father`s day Flashcards
находящийся / происходивший в помещении - happening, used, or existing inside a building: indoor sports/activities * He has vaulted 6.02 m in indoor competitions this year. * These slippers are just for indoor wear - you’ll ruinthem if you wear them in the garden.
запечатлять в памяти - to mark a surface by pressing something hard into it to fix an event or experience so firmly in the memory that it cannot be forgottenalthough you do not try to remember it: That look of grief would be imprinted on her mindforever.
болтать - to speak or say something quickly in a way that is difficult to understand: The train was full of people jabbering (away) into theirmobile phones. He jabbered (out) something about an accident furtherdown the road.
хозяйка - informal wife: Me and the missus (= my wife) are going to ourdaughter’s for Christmas. Have you met Jack’s new missus? informal someone’s girlfriend: Who’s your missus, Ben?
вешалка a frame or shelf, often formed of bars, that is used to hold things + in the past, a device to which peoplewere tied that stretched their bodiesby pulling their arms in one directionand their legs in the other direction, usually used as a way of forcing them to give information
duffel bag
вещевая сумка - uk a tube-shaped cloth bag with a circularbottom and a thick string at the top that is used to close it and carry it + us a long bag used for carrying clothes, etc. when you are travelling
скрести - to remove an unwanted covering or a top layer from something, especiallyusing a sharp edge or something rough: [ + obj + adj ] Scrape your boots clean before you come in. We’ll have to scrape the snow off the car before we go out in it.
сумасшедший - silly or stupid: He had lots of loony ideas about education.
парень - a man, often one who is considered to be ordinary: Paul’s a really good bloke (= I like him a lot).
несущественный - small or not noticeable, and therefore not considered important : Why bother arguing about such an insignificant amountof money?
обезьяна - an animal like a large monkey with no tail, that uses its arms to move through trees: Chimpanzees and gorillas are both apes.
отделение - one of the separate areas inside a vehicle, especially a train: a first-class compartment + a separate part of a piece of furniture, equipment, or a container with a particular purpose: a fridge with a small freezer compartment the sleeping/inner compartment in a tent