Fed Civ Pro Rules Flashcards
Personal Jurisdiction - My Parents Frequently Forgot to Read Children’s Stories
Elements of Collateral Estoppel - If I PAWN something, I am precluded from taking issue if it gets sold.
PARTY to the first proceeding (BUT mutuality considered)
ACTUALLY litigated in first proceeding
WAIVED assertion rights by failing to litigate in prior proceeding (with full and fair opportunity)
NECESSARY to the outcome
Minimum Contacts, Fair Play & Substantial Justice - Minimal contact with PELICANS does not make you Best Friends
PURPOSEFUL availment - Hanson v. Denckla
EVIDENCE (location of witnesses and evidence)
LAW (choice of law - forum shopping?)
INITIATION (did D initiate contact with forum state?)
CAUSE of action - where did cause of action arise?
ALTERNATIVE forum available? fair & convenient?
NATURE & quality of activities - systematic vs. sporadic, direct vs. indirect, dangerous activity?
STATE’S interest in providing a forum for its residents and protecting health & safety concerns
BURDEN of parties - economic cost, risk of multiplicity of suits, relative burden on defendant
FORESEEABILITY - WW Volkswagen (likely they’d be “hauled into court”)
Challenging The Complaint - Defendant PICT VALID reasons to challenge the complaint.
PLEADINGS (motion for judgment on the PLEADINGS)
INSUFFICIENCY of process (motion to dismiss)
CLAIM (failure to state a CLAIM - motion to dismiss)
TRIABLE (no TRIABLE issue of material fact exists as a matter of law – motion for summary judgement)
VENUE (improper – motion to transfer)
ALLEGATIONS that are irrelevant, impertinent, scandalous (motion to strike)
LACK of jurisdiction over subject matter or person (motion to dismiss)
INDISPENSABLE (failure to join INDISPENSABLE party - motion to dismiss)
DEFINITE (motion for more DEFINITE statement of claim against defendant)
Requirements for Certification of Class Action - DECANT vintage 23(b) before you pour it into a class.
DEFINABLE (roughly DEFINABLE class of which P is a member)
ECONOMY (judicial ECONOMY served)
COMMONALITY (claims have COMMON legal theory or arise out of same transaction or occurrence)
ADEQUACY (named parties must ADEQUATELY represent class)
NUMEROSITY (potential Ps too NUMEROUS for joinder)
TYPICALITY (claim of named P must be TYPICAL of the class)
23 B - action must fall within one of three categories of FRCP 23 (b)
Discovery Devices - DADIES discover what you don’t want them to know.
DEPOSITIONS (written or oral)
DOCUMENTS related to cause of action (if for good cause)
EXAMINATIONS (mental or physical)
SUBPOENAS (duces tecum)
Basic Jurisdictional Requirements - The due process clause requires you to MOP up before jurisdiction can be asserted
MINIMUM contacts with the state
OPPORTUNITY for defendant to be heard
PROPER service of process upon defendant
Jurisdiction Over Corporations - To obtain independent personal jurisdiction over defendant corporation, DIAL DC.
- *D**OMICILIARY (defendant is a domiciliary)
- *I**N-STATE service on a non-domiciliary
- *A**GENT of corporation served (must be designated) LONG-ARM jurisdiction over non-domiciliary
- *D**OING business in-state
- *C**ONSENT to state’s jurisdiction by defendant
Long-Arm Jurisdiction Over Tortious Conduct - Long-arm jurisdiction extends to non-resident tortious DEER
DERIVES substantial revenues from goods used/consumed or services rendered in-state
ENGAGES in persistent course of conduct in-state
EXPECTS (or reasonably should expect) that tortious acts would have consequences in-state AND defendant derives substantial revenues from interstate/int’l business
REGULARLY solicits in-state business
Jurisdiction Over Matrimonial Action - When DADA doesn’t live in-state, mama can still seek maintenance and child support
- *D**OMICILE (state was most recent marital DOMICILE of parties)
- *A**BANDONMENT took place in-state
- *D**ECREE (claim for support accrued under state DECREE or law)
- *A**GREEMENT (parties executed a separation AGREEMENT in-state)
Consent To Jurisdiction - That lawyer SCAMS defendants into consenting to jurisdiction.
