Feedback September-October Flashcards
There’s one more reason why I decided to enrol __ this course.
There’s one more reason why I decided to enrol on this course
enrol in this course
[pronunciation] course
O (not ‘У’)
“When you’ve learned one second language, it’s easier to learn another.”
“ _______ ” (мне кажется, это не так - think / not / true)
I don’t think that’s true. [put the negative at the beginning]
[pronunciation: where’s the stress?] communicate
pronunciation: where’s the stress?
Could you share the screen because I’m __ my phone?
Could you share the screen because I’m on my phone?
[preposition] There isn’t any mention __ grammar in this text.
There isn’t any mention of grammar in this text.
[pronunciation] I’m not bilingual.
I’m not sure I’ll ever ___ [get] a native speaker level of competence.
I’m not sure I’ll ever get to a native speaker level of competence.
It’s difficult to k___ __ (=maintain) a conversation with someone who only says Yes and No.
It’s difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says Yes and No.
I want to ____ (достигнуть уровня, при котором я буду видеть сны на английском).
I want to get to a level where I see dreams in English.
Я сам научился слепой печати.
I taught myself to touch type
[reformulate] I feel that my pronunciation is far from perfect >> [desired]
I feel that my pronunciation leaves much to be desired
Ella: ‘I can’t acquire any skills by myself. I need someone for teach me.’
Alexander: I’m the opposite ____ (в этом отношении). I don’t like being taught.
Ella: ‘I can’t acquire any skills by myself. I need someone for teach me.’
Alexander: I’m the opposite in this respect (в этом отношении). I don’t like being taught.
I enjoy talking to a person after the first, say, 10 or 15 minutes, after you’ve understood ____ (что у вас общего).
I enjoy talking to a person after the first, say, 10 or 15 minutes, after you’ve understood what we have in common.
My first impressions are generally accurate.
I can’t remember any situations in my life ____ it dawned on me later that my first impression was wrong.
I can’t remember any situations in my life where it dawned on me later that my first impression was wrong.
As __ me, my first impressions are generally also accurate.
As for me, my first impressions are generally also accurate.
[pronunciation] You can get along with anybody.
[pronunciation] You can getalong with anybody.
(don’t make a pause!)
[pronunciation] relaxed
/rɪˈlækst/ (like in ‘cat’, NOT like in ‘cup’)
[reformulate to mean ‘right now’, to make the question slightly less direct]
‘Am I too chatty?’
‘Am I being too chatty?’
In my new company, I don’t _____ (не чувствую себя) witty because nobody understands my jokes.
I don’t feel witty
NOT ‘feel myself’ - as this means ‘щупать’
I try to keep my distance from people who are aggressive - I just don’t want to be ___ them.
I try to keep my distance from people who are aggressive - I just don’t want to be around them.
(not ‘with’)
‘Am I being too chatty?’
‘Well, you are talkative, but I don’t see that as a negative ____ [черта]’.
‘Am I too chatty?’
‘Well, you are talkative, but I don’t see that as a negative trait [черта]’.
In my experience, most people there have a racist ____ (менталитет, образ мышления).
a racist mindset
further examples:
Have a positive mindset and life will follow.
The first step to being wealthy is changing your mindset.
I’d say I’m quite secretive about m____ (= things) that I think should _____ (= remain) private.
I’d say I’m quite secretive about matters (= things) that I think should stay (= remain) private.
[pronunciation] an orchestra
A few of my colleagues have been fired, and our ____ (начальство) won’t explain to us why they were fired.
A few of my colleagues have been fired, and our management won’t explain to us why they were fired.
[add one word] I think doctors can be different, and the most important is education.
[add one word] I think doctors can be different, and the most important thing is education.
A taxi driver has to be careful - the word ‘careful’ isn’t on this list, but I think this trait is of u____ importance.
A taxi driver has to be careful - the word ‘careful’ isn’t on this list, but I think this trait is of utmost importance.
