when does Hitler become chancellor & begin process of Gleichshaltung
Jan 30 1933
what is Gleichshaltung and when did it begin
Nazification begins 1933 thru process of ‘Gleichschaltung’ which means to nazify society through co-ordination
when was the ‘Reichstag Fire Decree/Decree for the Protection of the People & State’ & what is it
27 Feb 1933.
Reichstag building damaged by fire - NP took advantage of the propaganda & used it as an example of a pending communist revolution and Used it as a pretext to urge Hindenburg to sign the emergence decree
Decree for the Protection of the People & State date?
28 Feb 1933
what was Decree for the Protection of the People & State
imprisonment w/o trial, banning of press, free speech & free assembly → protecting authority of NP
Issued on the basis of Article 48 → suspend civil liberties & suppress members of Communist party. due to the use of Article 48, repression had the mark of legality
what did the nazi’s win at the 5 march 1933 elections & what did the outcome provide
NP won 43.9% of vote but still needed majority → formed coalition w DNVP (German National Peoples’ Party)
what is the 24 march enabling act 1933 & how did it help hitler
the Nazi-DNVP coalition got the majority in the Reichstag = Allowed for the passing of Enabling Act → gave Hitler dictatorial power & allowed him to pass laws without approval from Reichstag
Empowering Hitler/NP for 4-year period of complete control & became foundation for the Nazification of Germany
when was the first concentration camp
22 march. ‘Dachau’
Initially intended to hold political prisoners (political dissidence)
Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (‘Civil Service Law’) (date?) & what was it
7 april 1933. → excluded all racial (Jews) & political “enemies” of the Nazi regime from all CS positions
when were trade unions banned
2 may 1933 replaced w the DAF
when was burning of ungerman books
10 may 1933 - The books targeted were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism
what was the law that banned political parties & when
Law against the Foundation of Parties 14 july 1933
what was the concordat signed w Catholic church and when
20 july 1933. ‘Reichskonkordat’
Church pledged to abstain from political activity in exchange for the NP’s promise not to persecute the CC & its members =Effectively removed Vatican opposition to the Nazis
when was the Editor’s Law that enabled censorship
4 oct 1933
what were the 2 stages of consolidation
1933 - Nazification of Germany (political) & society thru ‘Gleichschaltung’ to create a ‘Volksgemeinschaft’ → alignment of ideology to the Fuhrer to create a homogenous Ayran society
1934 - clean up opposition inside nazi party
when was the night of long knives and what was it
30 june 1934 → Hitler uses SS to purge the SA (unhappy w lawlessness & Rohm’s increasing power)
when did hitler become fuhrer
2 august 1934. Hindenburg dies → Hitler combines Presidency & Chancellorship = Fuhrer (absolute power)