Feautures Of Cell Flashcards
Cell wall is
Rigid(can be flexible during growing stage)
Non living membrane
Barrier for macromolecules(not micro)
Function : cell to cell interact
Provide shape and structure
Provide protection
Formation :
Algae- cellulose,galactans,mannans,caco3
Plant- cellulose,hemicellulose,pectin,pro.
Fungi- chitin(nag)
Bacteria-eubacterial: peptidoglycan
Cell membrane
Universal,Selectively permeable,interact with outside world
Study done on - RBC( because doesn’t have nucleus)
Composed mainly of - lipids+proteins
Discovered - Robert brown(1931)
Is brain of cell,contain chromosome,which contain dna(2 membrane)
1.Structure :
Outernuclear space
Inner nuclear space
Internembranous space(10-50)
Dna+RNA= nucleic acid
Histone+non histone= protein
Protein+ nuclei acid = nucleo protein
(Chromatin- term
given by Flemming)
3.Nature - stained by basic dye
Because Acidic nature
‘One’ per cell
Absent-In mammalian,trachied,seive tube
>1nucleus - phycomycetes,paramecium
Nuclear pore - To send material inside
& Out
Nucleolus - membraneless
rRNA factory(continue with
rRNA ↑
Universal,Is a arena for cellular organisation,to keep the cell alive and it occupies the space in cell
Discovered by George palade(called palade particle) in 1953.It is universal because it is membraneless,smallest cell organelle,
Called protein factory,
In prokaryotic- attach to membrane
In eukaryotic- 70s in mitoc and chloroplast,80s in RER(s stand for svedberg unit,sendimentation co-efficient.
Single mRNA+ribosome=polysome/polyribosome
help in cell division
Structure - membraneless,organelle
2centriole+pericentriole space
Found - In animal
Function - form basal body of
cilia&flagella to help in
formation of spindle fibre
for cell division
Prokaryotic cell( flagella)
Flagella - extention of cell membrane
Extended from cell wall
Responsible for cell motility
Number - very less
Size - very large
Consist of :
Filament - longest part
Hook -btw
Basal body - centriole like
Prok. Flagella - flagellimn protein
Euka. Flagella - tubulin protein
Prokaryotic ( pili )
Pili - elongated tube like structure that helps in transfer of dna from one bacteria to other
Formation - pili protein
Called- conjugation tube/sex pili
Prokaryotic ( fimbrae )
Fimbrae - small bristle like structure
Sprouting out of the cell
Number - thousand
Function - provide grip to bacteria so that
It can sit on rock or host body
Prokaryotic ( mesosome )
Infolding of cell membrane
Types: Tubule
Function: cell wall formation
DNA replication and distributon
Surface area increase
Inclusion bodies
Structure - membraneless
Lie freely in cytoplasm
Store reserve material
Phosphate granule - stores phosphate
Glycogen granule - stores glycogen
Cyanophycean - store pigment
Gas Vacuole - provide buoyancy
Shape of bacteria 🦠
1.Cocus - round eg: streptococcus
2.bacillus - rod like eg: lactobacillus
( Endospore in middle made of co-dipicolinic acid)
3.vibro - coma shape eg: vibro cholarae
4.spirullum - spiral like with flagella at both end eg: spirullum minus
Bacteria 2 categories on the basis of cell wall
Given by : christian Gram
Basis: cell wall
Gram positive : Retain the stain
Thick cell wall
Crystal violet
Gram negative : doesn’t retain stain
Crystal voilet-saffranin pink
Thin cell wall
Cell envelope
Found in : prokaryotic( bacterial cell )
Consisted of : 3 layers( protective sheath)
Outermost- glycocalyx
Middle- cell wall
Inner most- cell membrane
Glycocalyx : Types
Zig zag - slimy/loose
Prevent from drying
Rainbow - tough layer/hard layer
Capsule like
For protection
Majorly phospholipids found in membrane
Composed of - polar head(hydrophilic)
Eg: In RBC - 40%
In myelien - 70-80%
. Can move Flip flop and laterally
Benefits - In cell growth
2.cell division
Type (Based on their extraction:)
Peripheral - easily extracted
eg: peripheral protein
Intergral- hardly extracted,fully in layer
Act as transporter called trans
Membrane protein eg:
transprotein ,intergral protein
Eg: In RBC - 52%
Can move laterally but not flip flop
Fluid mosaic model
Given by - singer and nicolson(1972)
Most accepted
Composed of - lipids(quasi fluid)
Protein(dry fruit in pudding)
Found in outer membrane( make it
Carbohydrate+lipid - glycolipid
Carbohydrate+protein - glycoprotein
Transport (across cell membrane)
Diffusion of h2o is called osmosis
Passive transport : no ATP
High conc. to low conc.
