Federal Aviation Regulations Flashcards
May a pilot in the U.S. Military use a current U.S. Armed Forces medical examination to exercise the privileges of an FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate?
No, the medical examination may not be used to exercise the privileges of an FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate.
A coded transponder equipped with altitude reporting equipment is required for
Class A, Class B, and Class C airspace areas.
What are the VFR cloud clearance and visibility requirements in the Class B airspace?
3 SM visibility and clear of clouds.
Portable electronic devices which may cause interference with the navigation or communication system may not be operated on U.S.-registered civil aircraft being operated
under IFR.
If an airplane category is listed as utility, it would mean that this airplane could be operated in which of the following maneuvers?
Limited acrobatics, including spins (if approved).
Airplane A is overtaking airplane B. Which airplane has the right-of-way?
Airplane B; the pilot should expect to be passed on the right. Each aircraft that is being overtaken has the right-of-way, and each pilot of an overtaking aircraft shall alter course to the right to pass well clear.
When flying in a VFR corridor designated through Class B airspace, the maximum speed authorized is
200 knots.
A pilot convicted of operating a motor vehicle while either intoxicated by, impaired by, or under the influence of alcohol or a drug is required to provide a…
written report to the FAA Security and Hazardous Materials Safety Office (AXE-700) not later than 60 days after the conviction.
Which of the following are considered aircraft class ratings?
Single-engine land, multiengine land, single-engine sea, and multiengine sea.
What flight time must be documented and recorded by a pilot exercising the privileges of a commercial certificate?
Flight time showing training and aeronautical experience to meet requirements for a certificate, rating, or flight review.
Unless otherwise authorized, the pilot in command is required to hold a type rating when operating any
aircraft of more than 12,500 pounds maximum certificated takeoff weight.
Each person who holds a pilot certificate or a medical certificate shall present it for inspection upon the request of any
local law enforcement officer.
Prior to carrying passengers at night, the pilot in command must have accomplished the required takeoffs and landings in
the same category, class, and type of aircraft (if a type rating is required).
To serve as second in command of an airplane that is certificated for more than one pilot crew-member, and operated under Part 91, a person must
within the last 12 months become familiar with the required information, and perform and log pilot time in the type of airplane for which privileges are requested.
What flight time may a pilot log as second in command?
All flight time when qualified and occupying a crewmember station in an aircraft that requires more than one pilot.
A person with a Commercial Pilot certificate may act as pilot in command of an aircraft for compensation or hire, if that person
is qualified in accordance with 14 CFR Part 61 and with the applicable parts that apply to the operation.
Does a commercial pilot certificate have a specific expiration date?
No, it is issued without an expiration date.
When is the pilot in command required to hold a category and class rating appropriate to the aircraft being flown?
On flights when carrying another person.
A pilot convicted of operating an aircraft as a crewmember under the influence of alcohol, or using drugs that affect the person’s faculties, is grounds for a
denial of an application for an FAA certificate, rating, or authorization issued under 14 CFR Part 61.
To act as pilot in command of a tailwheel airplane, without prior experience, a pilot must…
receive and log flight training from an authorized instructor.
To serve as pilot in command of an airplane that is certified for more than one pilot crewmember, and operated under Part 91, a person must…
complete a pilot-in-command proficiency check within the preceding 12 calendar months in an airplane that is type certificated for more than one pilot.
A person with a Commercial Pilot certificate may act as pilot in command of an aircraft for compensation or hire, if that person…
is qualified in accordance with 14 CFR Part 61 and with the applicable parts that apply to the operation.
To serve as pilot in command of an airplane that is certified for more than one pilot crewmember, and operated under Part 91, a person must
complete a pilot-in-command proficiency check within the preceding 12 calendar months in an airplane that is type certificated for more than one pilot.
When is the pilot in command required to hold a category and class rating appropriate to the aircraft being flown?
On flights when carrying another person.