I don’t like them either, but some people _____. [любят]
I don’t like them either, but some people do.
(not ‘like’)
There were a few occasions when a taxi driver started to talk at the beginning of my ____ (тридцатиминутный) trip, and they kept talking without any interaction from my side.
a 30-minute trip
don’t add ‘s’ to adjectives
We spent 5 minutes talking.
but ‘We had a 5-minute conversation’.
I live within a _____ (пятиминутный) drive from the nearest underground station.
I live within a five-minute drive drive from the nearest underground station.
What topic could you give an impromptu _____ (десятиминутную речь) on?
What topic could you give an impromptu ten minute speech on?
[pronunciation] turn-off
/ˈtɜːn ɒf/
/ˈtɜːrn ɔːf/
I may sometimes come across as a bit unkind - my voice may sound a bit harsh and people who don’t know me well may ______ (обижаться).
I may sometimes come across as a bit unkind - my voice may sound a bit harsh and people who don’t know me well may take it personally.
take offence
It’s easier for me if I’m ____ (good) prepared.
It’s easier for me if I’m well prepared.
adverb + adjective
I switched on____ (включил поворотники).
I switched on my turn signal.
У тебя включен левый поворотник.
Your left turn signal is on.
When I’m ____ing late I always try to tell people beforehand. (опаздываю)
When I’m running late I always try to tell people beforehand.
[pronunciation] 1960s
the Sixties
[pronunciation] ecotourism
BrE /ˈiːkəʊtɔːrɪzəm/
AmE /ˈiːkəʊtʊrɪzəm/
[pronunciation] 2000s
the two thousands
[pronunciation] 1900s
the nineteen hundreds
[pronunciation] hugely significant
‘What’s the word in this gap?’
‘___ go __ pass’ (или ‘go’ или ‘pass’)’
Either go or pass.
(NOT ‘or..or’)
Apps are good, but for me they can’t ____ regular lessons with a teacher. (= заменить)
Apps are good, but for me they can’t replace regular lessons with a teacher.
[talking about changes in content] I agree - for me this is also an unnoticeable change. >> BARELY
I agree - for me this is also something barely noticeable.
[pronunciation] automatically translate to German
The automatic translation wasn’t perfect, but at least it allows you to communicate and _____ (your point / … - донести).
The automatic translation wasn’t perfect, but at least it allows you to communicate and get your point across.
B: Have you ever tried such devices.
E: No - what about you?
B: I ___. (= yes)
B: Have you ever tried such devices.
E: No - what about you?
B: I have.
[find and fix a grammar mistake] People learn online more and more.
People are learning online more and more.
[ongoing change => present continuous]
Some schools had both offline and online courses before _____ (пандемия) - but now they’ve switched to online-only courses.
Some schools had both offline and online courses before THE pandemic (пандемия) - but now they’ve switched (switch) to online-only courses.
I don’t think that these apps will be able to provide quality translation in the _____ [SEE - word family] future. [= near]
I don’t think that these apps will be able to provide quality translation in the FORESEEABLE future. [= near]
____ (все исследования) (indicate) that this is going to happen soon, but I can’t agree with that.
All research indicates that this is going to happen soon, but I can’t agree with that.
Recently, there ___ a steady shift to buying books online.
Recently, there has been a steady shift to buying books online.
‘Recently’ (a period that includes now) => present perfect
[How has the pandemic changed the way you work?] Working remotely ____ (help) me to save some time to study new things.
Working remotely has helped me to save some time to study new things. [because we’re focusing on change in this discussion]
Most people work either at the office or __ home.
Most people work either at the office or from home.
During __ pandemic, I didn’t use the subway for about a year - I __ got a taxi __ I got around on foot.
During the pandemic, I didn’t use the subway for about a year - I either got a taxi or I got around on foot.
Some schools had both offline and online courses before the pandemic - but now they ___ (switch) to online-only courses.
Some schools had both offline and online courses before the pandemic - but now they ___ (switch) to online-only courses.
