Female Athlete Triad Flashcards
Define Female Athlete Triad?
A triad of disorders observed in adolescent and young adult female adults - osteoporosis - disordered eating - amenorrhea (Yeager et al, 1993)
What is amenorrhea?
delayed menarche (>16) and/or > 3 missed periods in a row
What is eumenorrhea?
regular menstruation
What can female athlete triad be characterised by?
low energy availability
menstrual dysfunction
low bone mineral density
What was some of the early evidence into the effect of nutrition on menstrual function?
amenorrhea observed frequently in starving populations of Eastern Europe during WW1
1930s some observations that insufficient food intake could affect reproductive cycles of animals
Outline the findings of Bullen et al (1985) into the effect of weight loss couple with intense activity on menstruation
intense physical activity couple with intentions of weight loss (4kg in 8 weeks) leads to severely high rates of menstrual abnormalities
(Bullen et al, 1985)
What is the effect of athletic performance level on incidence of amenorrhea?
Malina et al (1973, 1978) found higher level college athletes displayed delayed menarche on average
How does training volume affect incidence of amenorrhea?
incidence increases within college track and field athletes as mileage increases
- (Feicht et al, 1978)
How does sport type affect incidence of amenorrhea?
triad characteristics higher in lean sport athletes
- (Gibbs et al, 2013)
What is the effect of amenorrhea on bone mineral density ?
Vertebral BMD ~13% lower in amenorrheic athletes than control
- (Drinkwater et al, 1984)
Energy availability = ???
energy intake - exercise energy expenditure
How is energy availability expressed?
normalised to fat free mass (FFM) in kg
What is a target energy availability for active women?
give reference
45 kcal per kgFFM per day
- Loucks (2011)
What energy availability is thought to only be enough to support sleeping metabolic rate?
30 kcal per kgFFM per day
What are the 3 main causes of low energy availability?
- eating disorders
- intentional efforts to reduce body size / fatness
- inadvertent failure to increase energy intake to compensate for exercise energy expenditure
How is the menstrual cycle disrupted in amenorrheic athletes?
pulsatile secretion of LH is disrupted
Is menstrual disruption as a result of exercise or low energy availability?
mixed reports,
Williams et al (1995) reported only disruption in exercise AND calorie restriction group
Loucks et al (1994) reported diet restriction alone = 23% reduction in LH pulse frequency
How does age influence the relationship of low energy availability on LH pulse frequency?
younger women (shorter luteal phase) results in pronounced effect of low energy availability on LH pulse frequency. Therefore, young women impacted more than older women by a low energy availability
How does low energy availability affect bone mineral density markers?
as energy availability drops, markers of bone breakdown increase and markers of bone formation drop
- (Ihle & Loucks, 2004)
Does estrogen affect BMD along with energy availability?
estrogen deficiency + low energy availability results in largest recordings of markers of bone breakdown and lowest bone formation
- (De Souza et al, 2008)
Who created the most commonly used screening tool for the triad?
De Souza et al (2014)
What kind of questions does the De Souza et al (2014) screening tool ask?
> do you restrict your diet? > BMI? > delayed menarche? > stress fractures? > Amenorrhea?
What are some methods of triad treatment?
> focus on energy availability of 45 kcal per kgFFM per day.
nutritional education
Provide the best course of treatment in reference to the 3 causes of low energy availability
> eating disordes (referral to doctor/mental health practitioner)
intentional effort to reduce body size/fatness (nutritional education)
inadvertent failure to increase energy intake to compensate for exercise energy expenditure (nutritional education)
Can triad characteristics occur within men?
Provide some research supporting that men can present some triad characteristics
Energy availability during training of 8 kcal per kgFFM per day in elite cyclists
- (Vogt et al, 2005)
What does RED-S stand for?
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
Why do the RED-S camp believe it’s a better descriptive than female athlete triad?
> highlights energy deficiency as a key feature
removal of female as it can occur in men
not everyone presents with all 3 triad symptoms
can occur in non-athletes
broadens the consequences to other than 2 emphasised in female athlete triad