FDRs New deal Flashcards
FDR first actions as president
Emergency banking act
Closed all all banks for 4 day bank holiday
Inspected and could only reopen if they were stable
Economy act
Cut pay of government and armed forces workers to save 1 billion dollars for unemployed
Beer act
Legalised alcohol to put gangsters out of business and raise money via tax
Agricultural adjustment agency
Paid farmers to destroy crops to raise food prices - 1933-1939 farmers income doubled
National recovery administration
Workers right to join unions for fair wages and conditions
Home owners loan corporation
Loans to people who struggles to pay mortgages - helped 300,000 homeowners in first year
Tennessee valley authority
Provided work building dams/hydroelectric power stations along Tennessee river in poorest area
Civillian conservation corps
Employed 18-25 yr olds in countryside (2.5 million men)
Federal emergency relief agency
500 million dollars to help homeless and starving
Civil works administration
Temporary work for 4 million men
Farm credit administration
Lent 100 million dollars to farmers in 18 months
Wagner act
Forced employers to allow trade unions and made it illegal to sack workers for being in a union
Social security act
Pensions for elderly , insurance benefits for disabled, unemployed,
Resettlement act
Moved 500,000 families to better quality land and housing