Feedback October-November Flashcards
These situations are quite memorable.
Recently, travelling has become more complicated, due to the fact that there are _ (слишком мало) direct flights from Russia.
Recently, travelling has become more complicated, due to the fact that there are few (слишком мало) direct flights from Russia.
Nowadays there are too few flights from Russia and _ (мне пришлось) stop travelling so much.
Nowadays there are too few flights from Russia and I’ve had to stop travelling so much.
So, both Oksana and you live in Armenia? Then you can travel together!
Yeah, we live in the same city but we _ (не можем встретиться).
Yeah, we live in the same city but we
can’t meet = it’s physically impossible
haven’t been able to meet = всё не можем встретиться
Sergey has _ (поменял работу)
Sergey has changed jobs.
[context: talking about vocabulary learning strategies]
I _ (START) to use Cambridge dictionary pretty actively.
I’ve started to use Cambridge dictionary pretty actively.
[context: talking about vocabulary learning strategies]
I use Brainscape, and while I can’t say I _ (learn) all the words, some of them _ (stick).
I use Brainscape, and while I can’t say I’ve learned all the words, some of them have stuck.
[context: talking about vocabulary learning strategies]
I’m using Google translate.
It _ (be) open on my laptop over the last 2 years.
I’m using Google translate.
It has been open on my laptop over the last 2 years.
[context: talking about vocabulary learning strategies]
I’m still struggling with the pronunciation. It _ (never/be) my priority in English.
I’m still struggling with the pronunciation. It’s never been my priority in English.
[context: talking about vocabulary learning strategies]
For me, Brainscape is effective. I can say that I _ (already incorporate) some phrases into my speech and try to use them.
For me, Brainscape is effective. I can say that I’ve already incorporated some phrases into my speech and try to use them.
[context: talking about vocabulary learning strategies]
And I _ (ещё сделала) some new cards - not only the ones Olya provided, but some other words that I _ (хотела) to work on.
And I’ve also created some new cards - not only the ones Olya provided, but some other words that I wanted to work on.
Would you mind _ (help) me with this report?
Would you mind helping me with this report?
would you mind + v-ing
What a nightmare - it’s like being in a bunker.
I once left my towel in a sauna.
The next morning I called them and asked _ (они случайно не нашли его).
I once left my towel in a sauna.
The next morning I called them and asked if they happened to find it.
(or: happened to have found it)
could you possibly + action
do you happen to + verb
[fix something]
I’ve got a bit of problem.
I’ve got a bit of a problem.
My dog has _ (= блохи).
My dog has fleas.
fix this (in two ways)
Do you happen to find my bag?
Did you happen to find my bag?
Do you happen to have found my bag?
I was wondering
Oh, I’m afraid I can’t help you with _ (it or that)?
Oh, I’m afraid I can’t help you with that.
Do you have any tips _ how to strengthen your butt, to make it more attractive?
Do you have any tips on how to strengthen your butt, to make it more attractive?
So _ it’s a longer sentence, it’s more formal.
So even though it’s a longer sentence, it’s more formal.
despite the fact that
even though + sentence e
despite + noun
[if you’re speculating - размышляете - how could you fix this sentence?]
At least, they’re friends.
Signal that you don’t know through grammar or vocabulary:
They must be friends. / might be / could be
They look like they’re friends. / seem like.
Judging by their body language, they’re friends.
From the looks of it, they’re friends.
[if you’re speculating - размышляете - how could you fix this sentence?]
He’s the sysadmin.
Signal that you don’t know through grammar or vocabulary:
He must be the sysadmin. / might be / could be
He look like he might be the sysadmin. / seems like.
Judging by the equipment he’s holding, he’s the sysadmin.
[if you’re speculating - размышляете - how could you fix this sentence?]
The relationship is informal.
Signal that you don’t know through grammar or vocabulary:
They seem like their relationship is informal.
Judging from their body language, their relationship must be informal.
From the looks of it, their relationship is informal.
[if you’re speculating - размышляете - how could you fix this sentence?]
