Federal Legislation Powers Flashcards
Constitutional Provision for Congressional Powers
Art. 1, Sect. 8
Congress’s express powers
- taxing and spending
- regulating commerce
- establishing uniform naturalization rules and bankruptcy laws
- raising and support military
executing laws
NOT Congress
Executive branch is obligated to execute laws passed by Congress
speech or debate clause
members of Congress have criminal and civil immunity for “legislative acts”
* Applies to activities and documents essential to legislative duties
necessary & proper clause
enables Congress to take any action not constitutionally prohibited to carry out its express powers
* CANNOT violate another provision of Const.
NOTE: this authority constitutes Congress’s implied powers
NOT independent source of power: must be used in conjunction w/ another fed. power
- ET: usually wrong answer b/c not source of congressional power to act
taxing & spending power
may tax and spend in any way deemed necessary for the “general welfare”
- very broad power
- taxes must reasonably relate to revenue production (low threshold)
NOTE: cannot directly require purchase but can tax failure to make purchase
- eg health insurance
ET: “general welfare” correct answer ONLY IF question concerns taxing, spending, or an area w/in Congress’s limited police power
penalties as taxes
calling a measure a “penalty” rather than a “tax” is valid if it behaves similar to tax
eg ACA individual mandate
Congress can tax to achieve a regulatory effect if:
1. tax’s dominant intent is to raise revenue, and
2. some reasonable relationship between tax + regulation (low burden to satisfy)
regulatory spending
Congress can create a regulatory effect by placing conditions on its spending as long as it’s NOT overly coercive
spending conditions
1. clearly stated
2. related + constitutional
3. NOT unduly coercive
eg Medicaid
police power
NO general police power
1. military
2. indian reservations
3. fed. land & territories
4. district of columbia
power to regulate commerce
Commerce clause gives Congress exclusive authority to regulate interstate commerce
- powers for intrastate depends on nature of activity (economic v. noneconomic)
Can regulate commerce
- w/ foreign nations
- Native american tribes
- among states
interstate commerce
“between” states
can regulate channels, instrumentalities, or economic activities that have substantial effect on interstate commerce
- includes person and things in interstate commerce
1. 10A
2. can’t compel activity (like health insurance)
NOTE: broad power; beware of answers suggesting Congress has acted beyond its commerce power concerning interstate activity
planes, trains, cars, people
(how things move)
highways, telephone lines, etc.
(infrastructure for interstate movement)
instrastate commerce
“within” states
- Economic activities: IF rational basis to conclude that activity (in aggregate) substantially affects interstate commerce
- Non-economic activities: IF has direct, substantial economic effect on interstate commerce (tougher burden to satisfy)
purely local economic effects
when aggregate substantially effects interstate commerce
dormant commerce clause
limits state laws burdening interstate commerce
(ie, interfereing w/ Congress’s commerce power)
10A limits on Congressional power
all powers not granted to fed. govt nor prohibited to states are reserved to the states
- limits Congress’s ability to regulate and/or tax states alone
Eg, Congress cannot require states to enact laws or administer fed law or regulate noneconomic activities traditionally regulated by states
EXCEPT: civil rights: Congress may restrict state activities that violation civil rights
conditional grants
can induce (but not compel) state regulatory or legislative action through the use of conditional grants
1. condition must be expressly stated,
2. condition must relate to purpose of law at issue, and
3. condition cannot be unduly coercive
eg, fed. highway funds conditioned on states maintaining a minimum drinking age of 21
delegation powers
has broad authority to delegate legislative powers to executive officers and administrative agencies
- administrative agencies established by congressional enabling acts can create rules that have status of law
limits on delegation powers
- must provide intelligible standards to define the scope of legislative authority it delegates
cannot delegate executive or judicial powers to itself or its officers
- cannot create commissions that enforce or prosecute violation of laws
NOTE: b/c delegation power is broad, be wary of answer choices regarding excessive delegation as a limitation on congressional authority
legislative & line-item vetos
both unconstitutional
Legislative veto: cannot veto a decision by an agency acting pursuant to delegated power
- Pass another law: must be overturned by enacting superseding law
Line-item veto: President cannot veto part of a bill, would be impermissible delegation of power to president
- president must sign or veto a bill in its entirety
bicameralism + presentment
- no line item veto
- no legislative veto (must pass another law)