However, most infections are ________
Principal organism= N. gonorrhea (gram neg diplococci)
Most infections are polymycrobic
85% of PID is caused by what 2 organisms?
- ***N. gonorrhea (gram neg diplococci)–> principal organism
- Chlamydia (weakly gram neg)
Is the incidence of PID greater in sexually promiscuous women or those that are monogamous?
Sexually promiscuous women
T/F: PID is occasionally a sequel to postpartum endometritis
T/F: it is claimed that women with IUD’s are at an increased risk for PID
How do patients with PID usually present?
What does physical exam reveal?
- Present w/ lower abdominal pain
- PE:
- Bilateral adnexal tenderness
- Marked discomfort when the cervix is manipulated
What are 3 complications of PID?
- Rupture of a tubo-ovarian abscess
- Infertility from scarring of the fallopian tubes
- Increased rate of ectopic pregnancies
(the 2 main complications are infertility and ectopic pregs)
What organism is associated with women having endometritis and PID due to IUD use?
(This was a PANCE question)
Actinomyces israelii
(A long fillamentous gram positive that looks like a fungus)
What 6 bacteria are extremely common in genital infections?
- N. gonorrhea (gram neg)
- Gardnerella vaginalis (gram neg)
- Treponema pallidum (AKA Syphilis)- spirochete
- Granuloma inguinale (gram neg)
- Chancroid (gram neg)
- Mycoplasma (small gram neg)
“MY GRANdma CHAN GO Gardn TREes”
What 4 viruses cause genital infections (commonly acquired by sexual contact)?
What 3 places do they typically affect?
- Herpes Simplex
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Vulva
- Vagina
- Cervix
Genital infections:
Fungal infections typically cause a _______ and includes_______ which lives on the moist surface of the vagina and does not invade deeper into the tissue.
vulvovaginitis; Candida albicans
Candida albicans is a fungal organism that normally lives in the vagina. What keeps this organism in check, preventing a yeast infection?
Kept in check by Lactobacillus, which keeps the vagina acidic
(Candida likes a basic environment)
Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) are what type of organism?
Are they sexually transmitted?
Obligate intracellular organisms sharing features of both bacteria and viruses.
Yes- they are STDs
What 2 things do Chlamydial infections cause?
- Cervicitis
- Urethritis
(also causes a white curdy discharge)

Genital infections:
Protozoan infections are typically limited to the _______
What is the most important pathogen?
Trichomonas vaginalis
What is seen on histology with Candida albicans

What are the local sxs of genital infections and which specific organisms cause them?
- Itching
- Pain
- Lesions depending on organism (all cause discomfort):
- Ulcers
- blisters/vesicles (Herpes)
- Chancres(syphilis)
- condilomatous lesions/ cauliflower type lesions= HPV
What are the 4 possible systemic sxs of genital infections?
- Fever
- Malaise
- Possible peritonitis and sepsis if bacteria enters from the tubes into the abdominal cavity (G.C.)
Systemic sxs of genital infections:
______ & ______ are possible if bacteria enters from the tubes into the abdominal cavity (can be seen with which organism)
Peritonitis and Sepsis
Organism= Gonococcus
How does genital herpes typically present?
grouped blisters/vesicles on the vulva or the perineal skin

What causes the following?
can result in the formation of venereal warts on the vulva, vagina or cervix, called Condyloma accuminatum

What is now the most common venereal disease in the US?