He is disturbing her, and she wants to concentrate on her work
Signal that you don’t know through grammar or vocabulary:
He might be disturbing her, and she looks like she …
[fix something]
It wasn’t exactly that cheap.
It wasn’t that cheap.
It wasn’t exactly cheap.
something of a surprise
the stress is on the FIRST syllable
Here. lt’s for a contract. Twenty g_ (= тысяч), right?
Here. lt’s for a contract. Twenty grand, right?
sums of money: use singular, not plural (three hundred / five thousand / six million, etc)
Compare: Thousands of people came to the rally (тысячи) vs Five thousand people came to the rally.
From the looks of it, they’re just work buddies.
frmtheLOOKsavit, they’re just work buddies.
Unfortunately I go to bed at about 2 in the _, ish.
Unfortunately I go to bed at about 2 in the morning, ish.
Oh, so you only _ six hours of sleep? Ouch!
Oh, so you only get two hours of sleep? Ouch!
[what’s the meaning?]
The boy’s a natural.
The boy’s very talented and can learn without being taught.
Basically, they deliver the ingredients and you just cook them.
What about Indian food? I mean, as far as I know, _ (англичане) love it?
What about Indian food? I mean, as far as I know, the English love it?
[after you talked about music for some time]
Что касается films, I like thrillers.
In terms of films, I like thrillers.
I like thrillers and _ (детективы).
I like thrillers and detective films.
detective movie
crime shows
crime dramas
Oh, so you only get two hours of sleep? Ouch!
Yeah. But that’s my _, kinda - I’ve always been like that.
Oh, so you only get two hours of sleep? Ouch!
Yeah. But that’s my thing, kinda - I’ve always been like that.
[do you need an article here?]
We’ve got a new boss - so we’ll see how things develop.
NO article necessary
We’ve got a new boss - so we’ll see how things develop.
I started optimising processes before _ (это стало мейнстримом) in my company.
I started optimising processes before it was a thing in my company.
or ‘before it became a thing’
In the past, they used gas.
As for me, but I eat all the time. ;)
Oh, _ (я тебе не верю! - tongue-in-cheak)
As for me, but I eat all the time. ;)
Oh, you don’t say! (я тебе не верю!)
We just do those pre-cooked pizzas.
You just pop it in the oven and, 20 minutes later, job done.
[add one word]
Recently, wife ordered, whatsitsname, I forgot.
[add one word]
Recently, my wife ordered, whatsitsname, I forgot.
always use ‘my’/’his’/’…’ with 1) family members and 2) body parts
I feel bored when I’m watching something light-hearted.
no ‘red’!
I don’t like watching films that are too intense. у меня достаточно drama на работе.
I don’t like watching films that are too intense. I get enough drama at work.
He’s full of energy.
fulla venergy
He’s afraid of her, from the looks of it.
He seems like he pretends to like her but then he goes and does something _ (за её спиной).
He seems like he pretends to like her but then he goes and does something behind her back.
He’s from the north of England.
the northa vEngland
the stress is on the FIRST syllable
BrE /mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/
AmE /mɪˈsɑːdʒɪni/
The French are always complaining - it’s kind of their _.
The French are always complaining - it’s kind of their thing.
I have mixed feelings about this. _ (С одной стороны), this is our reality. But at the same time, I personally I don’t like it.
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, this is our reality. But at the same time, I personally I don’t like it.
(don’t use ‘side’)
I think this bill is a bit stupid, _ _ honest. It’s completely unrealistic to try and regulate language.
I think this is bill is a bit stupid, if I’m honest. It’s completely unrealistic to try and regulate language.
or: to be honest
I’d disagree that all languages have the same degree of complexity.
One thing that I wrote down is that a lot of languages are dying out. Of course, _ (я об этом знала), but….
One thing that I wrote down is that a lot of languages are dying out. Of course, I was aware of that, but….
I knew that
(don’t use present perfect here)
There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.
the stress is on the FIRST syllable
[two students reading together]
S1: Let’s move on?
S2: Just a moment, I don’t read as q_ as you do.
Just a moment, I don’t read as quickly as you do.