- *S**TIPULATE in open court, pleading, contract or letter
- *C**AUSE (assert unrelated CAUSE of action in answer)
- *A**NSWER (serve an ANSWER that fails to raise JX objection or claiming improper service while failing to move for summary judgment)
- *M**OTION to dismiss that fails to raise jurisdiction objection
- *S**UMMARY (motion for SUMMARY judgment on related cause of action - seeking affirmative relief in-state)
Sufficiency of Service of Process - MIC is SAD because he was properly served with process.
MAILING process to defendant who must then consent to such service
IN-HAND personal delivery to the named defendant
COURT authorized method of service of process
SUITABLE (delivered to person of SUITABLE age & discretion at last known address ,then mail copy & file)
AGENT designated for service
DILIGENCE(due DILIGENCE - nail, mail & file)
Service on Corporations - DOGMA dictates who to serve process on a corporation.
- *G**ENERAL Agent (e.g. cashier)
- *A**GENT authorized by corporation, whether expressly, impliedly or by estoppel
Motion To Vacate Default Judgment - It takes 1 REAM of paper to get a default judgment vacated.
- *1** year to file motion
- *R**EASONABLE EXCUSE for default
AFFIDAVIT of MERIT setting forth meritorious defense to plaintiff’s claim that shows how plaintiff won’t be unreasonably prejudiced by re-opening the case
Joinder of Parties On the Basis of Vicarious Liability - A POPE is held liable for the acts of others.
- *A**GENT
- *O**WNER of property
Claims Not Barred By Tolling Under Statute of Limitations - The claim WAS time-barred but plaintiff LOPED into court anyway.
- *W**RITTEN acknowledgment by defendant of a time-barred valid debt
- *A**MENDMENT of pleading to add a time-barred claim
- *S**OLDIER/SAILOR relief act
- *L**ENGTHEN (parties agree to LENGTHEN the timeframe)
- *O**BTAINING personal jurisdiction over an out-of- state defendant who would not consent to service of process
- *P**AYMENT (partial PAYMENT by defendant of a time-barred valid debt)
- *E**QUITABLE estoppel
- *D**ISABILITY/DEATH of plaintiff
Reasons To Grant Motion to Dismiss - In SIDEBAR, Plaintiff Finally admitted the claim should be dismissed.
STATUE of Frauds
DISCHARGED (subject matter of claim DISCHARGED in bankruptcy proceeding)
ESTOPPEL (collateral estoppel or res judicata)
BARRED by statute of limitations
RELEASE from claim by plaintiff
PAYMENT by defendant
FAILURE to state a claim upon which relief can be granted
Provisional Remedies - When a LIAR tells a LIE, the COP will FIND CJ because he’s a SLOB.
LIAR - the four provisional remedies
LIS pendens
preliminary INJUNCTION
appointment of RECEIVER (harsh, requires bond)
LIE - reasons to grant preliminary injunction
- *LIE**:
- *L**IKELIHOOD of plaintiff’s success
IRREPARABLE injury ($ does not suffice)
EQUITABLE balance of hardships
COP - procedural requirements
- *COP**:
- *C**LEAR & CONVINCING evidence of extraordinary circumstances and that plaintiff will succeed
ORDER must be entered to be enforceable
POST-seizure hearing required immediately afterwards if order was entered ex-parte
FIND CJ - extraordinary circumstances needed to get order of attachment
F_OREIGN corporation
INTENT to defraud creditors or frustrate enforcement of judgment
DILIGENT efforts are not enough to serve domiciliary or resident
CRIME victims are entitled to order of attachment when suing felon (Son of Sam law)
cause of action is based upon default JUDGMENT from another jurisdiction that is entitled to full faith & credit
SLOB - lis pendens requirements
- *SLOB:**
- *S**HERIFF is not involved
- *L**IKELIHOOD of plaintiff’s success not considered by court
- *O**RDER by court not required
- *B**OND does not need to be posted
Considerations of Court in Assigning Joint & Several Liability - The judge uses WHIP And ROD to assign joint & several liability.