Unless otherwise authorized, the pilot in command is required to hold a type rating when operating any…
aircraft of more than 12,500 pounds maximum certificated takeoff weight.
To act as pilot in command of an airplane that is equipped with retractable landing gear, flaps, and controllable pitch propeller, a person is required to
receive and log ground and flight training in such an airplane, and obtain a logbook endorsement certifying proficiency.
To act as pilot in command of an airplane towing a glider, a pilot must have accomplished, within the preceding 24 months, at least
three actual or simulated glider tows while accompanied by a qualified tow pilot.
A person with a Commercial Pilot certificate may act as pilot in command of an aircraft for compensation or hire, if that person…
is qualified in accordance with 14 CFR Part 61 and with the applicable parts that apply to the operation.
To serve as second in command of an airplane that is certificated for more than one pilot crew-member, and operated under Part 91, a person must…
within the last 12 months become familiar with the required information, and perform and log pilot time in the type of airplane for which privileges are requested.
To act as pilot in command of an airplane towing a glider, the tow pilot is required to have
a logbook endorsement from an authorized glider instructor certifying receipt of ground and flight training in gliders, and be proficient with techniques and procedures for safe towing of gliders.
14 CFR Part 1 defines VNO as
maximum structural cruising speed.
What is the primary purpose of a minimum equipment list (MEL) ?
list the equipment that can be inoperative and still not affect the airworthiness of an aircraft.
A pilot in command (PIC) of a civil aircraft may not allow any object to be dropped from that aircraft in flight
if it creates a hazard to persons and property.
Required flight crewmembers’ seatbelts must be fastened
while the crewmembers are at their stations.
Unless otherwise authorized, what is the maximum indicated airspeed at which an aircraft may be flown in a satellite airport traffic pattern located within Class B airspace?
250 knots.
Under what condition could an aircraft’s engine logbook show no previous operating history?
When the aircraft’s engine has been rebuilt by the manufacturer.
The maximum indicated airspeed permitted when operating an aircraft within 4 NM of the primary airport in Class D airspace is
200 knots.
What action must be taken when a pilot in command deviates from any rule in 14 CFR Part 91?
Upon the request of the Administrator, send a written report of that deviation to the Administrator.
When flying beneath the lateral limits of Class B airspace, the maximum indicated airspeed authorized is
200 knots.
You are planning a trip and one of your passengers states that he prefers not to use his shoulder harness because it is uncomfortable. You should
explain that it is a mandatory requirement and that he must use the shoulder harness during takeoff and landing.
When must an operational check on the aircraft VOR equipment be accomplished to operate under IFR? Within the preceding
30 days.
A pilot flying a single-engine airplane observes a multiengine airplane approaching from the left. Which pilot should give way?
The pilot of the multiengine airplane should give way; the single-engine airplane is to its right. (i.e. Each pilot should alter course to the right if the airplanes are approaching each other head-on, not converging.)
During a night operation, the pilot of aircraft #1 sees only the green light of aircraft #2. If the aircraft are converging, which pilot has the right-of-way? The pilot of aircraft
1; aircraft #1 is to the right of aircraft #2.
What is Vs
stalling speed (no configuration specified) or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable
Before beginning any flight under IFR, the pilot in command must become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. In addition, the pilot must
be familiar with the runway lengths at airports of intended use, weather reports, fuel requirements, and alternatives available, if the planned flight cannot be completed.
How many days after an accident is a report required to be filed with the nearest NTSB field office?
Your transponder is inoperative. In order to enter Class B airspace, you must submit a request for a deviation from the
controlling ATC facility at least 1 hr. before the proposed flight.
Where may an aircraft’s operating limitations be found?
In the current, FAA-approved flight manual, approved manual material, markings, and placards, or any combination thereof.
A coded transponder equipped with altitude reporting equipment is required for
Class A, Class B, and Class C airspace areas.
A pilot performing a published instrument approach is not authorized to perform a procedure turn when
receiving a radar vector to a final approach course or fix.
