Female Genital System and Breast Flashcards
What is the MC condition of the Vulva (allergic contact or infxn)
Inflammation (Vulvitis)
What is a Bartholin cyst
Obstruction/dilation of a Bartholin gland, can be painless or painful
Which epithelial disorder: Epidermal thinning (atrophy)
smooth white lesion near labia minora, dermal fibrosis, idiopathic/autoimmune, young and old, 5% SCC
Lichen Sclerosus
Which epithelial disorder: Epithelial Hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis (thickened), chronic irritation, underlying dermatosis, no CA risk
Lichen Simplex Chonicus
T/F: Both L.S. and L.S.C. resemble leukoplakia
Which neoplasia: warty lesions, post infection
Which Condyloma is secondary to syphilis, flat, moist, painless
Condylomata Lata
Which Condyloma is genital warts
Condylomata Acuminata
Which neoplasia: Rare, >60, late mets, 90% SCC, exophytic or ulcerative, Non-HPV-related SCC MC (older women, iso, no VIN, lichen sclerosus
Vulvar Carcinoma
T/F: Congenital malformations of the vagina are common
FALSE, they are rare
Which condition: Vaginal inflam, Leukorrhea, pain, itching, MC benign and transient, infxns (fungi- C. albicans white or Trichomonas vaginalis green)
Which vaginal CA: Rare, MC .60, HPV inc risk, Pre-CA vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
Which vaginal CA: Rare, red/granular foci, ADR- mom took diesthylstilbestrol, 40x inc risk
Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma
Which vaginal CA: Rare, MC <5 years, soft polypoid mass, embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Sarcoma Botryoides
What skeletal m. tumor: Aggro CA, areas of little skeletal m., MC pediatric soft tissue sarcoma, variable appearance, Tx. excision, chemo, radiation, 2/3 cured
What condition: Inflam of the cervix, Common, MC benign, poss asymptomatic, leukorrhea, pain, itching, bleeding, fever, pelvic exam
What is the MC infectious cause of Cervicitis
Chlamydia 40%
What are the non-infectious causes of Cervicitis
Chronic-reproductive age women estrogen flux or trauma
HPV-16 and HPV-18 involve in 70% of what cases
Neoplasia of the Cervix
Cervical neoplasia, endocervix vs exocervis
Which neoplasia of the cervix: HPV leads to dysplasia, MC Dx at 30, Cervical CA peaks 15 years later
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN)
Low-grade CIN vs High-grade CIN
Low-observe, 60% regress 10% pro
High-excision, 30% regress, 10% lead to CA
What is Koilocytosis
Cellular changes from HPV
Because CIN is asymptomatic, how is it usually cauguth
Early detection via screening - Pap. Smear
Which vaginal CA: SCC (75%) adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, all from HPV infxn, MC Dx. mid 40s
Invasive Carcinoma of the Cervix
What it the location of invasive cervical cancer
Transformation zone
Invasive cervial CA is MC in which women
Those who lack screening
Death from invasive cervical CA is MC from
Local invasion: renal failure
What is the Tx for invasive cervical cancer
Hysterectomy and lymph node excision
Barrel Cervix is seen in what
Invasive cervical CA
Endometritis is an inc. risk for what
Ectopic pregnancy/infertility
What is extrauterine endometrial tissue in 10% of all reproductive age women, 1/2 of all infertility cases
Chocolate cyst, along with the 3 theories of regurgitation, metaplasia, or vasculary/lymphatic dissemination are all related to what
What is Metrorrhagia
Irregular, between periods (spotting)
What condition: overgrowth of endometrial cells, inc. estrogen, or failed ovulation, risk for endometrial carcinoma, several biopsies, 5-50% chance for CA transformation
Endometrial Hyperplasia
Which proliferative lesion of the uterus: MC female genital tract CA, MC 55-65, Enlarged uterus, leukorrhea, metrorrhagia, late lymph mets = good prognosis
Endometrial carcinoma
Which type of endometrial carcinoma hyperplasia, permenopausal, inc estrogens, diabetes, HTN, infertility
Endometrioid 80%
Which type of endometrial carcinoma is endometrial atrophy, post-menopausal, aggro
Serous 15%
What are seeile/cystic masses .5-3 cm, any age MC around menopause, abnormal uterine bleeding CA risk
Endometrial polyps
Leiomyomas and Leiomyosarcomas are both what kinds of tumors
Smooth m. tumors
Which smooth m. tumor has benign fibroids, multiple, reproductive age women, inc estrogens, Af. americans
Which smooth m. tumor is malignant, postmenopausal, MC mets to lungs 5 year survival 40%, Tx. excision, commonly recur
What is Salpingitis
Inflamm of the fallopian tubes MC
Which condition: adenocarcinoma, MC located on fibriae, Dx late, invades peritoneal cavity
Fallopian Tube Carcinoma
What is a serous-filled cyst, 1-4 cm, graafian or ruptured follicles, may enlarge and rupture, palpable mass, hemorrhage
Ovarian Cysts
What condition: Multiple cystic follicles, ovaries double in size, 15% of repro age women, oligomenorrhea or infertile, obesity, familial
