feeding Flashcards
what are oral reflexes?
when does the fetus seek oral stim?
12 weeks gestation
what does pressure and movement within oral cavity provide? (in gestation)
awareness of mouth boundaries
where does oral fx begin in mouth?
front and center gradually to lateral and posterior
what are the 3 stages of swallowing?
- oral: chewing
- pharynx: swallowing
- esophageal
what causes dysphagia?
difficulty passing food from mouth to stomach
lack pharyngeal sensation
swallowing inadequacies
how do you tx dysphagia?
thicken fluid
jaw control
flexible endoscopic eval of swallowing/sense test (FEESST)
video xray
what to observe in feeding eval?
tone facial expression positioning strength/endurance oral cavity oral sensitivity
what is the prioritized order for feeding intervention?
coordination for gross motor
coordination for fine motor
head, neck, trunk
jaws, tongue, lips, cheeks
what leads to abnormal patterns?
too much mobility or stability
what position promotes breathing?
flexion/chin tuck
what does jaw closure achieve?
lip closure
mature tongue
normal swallow
matured primitive patterns
how do you tx oral hypersensitivity?
gradual intervention
eye contact during
better tolerated–>least tolerated outer mouth–>inner
rub face, lips, cheeks with textures
how do you tx oral hyposensitivity?
face–>inside mouth
sensory stim
look in mirror after eating