what are the 2 types of dictatorships according to Stephan Lee
authoritarian & totalitarian
what was the most powerful dictatorship
Russia developed most powerful dictatorship of the interwar period (+only one to remain) - ‘gold standard’ of dictatorship
what was the period of dictatorship for USSR
Single party dictatorship from 1917-18; Stalinist dictatorship from late 1920s-53
what was the period of dictatorship for Italy
Single party dictatorship established after Mussolini came to power in 1922; he was deposed in 1943
what was the period of dictatorship for japan
Militarists emerged dominant during 1930s & established a military dictatorship from late 1930s-1945
Who were the dictators
Stalin, Mussolini, no individual for Japan but had personalities like Tojo
what were the ideologies for USSR
Marxism (focused on ‘class’ rather than ‘race’ enemies),
Ideology for Italy
Fascism; no racial component but brutal practices in colonies
Based on extreme nationalism & focused on military power to control the people
Supported a class society & rights to private property
Ideology for Japan
traditional values and bushido code, ultra nationalism, militarism, assumption of superiority
Economy of USSR
- Stalin created five-year plans to improve the economy & industrial capacity of the Soviet Union (akin to Lenin’s New Economic Policy)
- Began collectivisation to ensure its success
- By late 1930s Stalin turned the S.U into a powerful industrial nation & one-party totalitarian state
economy of italy
Some move towards Fascist corporate state; increased state ownership alongside capitalism
Corporate State concerned w improving working/living conditions & economy
japan economy
Economy geared to needs of ‘national defence state’ but Japanese-style capitalism maintained
Propaganda & terror of USSR
propaganda: cult of Stalin, censorship & propaganda promoting Soviet achievements
Secret police (NKVD), labour camps, purges & extreme brutality inflicted on millions
Many political opponents banished to Gulags & Siberia
1933 → ‘Great Purge’ to eliminate all political rivals in the Communist Party
Propaganda & terror of italy
propaganda; Personality cult, censorship & propaganda promoting Fascist achievements
terror: Secret police (small), intimidation & threat of terror but limited
Propaganda & terror of japan
propaganda: Censorship & propaganda supporting war effort & reinforcing traditional values
terror: Secret police, tight controls & potential for terror but limited use
popularity of USSR, Italy & Japan
USSR: Some genuine support for Stalin & his goals but terror was dominant feature
Italy: Some genuine support but popularity declined in 1930s (Mussolini gained support of left-wing interventionists, radical nationalists, & WWl veterans who were strong proponents of nationalism)
Japan: Genuine loyalty to the Emperor & widespread compliance of population
social & cultural impact of USSR
Rapid urbanisation & ‘Soviet realism’; benefits of education, some social welfare advances & new opportunities
social & cultural impact of italy
Limited impact on Italian society over a long period
social & cultural impact of japan
Limited impact on Japanese society despite demands of ‘national defence state’ over a relatively short period