WORKER’S compensation claims where employer is impleaded by defendant
HAZARDOUS substance released that results in harm to plaintiff
INTENTIONAL tortfeasors remain 100% liable PROPERTY damage
AUTOMOBILE (injuries caused by use, ownership or operation)
RECKLESS (grossly negligent) conduct causing injury
OVER 50% responsible for plaintiff’s injury DEATH (wrongful DEATH judgments involving economic injuries)
Venue - Venue is chosen with TLC, but if WASP MEN are on your land, you have to file locally.
TLC - types of action that determine venue
LOCAL action
action to recover CHATTEL (replevin)
WASP MEN - claims involving property rights generally must be filed locally
action for tort of WASTE
ACTION involving leasehold
SPECIFIC performance sought in real estate contract
PARTITION of concurrent estates
- *M**ORTGAGE foreclosure
- *E**JECTMENT action
- *N**UISANCE action
Discovery Devices - The MAID must get PAID to discover evidence
- *M**ENTAL exam
- *A**DMISSIONS (requests for)
- *I**NTERROGATORIES (in writing)
- *D**EPOSITIONS (aka “examination before trial”)
- *P**HYSICAL exam
- *I**NSPECTION of evidence
- *D**ISCOVERY request for relevant evidence held by opposing party
Objections To Method of Inquisition - Poorly phrased questions set off the BAC door ALARM.
BROAD (question too broad)
- *A**MBIGUOUS question
- *C**OMPOUND question
ARGUMENTATIVE badgering of witness
LEADING question on direct exam
- *A**SSUMING fact not in evidence as part of question REDUNDANT question requiring cumulative response
- *M**ISQUOTE prior statement by witness
Sanctions During Discovery - This Judge DRIPS hot wax as a sanction for misbehavior
- *J**UDGMENT (order default JUDGMENT against defendant)
- *D**ISMISSAL of action in favor of defendant
RESOLUTION (force non-disclosing party to RESOLVE the issue causing non-disclosure)
- *I**MPOSITION of attorney fees, costs of suit and fines
- *P**RECLUSION of non-disclosing party from introducing related evidence
- *S**TRIKE non-disclosing party’s pleadings related to issues of non-discovery
Reasons Why An Arbitration Award May Be Vacated - The arbitrator was BLAMED so his judgment was vacated.
- *B**IAS of arbitrator
- *L**ACKED rational basis
- *A**RTICLES of governing statute violated by procedure
- *M**ISCONDUCT (fraud or corruption)
- *E**XCEEDED scope of authority or issued opinion contrary to public policy
- *D**EMAND OF ARBITRATION was not properly served so losing party did not get to participate
Contact: There must be an appropriate tie between the defendant and the forum state:
1. Long-Arm Statute: Does the defendant come within terms of applicable state long-arm statute?
2. Purposeful Availment: Did the defendant voluntarily avail himself of the forum so that it is foreseeable that s/he could be hailed in court?
o Did D conduct purposeful business activities?
o Did D enter into a contract with a resident of the forum state?
o Did D place a product within the forum state’s stream of commerce?
o Did D cause harm within the forum state?
Fairness: Exercise of jurisdiction over the defendant must not offend “traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice.” Once you have established a relevant contact, now assess whether the exercise of jurisdiction would be fair or reasonable under the circumstances.
1. Relatedness: Does the plaintiff’s claim relate to the defendant’s contacts with the forum state?
o Specific Jurisdiction: Cause of action must arise from or relate to the defendant’s continuous and purposeful contacts with the forum state.
o General Jurisdiction: Defendant has continuous, systematic and substantial ties with the forum (must come close to physical presence in state).
2. P’s Convenience: Analyze the plaintiff’s interest in obtaining convenient and effective relief
3. D’s Convenience: Forum will be proper unless it puts the defendant at a severe disadvantage in the litigation.
4. Forum State’s Interest: The state has an interest in providing a forum for its citizens to resolve disputes.