FAR's Flashcards
What is the minimum flight visibility and distance from clouds for flight at 10,500’ with a VFR-on-Top clearance during daylight hours? (class E airspace)
- 5 sm vis
- 1,000’ above, 1,00’ below, 1 mile horizontally from clouds
What is the required flight visibility and distance from clouds if you are operating in Class E airspace at 9,500’ MSL w/ a VFR-on-Top clearance during daylight hours?
- 3 sm vis
- 1,000’ above clouds, 500’ below, and 2,000’ horizontally from clouds
During your preflight planning for an IFR flight, you determine that the first airport of intended landing has no instrument approach prescribed in 14 CFR part 97.
The weather forecast for one hour before through one hour after your estimated time of arrival is 3,000’ scattered w/ 5 miles visibility.
To meet fuel requirements for this flight, you must be able to fly to the first airport of intended landing:
then to the alternate airport, and then for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed
Except when necessary for takeoff or landing or unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the minim altitude for IFR flight is:
- 2,000’ above the highest obstacle over designated mountainous terrain
or - 1,000’ above the highest obstacle over terrain elsewhere
Which data must be recorded in the aircraft log or other appropriate log by an pilot making a VOR operational check for IFR operations?
Date, place, bearing error, and signature
Operation in which airspace requires filing an IFR flight plan?
Class E airspace w/ IMC and Class A airspace
When operating under instrument flight rules, a pilot must file an IFR flight plan and have received a clearance from ATC before:
Entering class A, B, C, D or E airspace
You plan to file an airport which has only a VOR approach as your alternate airport. What minimum weather conditions must be forecast for you ETA at at the alternate airport?
800’ ceiling and 2 SM visibility
For aircraft other than helicopters, is an alternate airport required for an IFR flight to ATL (Atlanta) if the proposed ETA is 1930?
TAF KATL 121720Z 121818 20012KT 5SM HZ BKN030
FM2200 33015G20KT P6SM BKN015 OVC040
BECMG 0608 02008KT BKN 040 BECMG 1012 00000KT P6SM CLR=
No, because the ceiling and visibility are forecasted to be at or above 2,000’ and 3 miles within 1 hour before to 1 hour after the ETA
For aircraft other than helicopters, what minim conditions must exist at the destination airport to avoid listing an alternate airport on an IFR flight plan when a standard IAP is available?
From 1 hour before to 1 hour after ETA:
- Forecast ceiling 2,000’ AGL
- Visibility 3 miles
For aircraft other than helicopters, what forecast weather minimums are required to list an airport as an alternate on an IFR flight plan if the airport has VOR approach only?
Ceiling and visibility at ETA:
- 800’
- 2 miles respectively
What are the minimum weather conditions that must be forecast to list an airport as an alternate when the airport has no approved IAP?
Ceiling and visibility at ETA must allow descent from MEA, approach, and landing, under basic VFR
For aircraft other than helicopters, what minim weather conditions must be forecast for your ETA at an alternate airport that has a precision approach procedure, with standard alternate minimums, in order to list it as an alternate for the IFR flight?
- 600’ ceilings
- 2 sm visibility at ETA
In the event of 2-way radio communication failure while operating on an IFR clearance in VFR conditions the pilot should continue:
The flight under VFR and land as soon as practical
When making an instrument approach at the elected alternate airport, what landing minimums apply?
The landing minimums published for the type of procedure selected
A pilot is making an ILS approach and is past the OM to a runway which has a VASI. What action should the pilot take if an electronic glide slope malfunction occurs and the pilot has the VASI in sight?
The pilot may continue the approach and use the VASI glide slope in place of the electronic glide slope
When planning your IFR flight, an alternate is required. What are the minimums for the IAP?
The minimum prescribed for the approach, prescribed for the PIC, or appropriate for the equipment used; whichever is higher
What are the alternate minimums that must be forecast at the ETA for an airport that has a precision approach procedure?