Type : 1.simple diffusion
Neutral molecule
2.facilitated diffusion
Polar molecule
Active transport- ATP needed(Na/k pump)
Against the conc. gradient
Cell wall growth
plasmodermata- cytoplasmic strand or
tube that connects two
Plant cell
Middle lamella - join two plant cell
Made of calcium pectate
1° wall - outermost layer
2° wall - can’t grow,rigid
Endomembrane system (eukaryotes)
Meaning: inside the cell,there is a system
Of membraneous organelle that function
In a coordinated way
Includes: endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
Lysosome(sucidal bag)
Do not include: Mitochondria
Lysosome(sucidal bags)
Formation - Vesicle of Golgi complex
Function - Activated at acidic PH(has hydrolytic enzymes which produce H+ pump)
Protease - break protein
Lipase - break lipids
Amylase - break carbohydrate
Nuclease - break nucleic acid
RER forms
Have ribosome
Present close to nuclear envelope
SER forms
Take the protein or lipids inside or outside the cell
Golgi complex is
site of pacakaging,Glycosylation of protein & lipid
Endoplasmic reticulum
In cytoplasm scattered tube like structure present
Types- 2
1.luminal (inside)
2.Extra luminal(outside in cytoplasm)
Golgi complex
Discovered by - camillo Golgi(1898)
Structure - dense
Near nucleus (after ER)
Tube like called
cisternae(arranged parallely
and concentrically)
Diameter - 0.5-1.0
Can accupy more than 90% space
Like sao(sugar,N contain bacteria,h20,excretory waste,pigment(like anthocyanine which give colour to flower)
Structure - Single membrane
1.Contractile Vacuole : In amoeba
Help in excretion and osmoregulation
2.food Vacuole : In protist
Food particle are sent to vacuole
Endosymbiotic theory
It states that the bacteria engulf the photosynthetic cell(chloroplast ) and aerobic cell( Mitochondria)
Features/characters similar btw bacteria and Mitochondria/chloroplast
1.DNA - both have ds circular dna
2.RIBOSOME - both 70s
3.SIZE - bacteria: 1-2
Mitoch. :diameter- 0.2-1(0.25)
Length- 1-4.1(2.5)
4.INITIATOR CODON - formyl methionine
5.REPRODUCTION - binary fusion(divides
into equal cell)
Is semi autonomous
Needs to be stained for visibility(“JANUS
Called - power house of cell
ATP synthesis
Size - Diameter : 0.2-1(0.25)
Length : 1-4.1(2.5)
Numbers - metabolism high/low
Energy demand high/low
Mitochondria no. High/low
Shape - outer: more permeable
Cylindrical shape
Inner: infolding of memb.(Cristae)
less permeable
Sausage shape
Electron transport chain +nt
Inner compartment:Kreb cycle takes
place inside
. Have proteins
. 70s ribosome
. Many RNA molecules
. Homogenous dence
Material filled
Found in - All plants & euglenoids(connecting link btw plants and animals)
Size - six time bigger than mitochondria
length: 5-10(7.5)
Diameter: 2-4(3)
Number - is variable
Chlamydomonas- 1
Mesophyll cella - 20-40
1.chloroplast - make plant green
Chlorophyll+ carotenoids
2.chromoplast- fat soluble pigment
3.leucoplast - Need to store substance
For amyloplast - store starch
Aleuroplast- store protein
Elaioplast - store oil & fat
Chloroplast : structure
1.Thylakoid- membraneous sac like
Inside - thylakoid lumen
