What are feedbacks?
Feedbacks are processed that act to either reduce or increase the effects of climate forcings
What are tipping points?
Tipping points are the critical points at which the state of a system is altered (Lenton, 2008)
What are predictions?
Predictions are statements that something will happen based on conditions and assumptions
What are scenarios?
Scenarios are plausible descriptions based on what ifs’
How are scenarios created? PISC
Incremental arbitrary changes
Past climates
Spatial analogues
Climate models
What is the biome removal hypothesis?
A 2017 study by BALA
If you removal boreal forests, albedo increases and you get cooling
If you remove tropical forests, evapotranspiration is limited and you get warming
What is the respiration hypothesis?
A hypothesis by Lloyd, 1994
If you have higher temperatures, you have more respiration, releasing more carbon and increasing temperatures
What are the 2 ice hypothesis?
If you melt permafrost, more carbon is released causing more heating
If ice sheets melt, albedo is reduced and more heat is absorbed, causing more heating
How are climate models evaluated?
Testing against observations
Reliability metrics
What is the SRES IPCC report of 2000?
Special report on emission scenarios
Provides a family of 4 scenarios to assess climate change
Now uses RCP as they are more consistent