- 600’ ceiling
- 2 miles visibility
If executing an ILS approach, and the runway environment is not in sight when reaching the DA/DH, you should:
immediately execute the missed approach procedure
In the cast of operations over an area designated as a mountainous are, no person may operate an aircraft under IFR below 2,000’ above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of
4 NM from the course flown
An airport without an authorized IAP may be included on an IFR flight plan as an alternate, if the current weather forecast indicates that the ceiling and visibility at the ETA will:
allow for a descent from the MEA, approach, and a landing under basic VFR conditions
(Refer to figure 91.) What are the oxygen requirements for an IFR flight eastbound on V520 from DBS VORTAC in an unpressurized aircraft at the MEA?
The required minimum crew must be provided an use supplemental oxygen
Your aircraft had the static pressure system and altimeter tested an inspected on March 9th of this year, and was found to comply with FAA standards. These systems must be reinspected and approved for use in controlled airspace under IFR by:
March 31, 2 years hence
Which publication covers the procedures required for aircraft accident and incident reporting responsibilities for pilots?
NTSB part 830
Which of these facilities may be substituted for an MM during a complete ILS IAP?
Compass locator and precision radar
Which substitution is appropriate during an ILS approach?
LOC minimums should be substituted for ILS minimums whenever the glide slope becomes inoperative
When is a pilot on an IFR flight plan responsible for avoiding other aircraft?
When weather conditions permit
What is the purpose of FDC NOTAMs?
To advise of changes in flight data which affect instrument approach procedure (IAP), aeronautical charts, and flight restrictions prior to normal publication
You have filed an IFR flight plane with a VFR-on-Top clearance in lieu of an assigned altitude. If you receive this clearance and fly a course of 180°, at what altitude should you fly? (assume VFR conditions)
An even thousand foot MSL altitude plus 500’
Unless otherwise prescribed, what is the rule regarding altitude and course to be maintained during an off airways IFR flight over non-mountainous terrain?
1,000’ above the highest obstacle within 4 NM of course
Unless otherwise prescribed, what is the rule regarding altitude and course to be maintained during an IFR off airways flight over mountainous terrain areas?
2,000’ above the highest obstacle within 4 NM of course
The aircraft’s transponder fails during flight within class D airspace:
No deviation is required because a transponder is not required in Class D airspace
While operating on an IFR clearance within Class C airspace, what service is provided by ATC?
Separation from all IFR and participating VFR aircraft
In addition to a VOR receiver and two-way communications capability, which additional equipment is required for IFR operation in Class B airspace?
An operable coded transponder having mode C capability
To operate an aircraft under IFR in controlled airspace, you must:
File an IFR flight plan and receive ATC clearance
When an aircraft is not equipped with a transponder, what requirement must be met before ATC will authorize a flight within class B airspace?
A request for the proposed flight must be made to ATC at least 1 hour before the flight
Prior to operating an aircraft not equipped with a transponder in Class B airspace, a request for a deviation must be submitted to the :
Controlling ATC facility at least 1 hour before the proposed flgith
Which of the following is required equipment for operating an aircraft within class B airspace?
A 4096 code transponder with automatic pressure altitude reporting equipment
Where are VFR-on-Top operations prohibited?
In class A airspace
When are you required to establish communications with the tower, (class D airspace) if you cancel you IFR flight plan 10 miles from the destination?
Before entering Class D airspace
Which airspace is defined as a transition area when designated in conjunction with an airport which has a prescribed IAP?
The class E airspace extending upward from 700’ or more above the surface and terminating at the base of the overlying controlled airspace
The vertical extent of the Class A airspace throughout the conterminous U.S. extends from
18,000 feet to an including FL600
What are the vertical limits of a transition area that is designated in conjunction with an airport having a prescribed IAP?
700’ AGL or more to the base of the overlying controlled airspace
Which altitude is the normal upper limit for class D airspace?
2,500’ AGL
What is the floor of class E airspace when designated in conjunction with an airport which has an approved IAP?
700’ AGL
What is the floor of class A airspace?
18,000 MSL
What minimum aircraft equipment is required when flying IFR in Class C airspace?
Two way radio communications and Mode C transponder
MOAs are established to
Separate certain military activities from IFR traffic
When should your transponder be on Mode C while on an IFR flight?
At all times if the equipment has been calibrated, unless requested otherwise by ATC
What does declaring ‘minimum fuel’ to ATC imply?
