Family & genus of Feline Calicivirus
- family: caliciviridae
- genus: vesivirus
Properties of feline calicivirus
Non enveloped, RNA,
Calicivirus infects what tissue
Squamous epithelium
What type of animals are affected by calicivirus (species & age)
- many species; especially cats
- any age cats
Why are the Clinical features & epidemiology of caliciviruses different?
- extremely variable signs due to variable strains
Mild signs of caliciviruses
- pneumonia
- vesiculation & ulceration of oral epithelium
What other virus is similar to caliciviruses & hard to differentiate?
Clinical signs of highly virulent systemic strains of calicivirus
- SQ & facial edema
- striking ulceration of nose, pinnae, feet
How are caliciviruses sread
- fomites
- direct contact
- shed via oral secretions for extended periods
Incubation pd of caliciviruses
2-6 days
Most consistent sign in mild and severe form of caliciviruses
Oral ulceration
Pathology of caliciviruses
- vesicular rupture and ulceration after 2-3 wks
- footpad lesions
- edema of face and limbs
- hepatic necrosis & in other organs b/c of vascular injury
Why is it hard to dx caliciviruses?
Dual infections w/ herpesviruses prod. signs similar to other diseses
Dx of caliciviruses
- viral isolation in feline cell culture (neg if low virus, most sensitive)
- viral Ag in infected tissues by IF, IHC, or RT-PCR
- Serology (if vx or prior exposure)
Differential Dx for caliciviruses
- mild calicivirus from Feline Herpesvirus 1
- limping syndrome
- dual FCV & FH1 infections
Vx for feline calicivirus
- modified live
- multi-strain
- IN (route)
Prevention of feline calicivirus
- isolate sick animals
- decontamination
Core vx against feline calicivirus
- Rabies
What causes the multiple strains of caliciviruses