An ATC transponder is not to be used unless it has been tested, inspected, and found to comply with regulations within the preceding
24 calendar months.
Aircraft maintenance records must include the current status of the
life-limited parts of each airframe, engine, propeller, rotor, and appliance.
Portable electronic devices which may cause interference with the navigation or communication system may not be operated on a U.S.-registered civil aircraft being flown
in air carrier operations.
Which is the correct symbol for the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in a specified configuration?
VS1. VS1 means the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed obtained in a specified configuration. This configuration is generally specified as gear and flaps retracted.
An airplane is converging with a helicopter. Which aircraft has the right-of-way?
The aircraft on the right. Airplanes and helicopters are equally maneuverable and have equal rights-of-way.
Which action is appropriate if an aircraft, operating under 14 CFR Part 91 and for which a master minimum equipment list has not been developed, is determined to have an inoperative instrument or piece of equipment that does not constitute a hazard to the aircraft? The item should be
deactivated and placarded “inoperative” but repairs can be deferred indefinitely.
The pilot in command of an aircraft operated under IFR, in controlled airspace, not in radar contact, shall report by radio as soon as possible when
passing each designated reporting point, to include time and altitude.
When weather information indicates that abnormally high barometric pressure exists, or will be above ___ inches of mercury, flight operations will not be authorized contrary to the requirements published in NOTAMs.
31.00 When weather information indicates that barometric pressure on the route of flight exceeds 31.00 in. of mercury, no person may operate an aircraft or initiate a flight contrary to the requirements published in NOTAMs.
What documentation is required when a pilot has performed preventive maintenance on an aircraft?
The pilot is to make an entry in the aircraft’s maintenance records.
Operating regulations for U.S.-registered civil airplanes require that during movement on the surface, takeoffs, and landings, a seat belt and shoulder harness (if installed) must be properly secured about each
person on board.
Which is required equipment for powered aircraft during VFR night flights?
An electric landing light, if the flight is for hire.
If not equipped with required position lights, an aircraft must terminate flight
at sunset.
On a post flight inspection of your aircraft after an aborted takeoff due to an elevator malfunction, you find that the elevator control cable has broken. According to NTSB 830, you
must immediately notify the nearest NTSB office.
Approved flotation gear, readily available to each occupant, is required on each airplane if it is being flown for hire over water,
beyond power-off gliding distance from shore.
When is preflight action required, relative to alternatives available, if the planned flight cannot be completed?
Any flight not in the vicinity of an airport.
If an aircraft is not equipped with an electrical or anticollision light system, no person may operate that aircraft
after sunset to sunrise.
Each required flight crewmember is required to keep his or her shoulder harness fastened
during takeoff and landing, unless he or she is unable to perform required duties.
For an airport with an approved instrument approach procedure to be listed as an alternate airport on an IFR flight plan, the forecasted weather conditions at the time of arrival must be at or above the following weather minimums.
Ceiling 800 feet and visibility 2 SM for nonprecision.
The carriage of passengers for hire by a commercial pilot is not authorized in which type of airplane ?
not authorized in limited category aircraft.
14 CFR Part 1 defines VF as
design flap speed
An airplane is overtaking a helicopter. Which aircraft has the right-of-way?
Helicopter; the pilot should expect to be passed on the right. Each aircraft that is being overtaken (the helicopter) has the right-of-way, and each pilot of an overtaking aircraft (the airplane) shall alter course to the right to pass well clear.
Which is true concerning required 100 hr maintenance inspections?
An annual inspection may be substituted for a 100-hour inspection.
VFR cruising altitudes are required to be maintained when flying
more than 3,000 feet AGL; based on magnetic course.
The minimum flight visibility for VFR flight increases to 5 statute miles beginning at an altitude of
10,000 feet MSL if above 1,200 feet AGL.