An advisory that indicates an emergency situation is possible
When ATC has not imposed any climb or descent restrictions and aircraft are within 1,000’ of assigned altitude, pilot should attempt to both climb and descend at a rate of between?
500’ per minute and 1,500’ per minute
What is the significance of an ATC clearance which reads “….CRUISE SIX THOUSAND….” ?
Climbs may be made to, or descents made from, 6,000’ at the pilot’s destination
What is the recommended climb procedure when a nonradar departure control instructs a pilot to climb to the assigned altitude?
Maintain an optimum climb on the centerline of the airway without intermediate level-offs until 1,000’ below assigned altitude, then 500’ to 1500’ per minute
What response is expected when ATC issues an IFr clearance to pilots of airborne aircraft?
Read back those parts containing altitude assignments or vectors and any part requiring verification
Which clearance items are always given in abbreviated IFR departure clearance? (assume radar environment)
- Destination airport
- Altitude
- DP name
- Number and or transition if appropriate
On the runup pad, you receive the following clearance from ground control:
An abbreviated clearance contains:
Destination airport and route
You exercise your emergency authority while flying under IFR. ATC may request a detailed report if you:
Received ATC priority
ATC has given you the clearance to “Cruise six thousand”. What does this allow you to do?
Operate anywhere from the minimum IFR altitude up to and including 6,000’
Which rules apply to the PIC when operating on a VFR-on-Top clearance:
When can a VFR-on-Top clearance be assigned by ATC?
Only upon request of the pilot when conditions are indicated to be suitable
Which ATC clearance should instrument rated pilots request in order to climb through a cloud layer or an area of reduced visibility and then continue the flight VFR?
to VFR-on-Top
When on a VFR-on-Top clearance, the cruise altitude is based on
Magnetic course
In which airspace is VFR-on-Top operation prohibited?
Class A airspace
What cruising altitude is appropriate for VFR-on-Top on a westbound flight below 18,000’?
Even thousand foot levels plus 500’, but not below MEA
What reports are required of a flight operating on an IFR clearance specifying VFR-on-Top in a non-radar environment?
The same reports that are required for any IFR flight
What minims must be considered in selecting an altitude when operating with a VFR-on-Top clearance?
Minimum IFR altitude distance from clouds, and visibility appropriate to altitude selected.
What is expected of you as pilot on and IFR flight plan if you are descending or climbing in VFR conditions?
Execute gentle banks, left and right, at a frequency which permits continuous visual scanning of airspace about you
When operating under IFR with a VFR-on-Top clearance, what altitude should be maintained?
A VFR cruising altitude appropriate to the magnetic course being flown and as restricted by ATC
While on an IFR flight plan, you should notify ATC of a variation in speed when:
Average true airspeed changed by 10 knots or 5%
For IFR planning purposes, what are the compulsory reporting points when using VOR/DME or VORTAC fixes to define a direct route not on established airways?
Fixes selected to define the route
From what source can you obtain the latest FDC NOTAMs?
You are departing a non-towered airport with an IFR clearance containing a void time:
You must advise ATC as soon as possible, but no later than 30 minutes of:
- Intentions if not off by the void time
An abbreviated departure clearance
will always contain the name:
of the destination airport filed in the flight plan
Which is true regarding the use of an instrument departure procedure chart?
To use an instrument departure, the pilot must possess either the textual or the graphic form of the approved procedure
When not in radar contact, you should always report:
Departing the FAF inbound
What action should you take if your No.1 VOR receiver malfunctions while operating in controlled airspace under IFR?
Your aircraft is equipped with 2 VOR receivers. The No.1 receiver has VOR/Localizer/Glide slope capability, and the No.2 receiver only has VOR/Localizer capability:
Report he malfunction immediately to ATC
Unless otherwise specified on the chart, the minimum en route altitude along a jet route is:
18,000’ MSL
During the en route phase of an IFR flight, the pilot is advised “radar service terminated”. What action is appropriate?
Resume normal position reporting
What altitude may a pilot select upon receiving a VFR-on-Top clearance?
Any appropriate VFR altitude at or above the MEA in BFR weather conditions
Under which of the following circumstance will ATC issue a VFR restriction to an IFR flight?
