FCOM Flashcards
When doing a bathroom break what altitude does the other pilot have to use oxygen?
Above FL250
What crew members are required on the dispatch release?
The PIC and SIC.
What is required for runway and taxiway use at night? How do you know what’s operable?
Runway edge lights. Taxiway edge lights, or reflective markers. Check the notams.
Can a pilot deviate from an RA? How?
Yes, not opposite to the path suggested by the RA.
What are the TCAS ranges supposed to be set at for takeoff cruise and landing?
Takeoff/climb: 6 miles
Cruise: 12 or greater
Landing: 6 miles
How do you handle high barometric pressure at airports without the capability to measure over 31.00” of HG?
Set 31.00” and restricted to VFR weather conditions.
For IFR operations with over 31.00” of HG what should be done for departure and approach?
Add 100’ and 1/4 mile per 1/10th of an inch above 31.00” of HG to each of the departure alternate, destination, and destination alternate minimums.
What actions should be taken in low barometric pressure situations? Below 28.00” of HG.
Aircraft unable to set actual altimeter setting are prohibited from flying.
How much separation is needed for wake turbulence?
Heavy jet: 6 miles
B757: 5 miles
Large aircraft: 4 miles
According to the manual how much oxygen must be available to the flight crew above 10,000’?
No less than 2 hours
Max altitude to 10,000’ in 10 minutes and 110 minutes thereafter.
What altitude must a crew member use oxygen when the other crew member is away from his station?
Above FL250
How much oxygen must be provided to passengers above 10,000’?
10 to 14, over 30 minutes, 10%
14 to15, 30%
Above 15,000’ every passenger
What is the distance for extended over water operations?
Is Trans States authorized to do these?
50nm from nearest shoreline
What equipment is required for RVSM?
2 altimeters
Altitude alert system
Automatic altitude control system
What is the max error in the altimeter from field elevation?
75 ft
When does a captain had to file an incident report?
300’ deviation by pilot or auto-pilot
245’ error on altimeter
How far apart are RVSM and NON-RVSM aircraft?
When does a captain have to send a report for an engine failure in flight? And to who?
10 days from return to base
To the FSDO
When are medicals renewed for captains and first officers and what class?
Captains 40 an over 6 months, under 40 12 months
FO’s 60 and over 6 months, under 60 12 months
First class
How many hours does either the captain or FO have to have?
75 hours including ioe
What is the two communication rule?
Assume subtle pilot incapacitation anytime a pilot does not respond to two verbal communications
When should the captain make takeoffs and landings?
Below minimums Less than 4,500' Less than fair braking Non grooved, wet or contaminated Captains discretion
What is the transition altitude and transition layer?
Are we allowed to do PRM approaches?
What aircraft are required to have the safety vests on board?
The us airways and the Trans states generic planes.
When must a captain declare an emergency for fuel?
30 minutes of fuel left.
How early may a flight be released?
5 minutes,
10 with approval from dispatch
How long of an “on gate” delay is the captain allowed to take?
10 minutes
20 with SOC approval
When is cleared as filed not acceptable?
When you he an amended dispatch release.
What headsets are required to be used?
By whom?
What altitude?
David Clark H 10-40/60
Everyone including ACM
Below 18,000’
If a checklist is interrupted what action is taken?
The checklist is reran from the beginning
When are circuit breakers allowed to be reset?
When an abnormal/emergency checklist specifically authorizes the reset. Or when the captain thinks it’s necessary for the safe completion of the flight.
When must the flight crew monitor airinc?
Outside 60nm from destination and departure airports.
When may the turn be made after takeoff?
1,000’ or published acceleration height whichever is higher.
Unless required by the “dp” but at no time below 50’
When is the nav light supposed to be on?
Whenever the aircraft is powered up?
When is the taxi light on?
When the aircraft is moving under it’s own power
When are strobes and inspection lights supposed to be on?
When crossing runways. And from takeoff to landing.
When is the rotating beacon supposed to be on?
Before engine start to after engine shutdown.
When are landing light supposed to be on?
Takeoff and below 10,000’
When are shoulder harnesses required?
Takeoff and landing. 3-4.1
When must you declare min fuel?
When less than 30 minutes of fuel are on board. 3-4.4
When will “ALTITUDE” be called out in flight?
Enroute +- 200’ 3-4.5
When must the captain notify dispatch of a change in route or altitude?