Polycystic Ovarian Disease
8th MC CA in US for women, 5th MC cause of CA death, prolonged oral contraception dec risk
Tumors of the ovary
What tumors account for 90% of ovarian CA, may be benign or malignant, repeated ovulation leading to metaplasia
Surface Epithelial Tumors
95% of surface epithelial tumors have a mutated what gene
Which surface epithelial tumor: MC, 60% benign 30-40, 25% malig 45-65, Large 40cm, 25% bilat, 60% of all ovarian CAs, 15% 10 year survival
Serous Tumors
Which surface epithelial tumor: MC malignant, 30% bilat
Endometroid Tumors
What kind of tumor is a Ca of the GI tract that has spread to the ovaries, Signet-ring cells, lymph mets, 80% bilat, Dx. 45 y/o, 2% of all ovarian tumors
Krukenberg Tumor
What is a tumore arising from all 3 germ cell layers, 20% of ovarian tumors, MC in first 2 decades, symptoms late, benign (90%) or malig, younger inc. CA risk
Ovarian Teratoma
BEAT relating to ovarian CA
Bloating, Eating less feeling fuller, Abdominal pain, trouble with GI
Which placental infxn is MC, from premature rupture of membranes, neutorphils and edema, MC bacterial, STIs or normal flora
Which placental infxn is from Toxoplasmosis, rubella virus, CMV, HSV
What is nonuterine implantation of a fertilized egg (fallopian tube 90%), 1% of all pregnancies
Ectopic pregnancy
What condition is a group of tumors resulting from abnormal fertilization, mimics early pregnancy, no fetal heart sounds and too large for date
Gestational Trophoblastic disease
What is a benign “grape-like” cystic mass
Hydatidiform Mole (complete no fetal parts or partial early fetla parts)
Which type of gestational trophoblastic disease: is benign, but locally invasive, may rupture leading to life-threatening hemorrhage
Invasive Mole
Which type of gestational trophoblastic disease: malignant, from complete mole or after preg or abortion, may be aggro. Tx. chemo is about 100% cure
What condition: MC mets to lungs, “cannon ball metastasis”
What condition is characterized by: HTN >20 weeks, Proteinuria, Edema in face or periphery, MC Dx. in 3rd tri, 5-10% of all pregnancies, Inc. risk >35 and first pregnancy
What condition is characterized by: Onset of seiqures, elevated BP, maternal end-organ failure, HA, abnormal vision, poss coma, 10% develop HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets), Tx magnesium sulfate anti-hypertensive meds
What is the MC congenital breast abnormality
Inverted Nipple
What is Galactocele
Obstructed mammary gland duct
Breast CA is the #1 female CA, but where does it ranke for CA-related death
What is a fibroadenoma
Benign solid tumor containing glandular and fibrous tissu
What is the MC benign condition of the breast
Fibrocystic changes
What comes from menstrual hormonal fluctuations, MC in superolate quadrant, little clinical significance, oral contraception dec. risk
Fibrocystic changes
What type of fibrocystic chage is MC, dilated ducts, multiple cysts, calcific densities on mammograph
What type of fibrocystic change has ducts with epithelial hyperplasia
Which inflam breast lesion is a small chalky white mass
Fat necrosis
What is ductal dehydration MC 40-60, nonbacterial, chronic inflamm, periareolar mass, poss nipple retraction
Mammary Duct Ectasia
Which tumor of the breast is benign the MC, 20-30, solitary, fir, mobile, 1-10 cm
Which tumor of the breast can be benign (85%) or malig, Late mets good prog, rapid growth, leaf-liek appear
Phyllodes Tumor
20% lethal, 5% before 40, 75% after 50 what condition does this describe
Breast CA
Where are 50% of breast CA found
Superolateral quadrant
what does the basement membrane have to do with breast CA
No = in situ Yes = Invasive or infiltrating
What condition: Non-invasive, rarely palpable, mixed cells, necrosis/calcification, great prognosis (97%), Tx excision,
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
Paget Disease of the Nipple
Eczema-like skin lesion 1-4% of all breast CA
What condition: uniform cells, mucin vacuoles, rarely calcific, MC incidental Dx, Chemo, bilat mastectomy
Lobular carcinoma in situ
What type of breast CA, invades into and adheres to pectorals, lymphatic mets = dimpling of skin and nipple inversion, poss lymphedema
Invasive (infiltrating) carcinoma
Which invasive breast CA: From DCIS, 70-80% of all breast CAs, heterogenous cells with irregular boarders, firm/fibrotic/palp mass
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Which invasive breast CA: From LCIS, aggo growth, mult masses, palp or occult, Mets to CSF GI ovary uterus or marrow
Invasive Lobar Carcinoma
Which invasive breast CA: <1%, anaplastic cells, BRCA1 common, “Triple Negative
Medullary Carcinoma
Where does breast CA MC mets
T/F: Post-op recurrences of CA is very predictable
False, unpredictable
T/F: Male breast carcinoma rapidly invades the thorax, MC in elderly, 50% mets at Dx.