When the pilot requests it
You are cruising at 190 knots. ATC instructs you to reduce speed to 160. You comply by reducing
IAS to 160 knots and maintaining that speed plus or minus 10 knots
When is radar service terminated during a visual approach?
Automatically when ATC instructs the pilot to contact tower
During and IFR flight in IMC, a distress condition is encountered, (fire, mechanical, or structural failure). The pilot should:
Immediately declare an emergency and obtain an amended clearance
During an IFR flight in IMC, you enter a holding pattern (at a fix that is not the same as the approach fix) with an EFC time of 1530. AT 1520 you experience complete two-way communications failure. Which procedure should you follow to execute the approach to a landing?
Depart the holding fix at the EFC time, and complete the approach
Which procedure should you follow if you experience two-way communications failure while holding at a holding fix with an EFC time? (the holding fix is not the same as the approach fix)
Depart the holding fix at the EFC time
While flying on an IFR flight plan, you experience two-way communications radio failure while in VFR conditions. In this situation, you should continue your flight under:
VFR and land as soon as practicable and then contact ATC.
If you encounter two-way communications failure in IMC enroute on an IFR flight plan, you should squawk 7600 and :
Continue to fly along your assigned route, at the last assigned altitude or the MEA, whichever is higher
Which procedure should you follow if, during an IFR flight in VFR conditions, you have two way radio communications failure?
Continue the flight under VFR, land as soon as practicable, and advise ATC
What altitude and route should be used if you are flying in IMC and have two way radio communications failure?
Continue on the route specified in your clearance, fly at an altitude that is the highest of last assigned altitude, altitude ATC has informed you to expect, or the MEA
(Refer to figure 87.) While holding at STRUT west of LCH for an ILS approach to RWY 15 at Lake Charles Muni airport, ATC advises you to expect clearance for the approach at 1015. At 1000, you experience two-way radio communications failure. Which procedure should be followed?
Squawk 7600, attempt to contact ATC via the previously assigned frequency. Plan to start your approach at 1015
Preferred IFR routes beginning with a fix, indicate that departing aircraft will normally be routed to the fix by:
an instrument departure procedure (DP), or radar vectors
You need to know the runway closures, runway lighting, and snow conditions. What sources do you use?
Distant (D) NOTAMs
(refer to figure 89.) What type airspace exists above Bryce Canyon Airport from the surface to 1,200’ AGL?
Class G
What facilities, if any, may be substituted for an inoperative middle marker during an ILS approach without affecting the straight in minimums?
Substitution not necessary, minimums do not change
How can a pilot determine if a Global Positioning System (GPS) installed in an aircraft is approved for IFR enroute and IFR approaches?
Flight manual supplement
Under which condition must the PIC of a civil aircraft have at least an instrument rating?
For a flight in VFR conditions while on an IFR flight plan
To operate an aircraft under IFR, a flight plan must have been filed and an ATC clearance received prior to:
entering any controlled airspace including class A airspace
Do regulations permit you to act as PIC of an airplane in IMC if you hold a PPC with ASEL, rotorcraft category, with helicopter class rating and instrument helicopter rating?
No, you must hold either an unrestricted ATP-Airplane certificate or an airplane instrument rating
The PIC of a civil aircraft must have an instrument rating when operating:
under IFR or in weather conditions less than the minimum for VFR flight?
The PIC should ensure that the pressure altitude reporting system has been inspected to comply with 14 CFR Part 43 within the last:
24 calendar months before operating on an IFR flight in controlled airspace
Which additional instrument experience, within the preceding 6 calendar months, is required to meet the req. to act as PIC of an airplane under IFR if you already have: 3 hours in an instrument simulator (including holding, intercepting, and tracking courses), and 2 instrument approaches in an airplane?
Another 4 instrument approaches in the same category and class
A pilot has an IFR flight planned for July 10 of this year. What is the earliest date the pilot can meet the IFR experience req. without having to take an IFR proficiency check?
January 10 this year
A pilot intends to act as PIC on an instrument flight on July 10th of this year. That pilot must have performed and logged
The required instrument currency tasks between January 01 this year and the date of the flight
As PIC, what is the maximum cabin pressure altitude at which a pilot can fly without using supplemental oxygen over 30 minutes.
