Feline CMs Flashcards
Features of HCM
- Hypertrophied, non dilated LV
o Absence of other cardiac or systemic abnormalities causing LVH
Extracardiac causes of LVH
HyperT4, hypertension
Hypertension + RCM may resemble HCM
Etiology HCM
mutation in 1 of 7 genes encoding for cardiac sarcomere protein
o Cardiac B myosin heavy chain
o cTnI, cTnT
o Alpha-tropomyosin
o Cardiac myosin binding protein C
o Ventricular myosin essential light chain
o Ventricular myosin regulatory light chain
Histopath HCM
- Myocardial/fiber disarray in LV and RV
- Intramural coronary arterial sclerosis
- Interstitial fibrosis (blue)
- Contact lesions (SAM)
- Connective tissue abnormalities: MV, intramural CAs, collagen matrix derangements
History HCM
o Asymptomatic with heart murmur, arrhythmia, gallop
o Acute signs of CHF
o Acute paresis → most common sign associated with ATE (hindlimbs > R front limb)
Signalment/breeds HCM
- 3mo to 17y (mean 5-7y)
- DSH most commonly reported, followed by DLH
o Breed predisposition: Maine Coon, American Shorthairs, Persians - Male predominance
- Non obstructive > obstructive
soft systolic murmur
o Syncope can occur from tachyarrhythmias (not common)
o Gallop: usually represent S4
Left anterior fascicular block reported In 11%, 30% and 33% of cats
o Signs of LVE/LAE
Clinical significance HCM
- Diastolic dysfct
- Dynamic ventricular outflow obstruction
- Myocardial ischemia
- Ventricular/SV arrhythmias
- Myocardial failure
Pathophysio HCM
- Diastolic function: impaired diastolic filling
o ↓ relaxation/compliance in early diastole = diastolic dysfct
o Filling dynamics: influenced by extent of septal hypertrophy
o Non uniform LV relaxation/stiffness
→ ↑ L sided filling P → LA dilation → ↑ PVP
From abnormal Ca2+ kinetics - Abnormal cytosolic Ca2+ kinetics
o Abnormal loading conditions
o Fibrosis, myofiber disarray, hypoxia, ischemia - Myocardial ischemia → affect diastolic fct
o CA remodeling: arteriosclerosis
Thick arteriolar wall → ↓ lumen - Tachycardia: ↑HR → ↓ systolic/diastolic function → ↑ OT PG → ↓ CO
o ↑ myocardial O2 consumption → ischemia → ↑ myocardial stiffness → ↓ ventricular filling
Angio HCM
- LVFW hypertrophy
- ↓ LV chamber size
o Slitlike appearance - Hypertrophied pap muscles
- Moderate to severe LAE/RAE
- Distended PVs
- Normal to accelerated transit time (contrast)
- Thrombi in LA or LV
Echo changes HCM
- LVH: end diastolic wall thickness >6mm
o ↓LV chamber
o Hypertrophied pap muscles
o LAE - Dynamic LVOTO
o +/- SAM
Fibrous plaque on IVS
Evaluation of myocardial fct on echo HCM
o Normal to ↑ FS%
o Myocardial infarcts:
Regional LV hypo/ dyskinesis
LVFW thinning (<2mm)
ST segment changes on ECG
Detect thrombi/prethrombic condition on echo HCM
o Spontaneous echo contrast: associated w LA blood stasis
Erythrocyte aggregation at low shear rate
Platelet aggregates
Factors involved in thrombogenesis
* Blood stasis → areas of a/dyskinesis
* Systemic platelet activation from MR
o Abnormal valvular surface
o Hemodynamic irregularity
o *severe MR may have protective role
o Associated w ↑ thromboembolic risk
Treatment HCM
- B blockers
o HR control → indirect improvement in LV filling by ↑ diastole
↑ coronary blood flow
↓ myocardial ischemia
o ↓ myocardial O2 demand
o Anti arrhythmic effect
o Inhibit ∑ myocardial stimulation - B-blockers, Ca2+ blockers, ACEi, pimobendane may delay progression
o No evidence
Natural history HCM
- Most will achieve adulthood w/o c/s
- Sudden death: recurrent syncope is a risk factor
o Tachy/brady arrhythmias
o DLVOTO: Most commonly associated w exercise
o Altered baroreflexes
o Ishemia - Acute pulmonary edema
- Arterial thromboembolism
- Myocardial failure: sometimes can progress to stage of chamber dilation and reduced contractility
o Severe myocyte death and fibrosis replacement
o Resemble DCM
o Poor prognosis
Prevalence of dLVOTO
67% of cats with HCM
Features of LVOTO
o Obstruction in mid systole, after most of LV SV ejected → lead to
o Narrowing of LVOT
Hypertrophied IVS
Anterior MV leaflet:
* Thickened
* Elongated chordae tendinae
o Systolic anterior motion (SAM) of MV
Apposition of MV leaflet on IVS
* Fibrous plaque on basal IVS
Associated with MR → directed posterolaterally (eccentric)
* Usually small
* Should not be significant enough to cause CHF
* May contribute to ↑ LAP
o PG in LVOT in mid-late systole
Asymmetric flow pattern shape: slow rise in early systole and abrupt increase and peak in mid systole (dagger shape)
Associated high velocity turbulent flow in ascending Ao
Consequences of LVOTO
o ↑ systolic LV pressures → ↑ myocardial wall stress
o Exacerbated subendocardial ischemia
o ↑ myocardial O2 demand
o Stimulate LVH
o No studies showed a worse survival in cats with LVOTO
Conditions that can exacerbate LVOTO
o ↓ LV volume (preload)
o ↓ afterload
o ↑ contractility
Proposed mechanisms for mid LVOTO
