Female Pelvis Flashcards
Name 5 functions of the pelvis
- Cradles and protects the reproductive organs
- Absorbs and dissipates the ground reaction
force as it transfers from the feet to the pelvis
when walking or running - Offers attachment for the lower limbs
- Transfers weight of the trunk onto the legs
- Takes the weight of the sitting body
Name the four bones of the pelvis
Two innominate bones (hip bones)
One sacrum
One coccyx
The 2 innominate bones are joined together anteriorly by which joint?
Symphysis pubis
Which 2 joints connect the innominate bones to the sacrum?
Sacroiliac joints
Name the joint which connects the coccyx to the sacrum?
Sacrococcygeal joint
The 2 innominate bones are each formed by the fusion of 3 bones around the acetabulum. What is the acetabulum?
The socket of the hip bone
Which part of the pubic bone are the levator ani attached to?
The inner surface of the pubic bone
How many fused vertebrae make up the sacrum?
Which lumber vertebra does the sacrum articulate with?
Last lumbar vertebrae
The sacroiliac joint is described as being a synovial joint. What does this mean?
Joints lubricated with synovial fluid, cushion the joints and allow free movement
The coccyx is composed of 4 small fused vertebrae. Which of the following muscles are not attached to the coccyx?
a) Bulbocavernosus
b) Rectus abdominus
c) Pubococcygeus
d) Transverse perineal
e) Iliococcygeus
Name the FIVE pelvic joints which are held together by ligaments
Interpubic ligaments at the symphysis pubis Sacroiliac ligaments Sacrococcygeal ligaments Sacrotuberous Sacrospinous
Name the EIGHT points of the pelvic brim
Starting at the back and moving clockwise: Sacreal Promontory Sacreal Ala Sacroiliac Joint Iliopectinial Line Iliopectinial Eminence Superior Ramus Upper Inner Border of Pubic Bone Upper Inner Border of Symphysis Pubis
Identify the two points on the brim between which the following diameters lie and the measurement of each diameter: Anteroposterior Transverse Right Oblique Left Oblique
Anteroposterior - Sacrum to Pubic Bone (11cm)
Transverse - Left to right Inonimate Bone (13cm)
Right Oblique - Right sacrum to left ishium (12cm)
Left Oblique - Left sacrum to right ishium (12cm)
What forms the anterior wall of the pelvic cavity?
The pubic bone and symphysis pubis
What forms the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity?
The curve of the sacrum
What is generally agreed to be the diameter of the pelvic cavity?
Identify the two points of the obstetric outlet between which the following diameters lie and their diameters:
Anteroposterior - Lower border of symphysis pubis to sacrococcyygeal joint (13cm)
Transverse - between ischial spines (10-11cm)
Obliques - From obturator foramen and sacrospinous ligament (12cm)