Use a tense that indicates change, so:
they’ve switched OR they’re switching OR they’ve been switching
Recently, there has been a steady shift to ____ (buy) books online.
Recently, there has been a steady shift to buying books online.
‘to’ is a preposition here
I’ve been __ Paris twice.
I’ve been to Paris twice.
(not ‘in’)
use ‘to’ with ‘I’ve been’ + cities / countries / other geographical locations
[pronunciation] In what sequence should I revise them?
[pronunciation] Here you comment on an action.
I’ve worked six companies ___ [на данный момент].
I’ve worked six companies so far.
I’ve been working as a consultant for two years, and I’ve ___ two projects.
I’ve been working as a consultant for two years, and I’ve done two projects.
I don’t have _____ experience in investing. [у меня не особо много опыта]
I don’t have that much experience in investing.
I ____ (be) Uzbekistan as a tourist in January.
I was in Uzbekistan as a tourist in January.
not present perfect because you mention the specific time
I changed my passport in 2020, and the only country ____ (I / be) with this passport was Uzbekistan.
I changed my passport in 2020, and the only country I’ve been to with this passport was Uzbekistan.
a backpack
[fix a grammar mistake] Zhenya has been traveling a lot before moving to Germany.
Zhenya had been traveling a lot before moving to Germany.
I’ve been working in this company for six years ___. [=уже шесть лет]
I’ve been working in this company for six years now.
‘now’ with present perfect continuous means ‘уже’
There’s some work I / mean / do, but I just haven’t had the chance to do that because I was busy ____ (do) other work.
There’s some work I’ve been meaning to do, but I just haven’t had the chance to do that because I was busy doing other work.
There’s this problem with connection that I’ve been trying to solve, but I couldn’t do that because the specialist at the call center was completely ___ (word family: (NO) CLUE, an adjective)
бестолковый / ни в зуб ногой
There’s this problem with connection that I’ve been trying to solve, but I couldn’t do that because the specialist at the call center was completely clueless.
Probably if ___ (you / married) for ten years and you’ve been through a lot together…
Probably if you’ve been married for ten years and you’ve been through a lot together…
[spot a problem here and correct the sentence] I sent you a report a week ago. Haven’t you had the chance to review it?
Careful! Haven’t you had = у вас что, не было времени??
Have you had the chance to review the report I sent you?
[reformulate] I hope you’re doing great and splendid. You didn’t send me feedback.
I haven’t received the feedback yet, if I’m not mistaken. Is everything OK? / I hope everything’s OK.
Nothing really changed because the same Asian people fetch me food.
Careful! ‘fetch’ means ‘go there and come back’ so it suggests ‘servants’
Alternatives: deliver food to me
The walls look like they’re about to ____ (развалиться).
The walls look like they’re about to come apart.
The plastic is ____ off.
The plastic is coming off. (NB not ‘exploding’ = ‘going off’)
[formulate] when you / tight space, this could be very difficult if you have four kids.
When you’re tight for space, this could be very difficult if you have four kids.
or: tight on space
Fortunately, I haven’t had COVID, so I don’t know ____ __‘_ ____ (каково это) to live without the sense of smell.
Fortunately, I haven’t had COVID, so I don’t know what it’s like to live without the sense of smell.
If you’ve lost your sense of smell, you might eat some food that ____ (испортилась).
If you’ve lost your sense of smell, you might eat some food that’s off. (or that’s gone off)
[pronunciation] redecorate
How to say ‘однушка’? ‘двушка’?
однушка: a bedsit BrE / single room occupancy (SRO) unit in the United States
двушка: a one-bedroom flat
[fix] Car prices can run into hundreds of thousands?
A car can cost a fortune nowadays.
The cost of getting a car can run into the hundreds because you have to [do this] and [that] and etc.
Our strategy / need / revamp.
Our strategy needs revamping.
[reformulate] I’m not planning to buy a flat any time soon, because I don’t have ____ (the money for that => SORT)
I’m not planning to buy a flat any time soon, because I don’t have that sort of money.