Hypertrophied pap muscles
Hyperdynamic contractility
Mechanisms for DRVOTO
o Muscular hypertrophy of crista terminalis, moderator band, trabeculae
Proposed mechanisms for LVOTO
- Systolic anterior motion of anterior MV leaflet
- Septal hypertorphy
- Ventricular isometric contraction
What is SAM
- Anterior MV leaflet moves into LVOTO in mid-late systole
o Apposition w IVS
o OT turbulence
o MR
Mechanisms of SAM
o Narrowing of subaortic outlet: may contribute
o Elongated MV leaflets
Echo and post mortem measurements of Hu MV leaflets with HCM showed longer MV leaflets than normal of non obstructive HCM Hu
Possibly due to MV stretching from LVH and distorsion
o Anteriorly displaced pap muscles
Change in ventricular geometry 2nd to LVH →anterior displacement → coaptation point of MV closer to LVOT
Initial pulling of MV leaflet into LVOT
* Leaflet get caught into blood flow and slammed to IVS
Studies showed that physical displacement of pap muscle toward IVS causes SAM
o Venturi effect w/I LVOT:
↑ LVOT velocity → Venturi effect sucking MV toward septum
* Leaflet has to be close to IVS to be drawn by the flow
* PG has to be present before the valve is drawn: high velocity flow → ↓ pressure → pull mobile valve
* In systole, MV is closed
* Cannot explain alone SAM
Mechanism for septal hypertrophy and DLVOTO
- Basilar IVS hypertrophy present in most cases of HOCM
o Abnormal systolic thickening → obstruction of LVOT in absence of SAM
o Can produce high velocity flow in LVOT → venturi forces → SAM - Evidence of IVS hypertrophy contribution
o ↓ obstruction in patients w HOCM by surgical resection/alcohol ablation of septal region
Mechanism for Ventricular isometric contraction and DLVOTO
- Excessive emptying of LV w mid-end systolic isometric contraction
o High LVP → PG across LVOT
o Unable to obliterate its cavity because of different pressure/forces
o Implausible according to Doppler studies
Rapid blood flow in stenosis region
Evidence of DLVOTO in early systole: chamber full of blood
Pathophys RCM
diastolic dysfct and ↑ myocardial stiffness
o Lead to ↑ LVP → L-CHF
- Cardiomyopathic process restricting ventricular filling w/o LVH
o Impaired diastolic filling
o Normal to ↓ diastolic volume
o Normal systolic function
o Normal to ↑ ventricular wall thickness
What are the two major forms of fibrosis found in “restrictive” feline CM (according to Fox et al.)
RCM signalement
o No sex predilection
o Variable age: middle age to older most common
Etiology RCM
Idiopathic for both forms
Features of myocardial RCM
- Most prevalent
- Non infiltrative in cats
o Idiopathic
o Hu: amyloid infiltration → deposition of metabolic storage material
NOT documented in cats
Gross pathology myocardial RCM
o ↑ heart weight
o Biatrial enlargement
o Normal to mild ↑ LV wall thickness
o Normal systolic function
Histopath myocardial RCM
o Patchy endocardial fibrosis
o Myocyte necrosis
Etiology endomyocardial RCM
endomyocardial fibrosis
o Associated with endomyocarditis
Viral infection → direct invasion/myocardial toxins → myocardial tissue injury
* Possible parvoviral gene material from high % of feline hearts
o Immune mediated myocardial injury suggested
o Metastatic neoplasia → infiltrative dz (lymphosarcoma)
o Hypereosinophilic syndrome with multiorgan infiltration described
Hu: Loffller’s endocarditis
* Marked eosinophilia with cardiac involvement
Cats: small # of cases reported
* Focal mononuclear in myocardium
* Subendocardial eosinophilic infiltration
* Endomyocarditis
Gross pathology endomyocardial RCM
o ↑ heart weight
o Severe endocardial scar
Mid to apical cavity
Obliterating distal chamber causing mid ventricular stenosis
* Bridging LVFW and IVS
Diffuse scar also possible → can ↓/obliterates LV chamber size
o Can affect MV apparatus
Fusingof pap muscles/chordae tendinae
Distortion of MV apparatus
Tethering of posterior MV leaflet
o Normal to mild ↑ LV wall thickness
o Severe LA, often RAE
Atrial hypertrophy: diffuse endocardial thickening + white surface
Atrial thinning: thin and translucent from loss of atrial myocytes and collagen replacement = fibrosis
o Myocardial infarction: focal, pale, depressed area
Histopathology endomyocardial RCM
o Severe, extensive LV endocardial thickening and scar
* Rarely affects both ventricles
* RV only reported in Hu, not cats
Hyaline, fibrous and granulation tissue
* Extend for variable distance into subendocardium and myocardium
Myocardial interstitial fibrosis
Chondroid metaplasia
o Intramural coronary artery atherosclerosis
o Endomyocardial necrosis/fibrosis
o Myocyte hypertrophy
o Endomyocarditis: varying degree of endomyocardial infiltration
Neutrophils, macrophages > lymphocytes, plasma
o Atria: diffuse endocardial thickening associated w ↑ collagen fibers
Diffuse myocyte necrosis
Replacement fibrosis
Wall thinning