Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketone Body Production- Lecture 67 Flashcards
What is the general structure of triglycerides?
with a glycerol backbone and three fatty-acids in ester linkages
Fatty acids that contain double bonds in the methylenes are called ______, and fatty acids with more than one double bond are called _______.
unsaturated fatty acids
polyunsaturated fatty acids
What are the functions of fatty acids?
major source of energy for most tissues
major storage form of energy as triglycerides
compose phospholipids and glycolipids of biological membranes
produce signal transduction molecules (eg. inositol, phosphates, diacylglycerol)
produce prostoglandins and leukotrienes
Fatty acids and glycerol are taken up mainly by _____, and triglycerides are resynthesized and stored largely in _____.
adipose tissue
adipose tissue
Describe the naming system for fatty acids.
C:D ^n
C= number of carbons
D= number of double bonds
^ (delta)n= double bond at n carbon
The ______ in adipose tissue is activated by ______ via ______.
hormone-sensitive lipase
glucagon, epinephrine, or norepinephrine
cAMP-dependent PKA phosphorylation
Fatty acids exit the adipose tissue bound to _____.
Why does the brain require glucose constantly for energy?
because albumin bound fatty acids cannot cross the blood brain barrier among other more minor reasons
What is the net reaction for triglyceride synthesis?
glyceron + 3 fatty acid molecules triglyceride + 3 water molecules
Name the pathways in which FA-CoA can be used.
beta oxidation
phospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol esters)
Describe the pathway of beta oxidation of fatty acids (even chains).
Fatty acid + FAD –> FADH2 + Trans-delta squared-enoyl-CoA
Trans-delta squared-enoyl CoA + H20–> 3-L-hydroxyacyl-CoA
3-L-hydroxyacyl-CoA + NAD+ –> NADH + beta-ketoacyl-CoA
beta-ketoacyl-CoA + HSCoA –> fatty acyl-CoA + acetyl-CoA
repeated until only two Carbons are left
What is the net energy you would get if you completely broke down a C16FA via beta-oxidation?
8 Acetyl-CoA --> 80 ATP 7 FADH2 --> 10.5 ATP 7 NADH --> 17.5 ATP -2 ATP consumed to activate the FA ------------------------------- 106 ATP (net total)
How does long chain fatty acyl CoA enter the mito?
carnitine shuttle
Describe the pathway of the carnitine shuttle.
carnitine is re-synthesized from lysine
FA~CoA –> fatty acytl-carnitine (via acytl-carnitine transferase 1 (ACT1))
translocation across mitochondrial membrane (via CACT)
fatty acytl-carnitine –> FA~CoA (via ACT2 using intramitochondrial CoASH)
What is the difference between odd and even chain fatty acid breakdown by beta-oxidation.
the final spiral will produce acetyl CoA plus 3 Carbon propionyl CoA (rather than 2 acetyl CoA)
How is propionyl further metabolized?
propionyl-CoA + ATP + CO2 –> ADP + methylmalonyl-CoA (via propionyl-CoA carboxylase with biotin cofactor)
methylmalonyl-CoA –> succinyl CoA (via methylmalonyl-CoA mutase with B12 cofactor)
What is the rate-limiting enzyme of fatty acid synthesis?
malonyl CoA
What regulates beta-oxidation?
availability of fatty acids via activated hormone-sensitive lipase
availability of carnitine
malonyl CoA inhibits carnitine acyl transferase 1 and 2
rate of the electron transport chain
What is ketogenesis?
alternative pathway used in the liver (and to some extent the kidney) for acetyl-CoA metabolism when it cannot enter the TCA cycle (eg. when OAA is depleted by gluconeogenesis)
Why does ketogenesis normally only occur in the liver?
liver has a hard time keeping TCA cycle b/c OAA keeps getting shunted out –> no place to keep Acetyl CoA –> builds up and starts to stop fatty acid synthesis
“Fruity breath” is the smell of ______ in ______.
people with diabetes, on low carb diets, and alcoholics
Describe the pathway of ketogenesis.
2 acetyl-CoA CoASH + acetoacetly CoA (via thiolase)
acetoacetyl CoA –> beta-hydroxyl beta-methyl glutaryl CoA (HMGCoA) (viaHMG CoA synthase)
HMGCoA –> acetyl CoA + acetoacetate (via HMG CoA lyase)
acetoacetate –> CO2 + acetone
acetoacetate + NADH –> NAD+ + beta-OH butyrate (via beta-OH butyrate dehydrogenase)
How can beta-OH butyrate be further metabolized?
beta-OH butyrate + NAD+ NADH + acetoacetate (via beta-OH butyrate dehydrogenase)
acetoacetate + succnyl-CoA –> acetoacetyl-CoA + succinate (via beta-ketoacetyl-CoA transferase)
acetoacetyl-CoA + CoASH 2 acetyl-CoA (via thiolase)
Ketone bodies made in the ____ are valuable sources of fuel for other tissues, especially _____.
muscle, heart, and kidney cortex