Female Genital System II Flashcards
Ovarian Neoplasms are called (umbrella term for all three)
Surface Epithelial-Stroma Cell Tumors
Surface Epithelial-Stroma Cell Tumors
-Ovarian neoplasm that arises especially in cases of never giving birth or family Hx
Surface Epithelial-Stroma Cell Tumors
-Types (3)
- Serous tumors of the ovary
- Cystadenoma
- Cystadenocarcinoma
Surface Epithelial-Stroma Cell Tumors
- Familial types associated with BRCA
- BRCA only in 10% of sporadic cases
- Overexpression of HER2/NEU will lead to a poor prognosis
Serous tumors of the ovary
- A type of Surface Epithelial-Stroma Cell Tumor
- Most frequent ovarian tumor
- Large and round
A type of Surface Epithelial-Stroma Cell Tumor
- Benign
- Cystic lesions
- single layer of tall columnar epithelium lining cysts
- younger age (30-40)
- What
- Who does it affect
A type of Surface Epithelial-Stroma Cell Tumor
-Affects older women (45-65)
- Dx
- Histo
- Metastasis
-CA-125 used as a marker
-cyst lined with anaplastic epithelium (as opposed to cystadenoma which is lined with___?)
-spread by seeding
Breast Cancer
-Gene factors
-involved in 20% of breast cancer cases
- involved in 20% of breast cancer cases
- common in ashkenazi jewish women
- Men who have BRCA2 at increased risk of breast cancer
*These mutations not detected frequently in sporadic breast cancers
- Li Fraumeni syndrome: all young women will develop breast cancer
- Germline mutations involved in 1% of breast cancer cases for women <40 yrs old
Breast Cancer
-Hormonal/other factors
Women who never give birth or who have their first pregnancy at >35 yrs have 2-3X the risk of those who have first baby at <25 yrs of age
Breast cancer
-Genetic changes
overexpression of HER2/NEU IN 30% of invasive breast cancers
HER2/NEU is involved in epidermal growth factor receptors, and overexpression is associated with poor prognosis
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)
DCIS is the most common form of in situ breast cancer
- arises from terminal duct lobular units
- involves ductlike spaces
- wont penetrate basement membrane
- Calcifications are associated with DCIS (ducts=milk=Calcium)
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)
- Rarely presents as palpable or radiologically detectable mass
- if develops into carcinoma, will develop in the same breast and quadrant
- Non-comedo subtype unlikely to produce desmoplastic (hardening) response
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)
-Comedo High-Grade Subtype
- Gross appearance is a duct-like structure with white, necrotic material that looks like comedos (a clogged hair follicle)
- Induces desmoplastic (hardening) response
Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS)
- arises in terminal duct lobular units
- wont penetrate basement membrane
- these lobules produce mucus
- mucin vacuoles that produce signet ring cells are common
Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS)
- Always found incidentally
- Does not form masses or calcifications
- 1/3 of women with LCIS will have an invasive carcinoma, appearing in either breast at a significant frequency
- Thus, LCIS is used as a marker for breast cancer
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
- Breast cancers that cant be categorized into any particular specialized subtype
- Associated with DCIS
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
- may see dimpling of the skin
- irregular margins
- Invades tissues (nerves and/or lymph-vascular spaces)
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Hard palpable mass because normal breast fat is replaced due to a desmoplastic response
Breast Cancer: clinical manifestations
- small nodules can be felt through palpation
- 2-3 cm diameter means regional lymph nodes in 50% of cases
- 1 cm diameter means nodal metastasis in 15% of cases
Breast Cancer: clinical manifestations
-Superficial signs
- nipple retraction
- nipple discharge
- breast inflammation
- lymph node enlargement
- maybe some paraneoplastic syndrome like hypercalcemia
Breast cancer: clinical manifestations
-radiologic findings
Calcification from the hypercalcemia
Breast Cancer: prognosis
- Size
- Lymph node involvement
- 12 involved, survival rate decreases to <50%
Breast Cancer: prognosis
- Histologic type
- Hormone receptor status
histologic type:
-specialized types of breast carcinomas are better than no special type (invasive ductal carcinoma)
Hormone receptor status:
- overexpression of HER2/NEU is not good
- on the other hand, the anti-tumor antibody, Herceptin, which targets the HER2/NEU gene product, is good