[If you decided to go minimalistic, what would you do away with?] To do away with something, you need to have something more than the b___ minimum. (абсолютный минимум)
To do away with something, you need to have something more than the bare minimum.
I’d say, there are about one hundred thousand people in Russia, ____ or ____. (=плюс-минус)
I’d say, there are about one hundred thousand people in Russia, give or take.
I’ve been _______ (=not doing) my homework for these past couple of weeks, because things have been totally crazy.
I’ve been neglecting my homework for these past couple of weeks, because things have been totally crazy.
I’m on vacation ______ today.
I’m on vacation starting today.
Maybe he makes some ___ (appropriate >> negative) jokes
Maybe he makes some inappropriate (appropriate >> negative) jokes.
Maybe they’re __ a meeting.
Maybe they’re in a meeting.
They use their body language and any means available to ___ their ____ _____ (донести свою мысль).
They use their body language and any means available to get their point across (донести свою мысль).
If you aren’t on a tight budget, just buy it because ___ (оно того стоит)
If you aren’t on a tight budget, just buy it because it’s worth it.
[pronunciation] sarcasm
[pronunciation] annual bonuses
[pronunciation] appropriate
[pronunciation] 300,000 dollars
[pronunciation] three hundred thousand dollars
(not ‘thousands’)
‘I think, they’d need around 300 000 dollars.’
‘Could you ___ [reformulate: прокомментировать] - why do you think three hundred thousand?’
‘I think, they’d need around 300 000 dollars.’
‘Could you elaborate (on that) - why do you think three hundred thousand?’
[pronunciation] Well, a rough estimate would be…
[pronunciation] inappropriate
We’re gonna start the meeting at 8 o’clock. ____ [reformulate: ‘without any ish’]
We’re gonna start the meeting at 8 o’clock, on the dot.
Use this expression when you want to emphasize being punctual
[pronunciation] I’m not an avid fan of national cuisines.
I’m not …
(someone who likes cats / dogs / spaghetti / …)
I’m not a cat person / a dog person / a spaghetti person / …
[pronunciation] decisive
[find and an issue]
‘You don’t see it?’
‘You don’t see it?’
‘So, you don’t love him any more?’
‘Нет, люблю’
‘So, you don’t love him any more?’
Yes, I do.
For example, if we want to support Russian, we need to invest more money into education, book publishing, and so on.
It’s not only about Russian - it’s also about other languages.
For example, if we want to support Russian, we need to invest more money into education, book publishing, and so on.
And this doesn’t only concern Russian - this concerns other languages too.
I wouldn’t agree completely with you.
I agree with you on the point that …,
but I wouldn’t say that … [what you think about the other point]
If the China’s economy ___ (обгонит) the economy of the English speaking
If the China’s economy overtakes the economy of the English speaking
This may _____ all English speaking countries. (повлиять)
This may affect all English speaking countries. (повлиять) [no preposition]
This may have an effect on all English speaking countries…
An expression that can be used to end a discussion when you disagree and you want to finish the discussion.
Let’s ____ to ____.
Let’s agree to disagree.
[pronunciation] a controversial issue
BrE /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃl/
‘The Earth is flat.’ I would ____ agree with this. [с удовольствием]
‘The Earth is flat.’ I would gladly agree with this. [с удовольствием]
not ‘с большой вероятностью’ = ‘likely’
‘Where’s the ___?’
‘Where’s the bathroom?’
These days I ___ (read) a lot of news on Europeans and Americans.
Lately I / read …
These days I’m reading a lot of news on Europeans and Americans.
Lately I’ve been reading a lot of news..
[pronunciation] neutral
BrE /ˈnjuːtrəl/
AmE /ˈnuːtrəl/
my great grandfather
Global warming.. Yes it has been proven, but I can’t do anything __ that.
Global warming.. Yes it has been proven, but I can’t do anything about that.
[pronunciation] Armenia