boom town Flashcards
взрыв the act of exploding something, or the fact of being exploded: Underground nuclear detonations are believed to have been carried out.
расплавление (NUCLEAR) an extremely dangerous situation in a nuclear power station in which the nuclear fuel becomes very hot and meltsthrough its container and escapes into the environment
выскакивать (SOUND) a short, sharp sound like something exploding: I heard a pop and the lights went out.
инкубаторная станция a place for hatching large numbers of eggs, especially fish or chicken eggs
гребень (волны) (TOP) the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill: the crest of a hill/wave
волновать /конвульсия to (cause to) shake violently with suddenuncontrolled movements: to convulse with pain A racking cough convulsed her whole body.
сорока? болтун - a bird with black and white feathers and a long tail: Magpies are attracted to small, shiny objects, which they carry away to their nests. someone who likes to collect many different types of objects, or use many different styles
бекать /мекать /ныть /скулить When a sheep or goat bleats, it makes the typical sound of these animals. informal to complain in an annoying way: She’s always bleating (on) about how badly she’s been treated.
готовность (READY) something that is always ready for use, especially if a regular one fails: Board games are a good standby to keep the childrenamused if the weather is bad. There are standby generators but these usually only have to work for a few hours a year during power cuts.
on standby
When a person or a thing is on standby, they are ready to be used if necessary: Hospitals are on standby ready to deal with casualties from the crash.
умолять (REQUEST) to make an urgent, emotionalstatement or request for something: He was on his knees, pleading for mercy/forgiveness. She appeared on television to plead with the kidnappers. [ + speech ] “Give us more time,” they pleaded.
измерять] (MEASURE) to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device: Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature. I tried to gauge (= guess) the weight of the box.
выдыхать to send air out of your lungs: Take a deep breath in then exhale into the mouthpiece.
вдыхать (BREATHE) to breathe air, smoke, or gas into your lungs: She flung open the window and inhaled deeply.
неволя (SLAVE) literary the state of being another person’s slave (= a person who is ownedby them and has to work for them): The slaves were kept in bondage until their death.
to eat the main meal of the day, usually in the evening: I hate dining alone. We dined by candlelight.
ограбление a crime in which valuable things are taken illegally and often violently from a place or person: a $2 million jewellery heist
форма сигнала
благотворительность helping poor people, especially by giving them money
преследование unfair or cruel treatment over a longperiod of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs: They left the country out of fear of persecution.
/ˌaʊtˈrʌn/ перегнать to move faster or further than someone or something: The men easily outran the police officer who was chasingthem. ОПЕРЕЖАТЬ
(SHORT TIME) uk informal a very short time: Hold on/Hang on a tick - I’m not quite ready. I’ll be with you in a tick/in two ticks.
MARK) uk us usually check a mark (✓) that shows that something is correct or has been done: Put a tick by/against the names of the people who have accepted the invitation.
помешанный silly or stupid: She must be bonkers to do that.
окончательно /наконец-то (WIN) to finally get or win something: I hear he finally clinched the deal to buy the land he wanted.
брюшко uk informalor child’s word for stomach
разрушать] (DESTROY) to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land for something else: A number of houses were demolished so that the supermarket could be built.
to prove that an argument or theoryis wrong: He completely demolished all her arguments.
косвенный намек (the making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly: There’s always an element of sexual innuendo in ourconversations.
расплавленый /литой Molten metal or rock is in a liquid statebecause of great heat: molten glass/lava/lead