When a change of more than 100nm or more than 4000’ is made.
Or when 15 minutes or more has been added to the enroute portion. 3-4.8
When does the fuel burn have to be recorded? Turned into SOC? Dispatch notified?
Flights 1 hour or more
What must a pilot report inflight?
Time and altitude passing designated or specified reporting points.
Unforecast weather
Safety of flight issues
When can a pilot leave DDA?
Normal descent can be made
Visibility greater than approach require
Visual reference 3-5.2.1
When may a pilot accept a visual approach?
Airport or preceding aircraft insight
Clear of clouds
When must and aircraft be parked into the wind?
20 knots wind must not be more than 90 degrees off the nose
40 knots as close to in to the wind as possible. 3-5.9
What are you looking for in the logbook?
Onboard Line check Airworthiness release complied with VOR check Discrepancies signed off p
What must a captain check prior to accepting an aircraft?
Log can 3 pages DMI MEL NEF line check Airworthiness release (first flight) VOR check (first flight)
How so you report a mechanical irregularity?
Record discrepancy in the logbook Date Discrepancy number Log page Call dispatch 4-1.4
Once push from the gate how is an irregularity reported?
Park Log discrepancy Call dispatch Defer system Return to gate if necessary 4-1.4
After an aborted takeoff how long does the captain have to report it to FLTOPS?
72 hours 4-1.4
What are the MC codes and what do they specify?
MC1 servicing and boarding
MC2 servicing no boarding
MC3 no servicing and no boarding
What are the only remarks allowed in the log can?
Aborted takeoff and white bucket test
What are the 2 ways to attain official takeoff performance?
ACARS or telecom with dispatch
When the ceiling and visibility are above and below 1,000’ and 3 miles at what altitude can turns be made?
Below - 1,000’
Above - 400’
At no time below 50’
What is the procedure for an engine failure in IMC below 1,000’? And above
Below- climb to 1,000’ and turn towards navaid and hold
Above- turn towards navaid and hold
What is the procedure for an engine failure in vmc below 1,000’? And above?
Below- climb to 1,000’ visually and return to land
Above- return to land visually
What is considered a wet runway?
Less than 1/8” of water on 100% of the runway
What is considered a contaminated runway?
Contamination of 1/8” or more on 25% of the width of runway being used.
Less than 25% if the contaminant is located prior to the midpoint of the runway.
What is compacted snow?
Snow that resist further compression
What is a damp runway?
Not dry but also not shiny. Damp is considered dry for performance.
What are the ACARS limit codes?
F- Field A- Aircraft Max Takeoff Weight T- Tires B- Brakes O- Obstacle D- Dry runway C- Climb
How do you figure max takeoff weight?
Add fuel burn to the max landing weight.
How do you figure out max fuel allowed for landing?
Subtract zero fuel weight from max landing weight.
How are you supposed to cross the threshold?
50’ at Vref
What are the runway surface and braking action abbreviations?
CS- compacted snow DS- dry snow WS- wet snow SL- slush Ice- ice FAIR- fair POOR- poor 5-1.4.4
When are you allowed to execute an approach with the visibility below minimums?
When the RVR is above minimums.
If the RVR is below minimums and the visibility is above minimums the approach may not be executed.
When must a pilot report be made?
Safety of flight concerns
Unforecasted weather
Moderate or greater icing, freezing rain or drizzle.
When is takeoff not authorized? Icing and freezing rain?
Severe icing known or forecast
Moderate or heavy freezing rain
Snow frost or ice on the aircraft
what are the maximum contamination depths allowed?
Dry snow 2”
Wet snow 1/2”
Slush or standing water 1/2”
What braking action report are we not allowed to operate on?
How far should thunderstorms be avoided?
20 miles and thousands of feet over top.
What temperature range is the most severe icing found?
0c to -15c
What phase of flight may not be accomplished during a microbursts alert?
Takeoff or the final approach segment
How long do microburst advisories and Windshear alerts stay on the ATIS? Are takeoffs and landings allowed?
20 minutes and yes
Describe a microburst.
Less than 1 mile in diameter Up to 6,000fpm 1,000' to 3,000' above the ground 45kt change from head to tail = 90kts Last less than 15 minutes
When is radar required?
Thunderstorms are forecast in IFR or night VFR conditions.