A pilot plans to make an IFR flight on July 10th of this year. In order to meet the instrument currency requirements, what must the pilot have?
Performed and logged the required tasks and iterations between January 10th of this year and the date of the planned flight
What are the supplemental oxygen requirements of an unpressurized aircraft at 15,000’?
The crew must use oxygen at all times above 14,000’
It has been a month since you last met the requirements of 14 CFR 61.57(c). Assuming you don’t fly anymore, how long until you need to have an instrument proficiency check to act as PIC in IFR?
5 calendar months
To meet the minimum instrument experience req. to serve as PIC of an airplane under IFR, within the last six calendar months, a minimum of six instrument approaches must be conducted:
In a powered airplane/approved simulator
On an IFR flight plan from KDAL to KSAT (2 hour ETE), the weather requires you to file an alternate that is 20 minutes from KSAT. You require an minimum fuel endurance of:
Who is responsible for collision avoidance?
PIC when weather conditions permit
You have 3 instrument approaches (including holding, intercepting and tracking courses) and 2 hours in a simulator in the last 2 months. What additional experience do you need to be current?
3 approaches in actual or simulated IFR in an airplane of the same category and class
When operating under IFr, you must track the centerline of an ATC assigned airway except:
for shallow clearing turns while climbing in VMC
Immediate changes in flight data which affect instrument approach procedure (IAP), aeronautical charts, and flight restrictions prior to normal publications are disseminated by:
FDC notams
The altitude restriction in you IFR clearance is to “Cruise 7,000 FEET”. There is a 5,000 foot MEA on you filed airway. What altitude must you use?
Any intermediate altitude within this block of airspace
What are the minimum fuel requirements in IFR conditions, if the first airport of intended landing is forecast to have a 3,000’ ceiling and 2 miles visibility at flight-planned ETA? Fuel to fly to:
the destination airport, fly to the alternate, and fly thereafter for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed
A person who hold an airplane category commercial pilot certificate without an instrument rating may carry passengers:
on a cross-country flight up to 50 nautical miles, but night flights are prohibited with passengers for hire
When flying in an unpressurized aircraft at 16,000’ MSL, what are oxygen requirements?
Above 14,000’, the required minimum flight crew must use supplemental oxygen
What is the minimum number of instrument approaches required to maintain currency to act as PIC in instrument conditions?
At least six approaches must be made in an aircraft, simulator, or training device appropriate to the desired aircraft.
You have just successfully passed your instrument proficiency check. How long are the recency of experience requirements met for if no further IFR flights are made?
6 calendar months
(Refer to figure 226.) Departing from Lamar Muni (LAA), ceiling is 300’ overcast and visibility 2 SM. How can you obtain an IFR clearance?
Contact Flight Service before taxiing
An abbreviated departure clearance “CLEARED AS FILED” means that:
you are cleared to fly the filed route unless ATC otherwise directs
(Refer to figure 193.) When doing an airborne VOR check over Brownwood airport over the rotating beacon with the VOR set to 169°, your DME shows 6.2 NM and your VOR receiver shows a 5° deflection to the right. You determine that:
this was a successful VOR and DME check
You have an IFR clearance for VFR-on-Top. In a non-radar environment, you should:
make position reports
Which data must be recorded in the aircraft log or other appropriate log by a pilot making VOR operational check for IFR operations?
-Place of operational check
- Amount of bearing error
- Date
- Signature
Under what conditions may you fly above 18,000’ MSL when using BasicMed medical qualification?
Flights above 18,000’MSL is not allowed under BasicMed
What conditions allow a pilot exercising the privileges of BasicMed to act as PIC under instrument flight rules (IFR)?
When the PIC is instrument rated and current
You are flying a heading of 090 with a VFR-on-Top clearance. What altitude do you fly?
Odd thousand, plus 500’
As part of the preflight planning for an flight under IFr, the PIC must:
Consider the runway lengths and takeoff and landing distances, including at the alternate
You experience two way radio communication failure in IMC from STL to OKC. You should:
continue on the route specified in you clearance, fly at an altitude that is the highest of last assigned altitude, altitude ATC has informed you to expect, or the MEA
You are flying a heading of 270° with a VFR-on-Top clearance. What altitude do you fly?
Even thousand plus 500’