2.Stacks of thylakoid - grana(for light rxn)
3.Stroma - connect two ‘2’ grana
.For dark rxn
Cytoskeletal : Structure
Cyto means cell
Skeletal means frame
Network of filamentous protein
Present in - eukaryotes
Types :
2.intermediate filament
Diameter: microtubule (25)
Function :
Hair like outgrowth of a cell
Work like ‘oars’(They move the surrounding fluid or the cell)
Numbers - thousands
Size - very small
Core of cilia/flagella = AXONEME
1.singlet(2) - connected by inter singlet
2.central sheath - cover the singlet
3.Doublet(9) - At pheriphery
Connected by inter doublet
4.Radial spoke - connect doublet with
Central sheath
Structure - membraneless,organelle
2centriole+pericentriole space
Found - In animal
Function - form basal body of
cilia&flagella to help in
formation of spindle fibre
for cell division
Triplet(9)+ centre(0) CARTWEEL LIKE
Not an organelle
Part of centromere
Structure - cylindrical
1.Centre - proximal
Proteinaceous hub
2.periphery - peripheral triplet
3.Intertriplet bridge - connects
Periphery triplet
4. Radial spoke- connect
periphery triplet with
protein hub
Structure - centromere(1° construction)
2 chromatid
.Kinetocore(surround centriole)
(Spindle fibre is attached,disc like)
.Satellite bulb(2°contruction)
(Chromosome in which Satellite
Found is called SAT chromos.)
SAT chromosome - non staining region
Small region
Location - terminus(end)
Contain repetitive DNA
1.Metacentric - V shape(Both arms equal)
Cenromere at centre
2.sub metacentric - L shape
( Centromere away
from centre)
3.Acrocentric - J shape
(Centromere is sub
4.Telocentric - I shape
( Centromere at end )
Small organelle,unit membrane
Body - peroxisome( provide metabolism)
Cytoplasm - enzymes present
Peroxide 2h20 ------------ 2h20+02 Dangerous. Harmless
Size and shape of bacteria
200+ different cell found in humans
For storage : round cell
For signal tansmit : nerve cell
Micoplasm :0.3(length)(smallest living cell PPLO : 0.1(size)(Type of mycoplasm)
Bacteria : 1-2(size)
Typical eukaryotes : 10-20(size)
Hunar RBC : 7,biconcave,disc like
WBC : amoeboid/irregular
Ostrich egg: largest isolated cell
Nerve cell : longest cell
Virus: non living,size:0.02-0.2
Columnar cell : long,narrow,slender
A trachied:cell wall- lignin
Help in h20 transport
Nucleaus- dead
Mesophyll- have chloroplast
Important scientist
ROBERT HOOKE - first dead cell(1665)
Oak plant(cork/dead cell)
Empty shells(honey comb like)
Living cell(1674)
.See motile cell(10x,5x)
.Term - animalcules
Important book - Micrographia
By Robert HOOKE
Cellula-empty shells
Cell theory
Given by - 2 scientist
Schleidem(German botanist)-1838
.researched on plant
. concludes body of plant is made
Up of cells which make tissue
Schwann(British zoologist)-1839
.researched on animals
.outer layer of animal cell is cell
.cell wall is unique feature of
Plant cell
Cell theroy:
Hypothesis by schwann,then Collab with
STATEMENT1- All living organism are form of cell and product of cell
DEMERIT-Didnt tell origin of cell
STATEMENT2- All cell arise from pre existing cell(Rudolf virchow)
Rudolf virchow - give final shape to cell theory(1855)