When I told my brother that it seemed like it would rain, he doubted that.
But when the first drops fell, I turned to him and said, ‘Looks like my weather prediction was s_ _! (= absolutely right)
When I told my brother that it seemed like it would rain, he doubted that.
But when the first drops fell, I turned to him and said, ‘Looks like my weather prediction was spot on!
As far as I’m concerned, you’re missing the point here.
When I was reading this, I was thinking about Wikipedia..
[talking about pirated content]
The amount is not _ (настолько же significant как) in cases of real theft.
[talking about pirated content]
The amount is not as significant as in cases of real theft.
I think that imprisoning people who download pirated content is a bit too _ (= слишком жёсткое наказание).
I think that imprisoning people who download pirated content is a bit too harsh (= слишком жёсткое наказание).
I think that marrige _ (становится) less and less common, but the concept itself is not outdates.
I think that marrige is getting less and less common, but the concept itself is not outdates.
Marriage is necessary because how else do you sort out the issues related to _ (совместно нажитое имущество)?
Marriage is necessary because how else do you sort out the issues related to the property acquired while living together?
or ‘the stuff you picked up while…’
[talking about diagnosing patients]
Definitely. We have much better ‘magnifying glasses, в кавычках, to diagnose various conditions..
Definitely. We have much better ‘magnifying glasses, so to say to diagnose various conditions..
I have a lot on my plate, besides? beside?? these problems.
I have a lot on my plate, besides these problems.
not ‘рядом с’ = beside
I think as _ as you start making electric vehicles that are as powerful as regular vehicles, there will be nothing stopping the public from buying them.
I think as soon as you start making electric vehicles that are as powerful as regular vehicles, there will be nothing stopping the public from buying them.
not ‘provided that…’ = ‘as long as we…’
I feel like it _ (not) worth my energy dealing with negative people.
I feel like it’s not worth my energy dealing with negative people.
[talking about feeling rusty]
I _ (study) philology at university and _ (нас научили) a lot of languages, but now it’s all completely gone.
I studied philology at university and they taught us a lot of languages, but now it’s all completely gone.
or ‘we were taught’
By default, use past simple when telling a story.
[replace with a shorter expression
I used to play the guitar when I was a child, but now…
I used to play the guitar as a child, but now…
[word formation]
I think present perfect continuous may sometimes express _ (disapprove).
I think present perfect continuous may sometimes express disapproval.
[where are the stresses here]
How do you motivate yourself to keep at it?
How do you motivate yourself to keep at it?
[fix an issue]
I noticed that some people are naturally chatty. (= it’s easy for them to chat)
I‘ve noticed that some people are naturally chatty.
We have this national trauma - we tend to be suspicious _ strangers.
We have this national trauma - we tend to be suspicious of strangers.
We _ (not suppose) to write here.
We aren’t supposed to write here.
I wanted to experiment with…
I tend to procrastinate.
Many household products are potentially h_ (= могут причинить вред).
Many household products are potentially harmful (= могут причинить вред).
Some of my friends are really laid back - it’s great that even if they’re going through a rough patch, they can t_ th_ m_ o_ their problems and just enjoy life.
= отвлечься
They can take their minds off their problems and just enjoy life.
He had such a huge ego.
Both vowels are correct!
/ˈiːɡəʊ/, /ˈeɡəʊ/
So he found his way _ your heart?
So he found his way into your heart.
A holiday in Europe is _ _ deal more fun than staying home.
A holiday in Europe is a good deal more fun than staying home.
or: a great deal more fun
My holiday in Africa was a great deal _ (comfortable? more comfortable?) than a stay in my flat.
My holiday in Africa was a great deal more comfortable than a stay in my flat.
a great deal + comparative
Climbing Everest is not _ awful _ people tend to think.
Climbing Everest is not as awful as people tend to think.
What adverbs could go in the gap?
A holiday in the USA is currently _ as impossible as a trip to the Antarctic.
= ровно настолько же
+ почти настолько же
what adverbs could go in the gap?
