feb 4 Flashcards
binocular (retinal) disparity
left and right retinal images show noncorrespondence; slight differences in retinal images in each eye
T/F: we always have double vision, we just aren’t always aware
anything that has __ disparity is falling on ___
zero; horopter
imaginary line passing through the plane of fixation; everything falling here have corresponding retinal points
Panum’s fusional area
everything in Panum’s area produce single vision; anything closer to us than Panum’s area produce crossed double images; farther away produce diplopia & uncrossed double vision
stimuli with uncrossed disparity look
farther away
stimuli with crossed disparity look
Wheatstone Stereoscope (1838)
creating depth from binocular disparity using contraption; see small square in front of large square
proof that binocular disparity is a depth cue
Wheatstone Stereoscope, Brewter & Holmes Stereoscope, anaglyph, polarized filters, liquid crystal shutter glasses (rapid temporal alternation)
Brewter Stereoscope (1849)
stereoscope with divider for binocular disparity
Holmes stereoscope (1861)
pictures taken with a stereocamera (lens slightly apart to mimmick the two lenses)
merging of disparate retinal images in the 2 eyes to achieve single vision
free fusion
technique to view a stereogram without a stereoscope; poor man’s stereoscope; cross fusing and parallel fusing; take two images and combine
cross fusing
type of free fusion; converge eyes; right pic falls on left fovea vice versa
parallel fusing
type of free fusion; diverge eyes; right pic falls on right fovea vice versa