For an airport without an approved instrument approach procedure to be listed as an alternate airport on an IFR flight plan, the forecasted weather conditions at the time of arrival must have at least a
ceiling and visibility that allows for a descent, approach, and landing under basic VFR.
Which is true with respect to operating limitations of a “primary” category airplane?
No person may operate a “primary” category airplane carrying passengers or property for compensation or hire.
The maximum cumulative time that an emergency locator transmitter may be operated before the rechargeable battery must be recharged is
60 minutes.
If clouds form as a result of very stable, moist air being forced to ascend a mountain slope, the clouds will be
stratus type with little vertical development and little or no turbulence.
Which is true regarding the development of convective circulation?
Cool air must sink to force the warm air upward.
What is the approximate base of the cumulus clouds if the temperature at 2,000 feet MSL is 10°C and the dew point is 1°C?
6,000 feet MSL.
Which is required equipment for powered aircraft during VFR night flights?
An electric landing light, if the flight is for hire.
Which is true with respect to formation flights? Formation flights are
not authorized, except by arrangement with the pilot in command of each aircraft.
Each required flight crewmember is required to keep his or her shoulder harness fastened
during takeoff and landing, unless he or she is unable to perform required duties.
Which is required to operate an aircraft towing an advertising banner?
A certificate of waiver issued by the Administrator of FAA.
What period of time must a person be hospitalized before an injury may be defined by the NTSB as a “serious injury”?
48 hours; commencing within 7 days after date of the injury.
How long does the Airworthiness Certificate of an aircraft remain valid?
As long as the aircraft is maintained and operated as required by Federal Aviation Regulations.
Which data must be recorded in the aircraft logbook or other record by a pilot making a VOR operational check for IFR operations?
Date of check, place of operational check, bearing error, and signature. (VOR name Not Required)
No person may operate a large civil aircraft of U.S.-registry which is subject to a lease, unless the lessee has mailed a copy of the lease to the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch, Oklahoma City, OK, within how many hours of its execution?
Pilots who change their permanent mailing address and fail to notify the FAA Airmen Certification Branch of this change, are entitled to exercise the privileges of their pilot certificate for a period of
30 days
Which is the correct symbol for the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in a specified configuration?
Unless otherwise authorized, the maximum indicated airspeed at which aircraft may be flown when at or below 2,500 feet AGL and within 4 nautical miles of the primary airport of Class C airspace is
200 knots.
When is the pilot in command required to hold a category and class rating appropriate to the aircraft being flown?
On flights when carrying another person.
As a commercial pilot, you decide to start a small business flying non-stop tours to look at Christmas lights during the holiday season. What authorizations, if any, are required to conduct Christmas light tours?
You must apply for and receive a Letter of Authorization from a Flight Standards office.
How many days after an accident is a report required to be filed with the nearest NTSB field office?
10 days
Pilots are not authorized to land an aircraft from an instrument approach unless the
flight visibility is at, or exceeds, the visibility prescribed in the approach procedure being used.
The carriage of passengers for hire by a commercial pilot is
not authorized in limited category aircraft.
14 CFR Part 1 defines VLE as
maximum landing gear extended speed.
Except when necessary for takeoff or landing or unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the minimum altitude for IFR flight is
2,000 feet above the highest obstacle over designated mountainous terrain; 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle over terrain elsewhere.
Notification to the NTSB is required when there has been substantial damage
which adversely affects structural strength or flight characteristics.
Aircraft maintenance records must include the current status of the
life-limited parts of each airframe, engine, propeller, rotor, and appliance.
The maximum cumulative time that an emergency locator transmitter may be operated before the rechargeable battery must be recharged is
60 minutes.
A new maintenance record being used for an aircraft engine rebuilt by the manufacturer must include previous
changes as required by Airworthiness Directives.
No person may operate a large civil aircraft of U.S.-registry which is subject to a lease, unless the lessee has mailed a copy of the lease to the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch, Oklahoma City, OK, within how many hours of its execution?