A holiday in the USA is currently just as impossible as a trip to the Antarctic.
or equally as impossible as..
or nearly as impossible as..
This would be a total _ (катастрофа).
This would be a total catastrophe.
you just meditate and you’re just alone with your thoughts
Note the stress!
[talking about practicing speaking]
If you speak to _ (с нейтивами), you can get some feedback, but as for me, that’s not necessary.
[talking about practicing speaking]
If you speak to native speakers, you can get some feedback, but as for me, that’s not necessary.
not natives (as this suggests indigenous population)
[Which option is better?]
For me, it’s not _ (necessarily? necessary?) to speak to native speakers.
For me, it’s not necessary to speak to native speakers.
I remember that at the beginning of the lockdown working from home was OK, but over time, the complexity of it _ (grew? grew up?)
I remember that at the beginning of the lockdown working from home was OK, but over time, the complexity of it grew.
developed = grew
a child becoming an adult = grew up
[small talk, when you feel you’ve being talking too much and your partner isn’t saying at all]
En_ _ me - what about you?
Enough about me - what about you?
[which option is better?]
It was more enjoyable than I’d (expected? hoped?)
It was more enjoyable than I’d expected.
use more … than I’d hoped when you’re disappointed
[which option is correct?]
It was more enjoyable than I [would? had?] expected.
It was more enjoyable than I had expected.
It wasn’t as _ catastrophe as I’d expected.
It wasn’t as much of a catastrophe as I’d expected.
as much of a + noun + as
The camera on my new phone
the one on my last phone
The camera on my new phone is equally as good as the one on
my last phone.
is + adv + as … as
[make a sentence]
my second boyfriend
as much…
the first one
My second boyfriend was just as much of a catastrophe as the first one.
These are products that _ (портятся) quickly.
These are products that go bad quickly.
So it’s not _ (so? such?) a good idea to get them delivered twice a month.
So it’s not such a good idea to get them delivered twice a month.
The milk _ (испортилось).
The milk is off.
People think that having children early in life is difficult. Having them later p_ similar challenges. (создаёт аналогичные проблемы)
People think that having children early in life is difficult. Having them later poses similar challenges.
It’s as much of a hassle.
There is a t_-_ (= компромисс) between the benefits of the drug and the risk of side effects.
There is a trade-off between the benefits of the drug and the risk of side effects.
[make a sentence]
Which option is better?
Well, _ (depend).
It depends.
I don’t think I’d agree _ a low-paid job anymore, to be honest.
I don’t think I’d agree to a low-paid job anymore, to be honest.
talking about ranges:
If you have, say, two, three choices…
there were twenty twenty two authors…
we’re expecting 100-150 participants
talking about ranges:
If you have, say, two or three choices…
There were twenty or twenty two, give or take authors…
we’re expecting 100 to 150 participants
they’re on the increase
this doesn’t
a lot..
This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
a bit of a rebellious streak
Prefixes dis- and mis- are pronounced with /s/
She’s a bit of a know-it-all.
a bi ta va knowi tall
a fetus
[add one word]
A bit grumpy would be especially problematic for a babysitter.
Being a bit grumpy would be especially problematic for a babysitter.
(you need a subject => use v-ing to add it)
it wasn’t exactly rocket science
improve the sentence with a more interesting adverb ;)
For me, being able to do whatever I want during the day was MUCH better than working in the office.
For me, being able to do whatever I want during the day was way better than working in the office.
miles better? decidedly better? …
[add a ‘colourful’ adverb]
For me, knitting a scarf for a loved one is _ more relaxing than cooking a dinner.
For me, knitting a scarf for a loved one is miles more relaxing than cooking a dinner.
[add a word]
I think knitting a scarf could be just enjoyable as writing a calligraphy card.
I think knitting a scarf could be just as enjoyable as writing a calligraphy card.
Where are you going to spend _ (the 31 of December)?
Where are you going to spend the New Year’s eve?
These days Christmas isn’t about religion - it’s getting more s_, as everyone tends to celebrate it.
These days Christmas isn’t about religion - it’s getting more secular, as everyone tends to celebrate it.